The part of the article which dealt with Greg Johnson is somewhat alarming. The tests for restrictions on free speech are "a clear and present danger," and Oliver Wendell Holme's famous phrase of "
falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater." The word falsely is important, because you cannot restrict someone's speech if what they say is true. So, for example, acquiring the numbers of Muslims in the United States through government sources, and then stating that
in your opinion, they want to destroy our alleged culture cannot be characterized as a falsehood, because you are expressing an opinion. Then the burden of demonstrating a clear and present danger would be to show that one's intent was to incite to violence and/or criminality, or that there would be a proximate threat of violence or criminality. Mr. Johnson seems to be carefully stepping through the mine field of hate speech.
These people are supporters of President Plump, and people to whom he would give countenance, were he a little brighter than he appears to be. I clearly recall last summer when White Supremacist groups endorsed Mr. Plump, who made no comment on that fact.