monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 5 Sep, 2017 09:36 pm
It is worth noting at this point that I have already provided evidence that Sofia/Lash has been attacking the Clintons and Hillary in particular for more than 13 years at this site. Additionally, I would point out something else I've already pointed out: Russia Today and the Russian government have been tweeting attacks on Hillary Clinton for several days, which, of course, obscures the idiocy that is the daily output of President Plump. Conservatives of the internet have taken up the cudgel now, and adopted this truly pathetic and lame diversionary tactic.

Now, that doesn't mean that I'm accusing Sofia/Lash of being, as she hilariously put it, a Russian spy. I'm also not saying that she is an agent of the Republican party. That does not alter that she is participating in this diversionary tactic. Really, don't p*ss down my leg and tell me it's raining.
0 Replies
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 06:07 am
Trump gets millions from golfers who get access

Dozens of lobbyists, contractors and others who make their living influencing the government pay President Trump’s companies for membership in his private golf clubs, a status that can put them in close contact with the president, a USA TODAY investigation found.

Members of the clubs Trump has visited most often as president — in Florida, New Jersey and Virginia — include at least 50 executives whose companies hold federal contracts and 21 lobbyists and trade group officials. Two-thirds played on one of the 58 days the president was there, according to scores they posted online.

Because membership lists at Trump’s clubs are secret, the public has until now been unable to assess the conflicts they could create. USA TODAY found the names of 4,500 members by reviewing social media and a public website golfers use to track their handicaps, then researched and contacted hundreds to determine whether they had business with the government.

The review shows that, for the first time in U.S. history, wealthy people with interests before the government have a chance for close and confidential access to the president as a result of payments that enrich him personally. It is a view of the president available to few other Americans.

Among Trump club members are top executives of defense contractors, a lobbyist for the South Korean government, a lawyer helping Saudi Arabia fight claims over the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the leader of a pesticide trade group that sought successfully to persuade the Trump administration not to ban an insecticide government scientists linked to health risks.

Members of Trump’s clubs pay initiation fees that can exceed $100,000, plus thousands more in annual dues to his companies, held in a trust for his benefit.

The arrangement is legal, and members said they did not use the clubs to discuss government business. Nonetheless, ethics experts questioned whether it’s appropriate for a sitting president to collect money from lobbyists and others who spend their days trying to shape federal policy or win government business.

“I think we’re all in new territory,” said Walter Shaub, who recently resigned as director of the Office of Government Ethics after repeated clashes with the White House. “We never thought we’d see anyone push the outer limits in this way.”


Can't wait to see the justifications for this "swamp draining."
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 06:28 am
They're not feeling any pressure to provide any explanations for any of their crookedness. And they probably think that Plump can pardon anything anyway.
0 Replies
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 06:54 am
Here's Lash's recent reply to me. Let's unpack it. It's actually pretty slick.
I'm not current on what Trump has said about [Hillary] in toto. I don't know how anyone has the stamina to keep up with everything he says.

Neither she nor anyone else has to be "current" on what Trump has said about Hillary because it has been, from the outset, an unvarying avalanche of personal smears demeaning her honesty, her integrity, her contributions to civic life, her leftist bona fides and even her physical appearance. Since he won the election, nothing in his tone and content has changed when he tweets/speaks about Hillary - other than his post-inauguration theme that those protesting against him and all the mainstream media criticizing him are driven by an irrational/emotional cry-baby reaction to him defeating her.

Further, his behavior in all of this was and is duplicated across right wing media from Breitbart through Fox through most everyone else in that universe. It is all designed to divert attention and to mis-assign the sources and motivations behind any criticism of Trump. Focus on Hillary - The Bitch From The Black Lagoon.

And Trump's behavior in this is without precedent. Reagan did not write or speak degradingly every second day about Jimmy Carter. Bush Sr did not did not do this with Dukakis. Bill Clinton did not do this with his defeated opponents. Bush Jr did not do this with Gore or Kerry. Obama did not behave this way as regards McCain nor Mitt Romney. But let's add here the critically important feature that while these GOP individuals behaved with grace and integrity, right wing media behaved quite differently, continuing their assaults on the character of the Dems who were bested electorally.

Lash's claimed ignorance here is not credible. She reads nothing? It's diversion.

"Stamina" is artful. The attached connotation, slightly submerged, points to "Trump Derangement Syndrome".

She does seem to vie for the spotlight, which is true AND stupid

It is certainly not true of her any more than of any other politician who runs or has run for office. First, she was almost completely invisible for many months following the election, saying little or nothing and making no appearances. In the past months, her statements and political appearances have been no more frequent than Mitt Romney or Dick Cheney or Bill Clinton or either of the three Bush family members. The notion that Hillary has inappropriately put herself into a spotlight since the election (motivated by an insatiable need for celebrity or a profane zest for power) arises foremost in the right wing media and secondarily within a small and extreme group of Sanders' supporters.

and a burr in the ass of the ever-popular DNC.

When reading Lash's output, you'll find three targets of her voiced ire/criticism:
- Hillary (and Bill)
- the media
- the DNC
There's been no comparable level of criticism for prior GOP figures or for the RNC. Some generalized "everybody is bad" cover stories but next to nothing in specifics.

The value of the Sanders run to the GOP was his attack of Hillary from the left. That's Lash's game. As Setanta took the time to demonstrate, Lash's political posture once Sanders announced his run has little if any precedent in her previous political writing here.

I don't believe her. And with any luck, that's the last thing I'll have to write on this.

Wed 6 Sep, 2017 07:05 am
Jesus. 185 MPH winds. I cannot imagine anything close to that.
0 Replies
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 07:05 am
I don't believe her. And with any luck, that's the last thing I'll have to write on this.

0 Replies
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 07:46 am
You guys focus exclusively on criticism of Trump and crew. You ignore the crimes of the other crooks.

Americans here who cheerlead one party and don't call all politicians to account strengthen the political morass that thrusted the choice of Clinton and Trump on our country. Lesser of two evils is dead, yet your silly cheerleading keeps it on life support. Stop being part of the problem.

If you were even-handed in your criticism, I wouldn't feel the desire to pull back the curtain on your sacred cow DNC.

I do not read Trump tweets. I don't know what he's said about Clinton. Reading all that requires more stamina than I'm willing to devote.

Plus, I'm a Russian spy. We love Trump and hate those danged Clintons.
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 08:14 am
Non-violent pot smokers - Here's what one liberty-loving, government-is-too-intrusive conservatives want to do with you. For your own good.

The new White House drug czar has quite an idea for where to put nonviolent drug users

As a congressman, Marino called for a national program of mandatory inpatient substance abuse treatment for non-violent drug offenders. "One treatment option I have advocated for years would be placing non-dealer, non-violent drug abusers in a secured hospital-type setting under the constant care of health professionals," he said at a hearing last year.

"Once the person agrees to plead guilty to possession, he or she will be placed in an intensive treatment program until experts determine that they should be released under intense supervision," Marino explained. "If this is accomplished, then the charges are dropped against that person. The charges are only filed to have an incentive for that person to enter the hospital-slash-prison, if you want to call it."
WP h/t Steve Benen
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 08:17 am
You guys focus exclusively on criticism of Trump and crew.

Well, yes — Trump and crew are currently in power.
Lesser of two evils is dead...

No, it's decidedly alive and will continue to exist as long as our choices are reduced to Tweedle-Dum or Tweedle-Dee. I would rather a Justice Garland than a Justice Gorsuch.
If you were even-handed in your criticism, I wouldn't feel the desire to pull back the curtain on your sacred cow DNC.

Where has anyone suggested that the DNC be treated reverently?
I do not read Trump tweets.

I haven't made a practice of intentionally reading them but they are widely reported in the press, and as simplistic as they are, they don't require much stamina to read — 140 characters, right?
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 08:25 am
Hopefully non-Trump related - but contemporary.

A2k's 13th annual NFL pick-um thread is getting started over here


First game is tomorrow night!

Little to no NFL knowledge required. Ability to have fun is a requirement. Hope to see some of you over there.
0 Replies
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 08:29 am
An important bit of propaganda history
The Idea Behind Fox News Channel Originated in the Nixon White House

"A Plan for Putting the GOP on TV News" (read it here) is an unsigned, undated memo calling for a partisan, pro-GOP news operation to be potentially paid for and run out of the White House. Aimed at sidelining the "censorship" of the liberal mainstream media and delivering prepackaged pro-Nixon news to local television stations, it reads today like a detailed precis for a Fox News prototype. From context provided by other memos, it's apparent that the plan was hatched during the summer of 1970.
0 Replies
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 08:39 am
If you were even-handed in your criticism, I wouldn't feel the desire to pull back the curtain on your sacred cow DNC.

Where has anyone suggested that the DNC be treated reverently?

And not just among us here. I've never read anyone speak reverently of the DNC and I read a lot of political writers. So she's not speaking of anything real. She's pushing a right wing meme.

And I will pay five high quality Canadian dollars to anyone who hacks her computer and copies her browser history (minus any dirty bits).
0 Replies
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 08:47 am
NOT EVEN TRUMP VOTERS WANT THE DREAMERS DEPORTED: A new Morning Consult poll finds that 58 percent of Americans think the dreamers should be allowed to stay and become citizens, and another 18 percent say they should be legalized. Only 15 percent favor removing them. And:

The same holds true for Trump’s electoral base. Two-thirds of self-identified Trump voters think the Dreamers should stay; only 26 percent think they should be deported.

It turns out that even Trump’s base doesn’t want to see the dreamers’ protections scrapped. As noted above, this is really nothing more than an empty gesture at this point, albeit one with enormous humanitarian

And Paul Ryan has been utterly despicable here. Big frigging surprise.
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 09:24 am
I favor legalizing all drugs, however, aren't you guys always going on about how addicts need treatment, not incarceration?

You want them sent to one of those spa-like centers designed for affluent addicts?
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 10:02 am
I'm a Trump voter and all I want is for the Law to be executed. I don't have any desire to see these young adults (not children) deported and quite frankly given how tough it's been to deport criminal illegals, I don't think they have that much to worry about. However, it would be a shame if they were deported.

If Congress doesn't want these people (The name "Dreamers" is pure hype) deported, it can pass a new law that I will support the execution of.

The ball is in the court of Congress where it belongs. There needs to be an end to gutless legislators and overreaching Executives.

Wed 6 Sep, 2017 10:05 am
At least one person sees this as an opportunity for Canada


full transcript

U.S. loss but Canada's gain

University of California, Berkeley sociology professor Irene Bloemraad <snip>

"This is a group that has been really vetted and this is one of the reasons that I think that Canada should maybe step up and offer a pathway for at least some of these young people to go and help Canadian society and the Canadian economy."

She argues rescinding the DACA program is a loss for the U.S. but "young people who are currently documented or those who might be eligible would be a net gain to Canada."

"This is a humanitarian issue clearly, as these young people are going to be potentially subject to deportation."

Bloemraad tells Tremonti that economically "Dreamers" who often speak multiple languages other than English would be great for Canadian businesses.

"They have U.S. education. They've often worked in businesses that have branches or offices in Canada. I just don't see how Canada couldn't benefit from bringing some of these young people within Canadian Immigration."
Finn dAbuzz
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 10:15 am
It is if it cherry picks among the 800,000 or so. Not all that altruistic though.
0 Replies
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 10:57 am
Hard to take you seriously when you lambast others for not 'holding all politicians to account.' You don't personally do that very much, either historically or currently, as far as I can see.

Also, I hate that faux-centrist 'holier than either side' bullshit. It posits an equivalency between the two major parties that simply does not exist. The ability of others to see that there is a marked difference in both the goals, behaviors and methods of the two parties doesn't make them inferior to you. Quite the opposite.

Wed 6 Sep, 2017 10:59 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Hell, the GOP can't pass laws their BASE wants, let alone ones the rest of the country wants. What you posit is an impossibility in the current political environment.

0 Replies
Wed 6 Sep, 2017 11:08 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
(The name "Dreamers" is pure hype)

I agree. My skin crawls every time I hear it.
There needs to be an end to gutless legislators and overreaching Executives.

Do we really know that it qualifies as overreaching, though? I thought it was tailored to avoid that problem. If it's good policy I can see why it would be better to be a law rather than an executive action but I don't see why Trump (who seems to be sympathetic to it — lots of statements of "love" thrown around by him) — had to dismantle it and give a deadline. Couldn't he have left it alone and call on Congress to introduce appropriate legislation?

I thought the AG's claim that these non-citizens were "taking American jobs" was clearly just red meat for red states and not based on serious analysis.
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