snood wrote:
I believe there is some concert of effort by the Russians and right wing conservatives to keep Hillary front and center, dodging incoming.
The Russians didn't get into our Electoral system, but they sure got into a lot of left-wing heads.
Unless you have some evidence of your preposterous belief, it's just another paranoid conspiracy theory.
I know there's a sense on the left, that the ex-KGB Putin is a sinister manipulator of mythic proportions, and the
Vast Right Wing Conspiracy (VRWC), fueled by Koch Bros billions is damn near omnipotent, but how do you think they are able to pull off getting HRC to keep trying to put herself
front and center?
Hey! Maybe she's been a quisling for the Russkies and the VRWC all along. That might explain how she lost a race that just about everyone thought she would win, and why she ignored the advice of one of the most astute politicians we've seen in America in most of our lifetimes. The whole "deplorable" thing had to be one of the dumbest political moves in decades, but what if it wasn't
dumb, what if it was
clever? What if her finding every opportunity to bleat
"It's not my fault", and blaming everyone but Huma, Chelsea, The Simpsons and herself, is not as pitiful and pathetic as it appears?
To a small extent, it has distracted the rapacious MSM from their coursing of Trump, much the way some birds will feign a woeful injury to distract predators from their nests, or male monkeys will loudly hoot and thrash in branches to divert the attention of leopards so females and the young can escape. However, it really only has resulted in a momentary pause in the MSM's pursuit of their favorite prey. They file their obligatory reports on the latest desperate attempt by last year's
Biggest Loser to garner attention and sympathy, deflect criticism and somehow remain relevant on the American political stage, but then they move on quickly. Two enormous hurricanes have or will hit the US in less than one month, but if they haven't been able to deter the MSM, how might anyone expect the wretched bawling of a disgraced might-have-been Empress would do so? Putin and the Koch Bros are certainly too crafty to waste time and money simply for a few blips in the news cycle.
However, their continued time and money might be worth the investment if HRC's antics cause fissures within the Democrat Party. Since she finally got around to blaming Obama for her loss, she's now incurring the displeasure of mainstream Democrats and not just the
Bernites. If she keeps it up and starts leaking
juicy secrets there could be big problems ahead.
Of course, the problem with the Quisling Theory is that it is incredible that HRC would give up a shot at the White House (
Her turn) for anything Putin and the Kochs might offer. Hard to imagine she could be turned from her Holy Grail by the fact that she
really loves money and
nice things Even a promise by the sinister masterminds to have her somehow installed in the Oval Office, (after they betray
Quisling I and he's removed from office), doesn't seem to be enough incentive to throw a race she should have won, and from which she could have soaked up enough graft to satisfy even her prodigious appetite for the good things in life.
But, we know that Putin is a master of the art of
kompromat which is probably the way he ensnared
Quisling I and the fruits of which he will use to punish him if he keeps on trying to back out of the original deal. Maybe in that certain safe within the bowels of the Kremlin, along with the video of Trump enjoying a
golden shower, there is one that shows Hillary and Huma engaged in equally embarrassing sexual behavior. If Hillary's excuse that Patriarchal America still isn't ready for a woman president is at all accurate, then it's certain it isn't ready for a bull dyke Commander-in-Chief, wielding a chromium steel replica of the infamous
Steely Dan III from Yokohama.
Geeze, this conspiracy stuff is sort of fun.