blatham wrote:
I'm no fan of Ryan or McConnell but there's a very real danger here. Meadows was a key figure in the ouster of John Boehner. He was one of the architects of the 2013 government shutdown. He chairs the Freedom Caucus, the furtherest right of any congressional group. And he's tight with the Koch brothers.
Bannon has recently been working to cement ties between the Kock/libertarian/tea party crowd and the religious right crowd believing that cooperation between both groups is necessary to gain further control of the Republican Party.
To put all this another way, what we're looking at is a growing and well-organized and financed dynamic that is pushing the GOP further and further to the right and towards authoritarianism.
BillW wrote:
.....and, White Supremacy - ohhh, I am suppose to be Politically Correct, AltRight.
It is a continuation of a quote from you. I am relearning how to use this app.