Looking back on some of the success in my life, I really am grateful that the taxpayers in the 80's and 90's were compassionate enough to provide food stamps, free lunch, welfare, for me and my 5 brothers and sisters. Especially when my father broke his back and couldn't work his blue collar job after he was denied workman's compensation by his employer. He sued them of course, but it took 8 years for the lawsuit to finally be won and by that time, the lawyers took most of the benefits. But he was able to get his first back surgery paid for with that court case. Too bad he never could afford the subsequent surgeries and was hardly able to hold down a job for the rest of his life.
I grew up in poverty. 8 people in a 3 bedroom single wide trailer. Charity clothes on my back, blah blah blah.
Now 4 of us kids have college degrees. 3 of us make over 80k/yr. 2 of us own our own businesses (although mine is just getting started). Only one real F-up in the bunch, and the other 5 of us are assisting him.