monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

emmett grogan
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 01:05 pm
Hitler used the Warsaw uprising to justify his use of force in Poland. If only the leftests in Warsaw had just used peaceful and respectful methods, the war in Europe would have been shorter and more humane.

These guys are Nazis, they aspire to it and they are serious about it. Just because Nazis have found their inside voices doesn't mean they aren't dangerous.
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emmett grogan
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 01:06 pm
And Kelly will make a principled exit soon.
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Fri 18 Aug, 2017 01:08 pm
Yes, I think that's clear. Silent vigils and sit-ins are much more effective, me think.
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 01:09 pm
Jane Mayer‏ @JaneMayerNYer 2h2 hours ago
Jane Mayer Retweeted Dave Weigel
It's true: as far as I know, Bannon was the only one inside the White House who openly expressed contempt for the Kochs & other Big Donors.

A very important aspect. Pay attention to this.
emmett grogan
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 01:14 pm
Perhaps you'd like to see how a Russian state newspaper treats the US:


Nasty bunch aren't they?
emmett grogan
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 01:15 pm
He's still thinking, he's still thinking. He's too busy feeling liberated.
0 Replies
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 01:26 pm
Gabriel Sherman‏Verified account @gabrielsherman 2h2 hours ago
Bannon friend says Breitbart ramping up for war against Trump. "It's now a Democrat White House," source says.

And a Breitbart editor just tweeted
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 01:28 pm
NBC Nightly News‏Verified account @NBCNightlyNews 5h5 hours ago
JUST IN: In letter to Pres. Trump, a mass resignation from the presidential arts and humanities committee.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 01:29 pm
izzythepush wrote:

Another OP piece by Anthony Zurcher on Trump and race.

On Wednesday night the talk of Washington was whether Steve Bannon, thanks to his candid interview with Robert Kuttner, the co-founder of the liberal magazine The American Prospect, had ensured his own dismissal as a senior presidential adviser.

On Thursday morning it became readily apparent that, whether or not Mr Bannon remains, Bannonism - if that's what it can properly be called - is firmly entrenched in the White House.

Donald Trump, in a series of tweets, bashed his Republican opponents and the media and defended Confederate Civil War monuments - the cause for which white supremacists and neo-Nazis marched last weekend.

The president appears to be forcing exactly the kind of fight with progressive groups that Mr Bannon, in his interview, said he welcomed.

"The longer they talk about identity politics, I got 'em," Mr Bannon said. "I want them to talk about racism every day. If the left is focused on race and identity, and we go with economic nationalism, we can crush the Democrats."

. . . .


That's "divide and conquer" politics: throwing "red meat" social issues at the people and laughing at them fight among themselves while they retire behind closed doors and divvy up the economic pie filled with money, money, money.

And speaking of money and Trump's alleged "greatness" when it comes to the art of the deal, let's take a look at the deal he encouraged the State of Wisconsin to enter with a Taiwanese company--a deal that will cost the people 3 BILLION dollars:

The Wisconsin State Assembly on Thursday will consider a $3 billion incentive package for a proposed liquid-crystal display factory by Taiwan's Foxconn, the first vote on the deal by a chamber of the state's Republican-controlled legislature.

. . .

Foxconn, Walker and other leaders announced the deal on the incentives last month in a White House ceremony. It must now be approved by lawmakers.

The 20 million-square-foot LCD plant would initially employ 3,000 people, but Walker and Foxconn said the company could ultimately employ 13,000 at the site.

. . .

Wisconsin would not break even on the incentive package for at least 25 years, according to a legislative analysis released last week.


This a THREE BILLION dollar incentive to a foreign company with no guarantee the company will pay its workers a decent wage or even use local citizens. For all we know, the company might follow Trump's example and hire low-wage foreigners via work visas. No guarantee that the foreign company will remain in the state long enough for the state to break even on the incentive package.

Compare the THREE BILLION dollar incentive encouraged by Trump as set forth above to FOXCONN (ironic name, by the way) with the incentives given to AMAZON (Inc.com link):

Last week Jeff Bezo's Amazon announced plans to acquire Whole Foods for a whopping $13.7 billion. Amazon, the once online bookstore and now largest Internet-based retailer in the world has set its eyes on dominating the online grocery business. Amazon's growth however extends beyond its multi-level sales strategy.

Amazon's expansion can be in part attributed to its economic development team. Responsible for its site selection process and the execution of economic development, infrastructure, and tax related incentive negotiations, applications and legal incentive agreements; the well-oiled economic development team has secured millions of dollars in tax credits and incentives across the nation for the online retailer.

Below are five states Amazon's economic development team has been tremendously successful in:

1. Connecticut
In exchange for $15 million in Urban and Industrial Sites Reinvestment tax, $5 million in credits if Amazon surpasses initial job targets, and sales and use tax exemption of up to $5 million on equipment and construction materials, Amazon is building a $255 million new state-of-the-art 855,000 square-foot fulfillment center in New Haven and employing 1,800 new full-time employees.

2. Pennsylvania
In Pennsylvania, Amazon committed to expanding its fulfillment and distribution operations at multiple new sites creating 5,000 new jobs and investing at least $150 million over three years. In return, the Department of Community and Economic Development offered $5 million Pennsylvania First Program grant, $15 million in Job Creation Tax Credits to be distributed upon creation of the new jobs, and $2.25 million in Workforce and Economic Development Network of Pennsylvania funding for employee training.

3. Illinois
Illinois offered Amazon more than $112 million in Economic Development for a Growing Economy tax credits in three separate deals for 7,200 new jobs to build and operate facilities in Aurora, Monee, and Joliet. The City of Aurora offered an additional $400,000 property tax abatement.Last week Jeff Bezo's Amazon announced plans to acquire Whole Foods for a whopping $13.7 billion. Amazon, the once online bookstore and now largest Internet-based retailer in the world has set its eyes on dominating the online grocery business. Amazon's growth however extends beyond its multi-level sales strategy.

4. Maryland
Over $40 million in tax credits including $35.3 million in Enterprise Zone tax credits, $5.5 million in One Maryland tax credits, $1.7 million in estimated tax credits for job creation, and a $1.25 million forgivable loan, helped lure Amazon to Maryland as the company pledged to build a 1 million-square-foot warehouse in an economically distressed area of Baltimore, as well as create 1,000 jobs.

5. Wisconsin
Amazon's $141 million newly constructed distribution center in Kenosha, Wisconsin that was expected to generate 1,100 jobs received $7 million in Enterprise Zone tax credits from The Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation.

Amazon is highly successful and was happy to receive a 7 million incentive to generate 1,100 jobs in Wisconsin, whereas Trump encouraged the state to provide 3 BILLION incentive that may only create 3,000 jobs.

Anyway, we're fighting over red meat issues--with Trump firing up the fascist wing of his supporters--while Steve Bannon is laughing at the manipulated Neo-Nazi crowd (calling them clowns because they are useful idiots)--and then they retreat to the back rooms as usual to make economic deals and fill their pockets with money.
0 Replies
emmett grogan
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 01:45 pm

Trump Will Resign Before Mueller Finishes Investigation, 'Art of the Deal' Writer Says
"The circle is closing at blinding speed."

Tim Marcin
Posted with permission from Newsweek

The guy who helped President Donald Trump write his seminal book "The Art of the Deal" said the former reality TV star will soon leave the White House on his own accord.

In a series of tweets Wednesday, Tony Schwartz—who co-authored the 1987 book that helped define the real estate magnate's public image—said he thought the walls were closing in on Trump and he would soon leave office in an attempt to save face.

Every tweet Schwartz sent Wednesday was about Trump. "Think of Trump as a toddler w/ reactive attachment disorder, and therefore in a permanent virulent tantrum. His development ended at age 7," he posted, later adding, "Remember that every time Trump criticizes and demeans someone he is projecting his deep sense of inadequacy & self-hatred onto others."

Later he wrote in a series of three tweets that Trump's end would come before the year was out. "The circle is closing at blinding speed. Trump is going to resign and declare victory before Mueller and congress leave him no choice," Schwartz tweeted. "Trump's presidency is effectively over. Would be amazed if he survives till end of the year. More likely resigns by fall, if not sooner."

For the Americans who don't support Trump—that's a lot of folks considering the president's approval rating is hovering about 37 percent—Schwartz warned they have to keep the pressure up if they want the billionaire to resign. "Trump must be isolated. Resistance every day. The end is near but must keep pressure high," he tweeted.

Schwartz, now the CEO of The Energy Project, has been a critic of Trump as he ascended to the White House and has regularly tried to explain how the president goes about making decisions. Schwartz wrote in The Washington Post in May that for Trump "didn't value—nor even necessarily recognize—the qualities that tend to emerge as people grow more secure, such as empathy, generosity, reflectiveness, the capacity to delay gratification or, above all, a conscience, an inner sense of right and wrong." Instead, everything for him was transactional and considered a win or a loss. If that were true, then it would stand to reason that Trump would the desert the presidency before it could be considered an unsalvageable loss.

Oddsmakers seem to feel similarly to Schwartz. The latest odds from bookmaker Ladbrokes, for instance, gave Trump an about 48 percent chance of not finishing his first term due to either impeachment or resignation.
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 02:21 pm
How long before Trump starts a tweet-storm about how he's being railroaded out of his job by the alt-center?
Debra Law
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 02:38 pm

Is it possible that Trump and Bannon, et al., might be orchestrating an American version of the Reichstag fire? the pretext that Hitler used to pressure the people's representatives to declare a state of emergency and pass an "enabling act", which endowed Hitler with power to rule by unilateral decree?

Is it possible that Trump's dangerous twittering and war-mongering crazy talk about foreign leaders/nations and fomenting hate and divisions among the people in the "homeland" serves an agenda? After all, we have nukes, why can't we use them--as Trump openly asked?

It has always troubled me that our government formed a "Department of HOMELAND Security" after 9/11. The word "homeland" was used by the Nazis for indoctrination purposes.

Isn't it true that Trump and his ilk have been using Hitler's playbook, including but not limited to the "BIG LIE" strategy ... propaganda ... changing the meaning of words (a lie is not a lie, it's an "alternative fact") ... projection (accusing others of their own sins)....

Is it possible that an event could take place that would serve as "justification" to suspend the upcoming 2018 elections and whereby Congress or POTUS could declare an emergency state of marshall law with POTUS taking power to rule by unilateral decree? (With perhaps uncontrollable wild-card Trump soon ousted and Pence taking his place?)

And what next? Internment/concentration/death camps for the evil "globalists" and "alt left" people (the terms they call the opposition/protestors and even though there is no alt-left)? With Trump's modern day version of "General Pershing" (or perhaps Vlad the Impaler) in charge of these camps to terrorize people and crush dissent?

Isn't it possible that the "alt-right" people (White -- mostly those who claim to be Christian -- Nationalists) have been working in many ways and for many years to foment the conditions necessary to infiltrate every level of government and to seize all power? Where is this all heading? a repeating cycle of history because we're all too stupid to learn from the past? Shouldn't we all be concerned and collectively resist while doing so may still be possible?

Fri 18 Aug, 2017 02:41 pm
InfraBlue wrote:

"Supposed, i.e. presumed to be true or real without conclusive evidence, participants" means those people that they claim protested along with the white supremacists who aren't white supremacists but joined them to protest the removal of a statue.

You might also try following a thread more closely before commenting.

Righty ho! You agreed with me, but still had to slip in a sly little insult
old europe
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 02:43 pm
blatham wrote:
Others on the left disagree, saying antifa’s methods harm the fight against right-wing extremism and have allowed Mr. Trump to argue that the two sides are equivalent. These critics point to the power of peaceful disobedience during the civil rights era, when mass marches and lunch-counter protests in the South slowly eroded the legal enshrinement of discrimination.

I think protests and resistance should be non-violent and peaceful, because peaceful resistance and disobedience as a means to stand up against what is wrong is self-evident, and is the morally right thing to do.

Going down the road of evaluating any course of action in resistance to Trump by anticipating how it will be interpreted by Trump is futile. This is a President who has been maligning, slandering, insulting and agitating against anyone and everyone, without distinction. This is a President who has been giving approving nods to use violence against non-violent protesters at his campaign rallies. This is a President who eagerly and maliciously attacks fellow Republicans for acting in the best interests of their own constituents rather than turning on them in order to give him personally "a win."

I don't think the way to stand up to Trump should be determined by what any given course of action "allows Mr. Trump to argue."
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 02:47 pm
I am feeling like I am about to wade into troubled waters (...)

I'm diving in headfirst.

I have to say, I don't agree with the 'Antifa' methods or justification and think they do harm than good by giving fodder to the likes of Trump to equate those who oppose nazis and white supremacists with Nazis and white supremacists.

I'd have agreed with you wholeheartedly before the rise of Trump and the brigade of adolescent kooks he's inspired. I think the rational opposition needs to keep the antifa faction at an arm's length and differentiate themselves and their tactics but I can't really agree with the comparison to the non-violent civil rights protestors. They were performing acts of civil disobedience and were brutally repressed by the state. Trump's armed white supremacists may claim to be protesting the removal of a statue but their real goal is to intimidate those who don't agree with them, whom they label as weak. If a subset of the opposition (and that's all it is, a small minority) wants to counter them with force I know what side I'll be cheering for.

The country's descended into a pit from which it may never fully emerge. Let loose the vermin.
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 03:01 pm
I love that joke!
0 Replies
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 03:04 pm
Wait a minute. You were being ironic in your post?
0 Replies
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 03:19 pm
I'd have to go look, but I think not.. I skip a lot of documentaries because I'm hard of hearing, people talk too fast for me to get it, even with the CC help, which also goes too fast since it needs to keep up with the documentary, plus the iMac monster in the house has gotten fuzzier recently. I'm an impatient lass, you know.
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 03:26 pm
@old europe,
I don't think the way to stand up to Trump should be determined by what any given course of action "allows Mr. Trump to argue."
I agree with that. Trump's possible/likely responses are irrelevant. Let me clarify my intended meaning.

There is a public relations consideration as well as the moral considerations you mention (with which I concur). If those representing a stance contrary to the "alt-right" withhold from acts of violence and destruction and refrain from projecting any image of preparedness or willingness for violence and destruction, then the "alt-right" will stand in isolation as extremists, as dangerous and as destructive or criminal entities/persons.

Though Trump's personal responses appear irrelevant to me, we do have the situation now of a binary media universe and removing opportunities for RW media to make the sort of equivalence claims we've all just witnessed will surely aid in disarming their propagandist narratives.

In the fight for citizen opinion and consensus, which civil rights leaders (and other movement leaders) have necessarily undertaken, disarming so well as one can manage, such propagandist opportunities was a complimentary strategy to a merely moral way forward, don't you think?
0 Replies
Fri 18 Aug, 2017 03:28 pm
Give it a try

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