monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 22 Jul, 2017 03:16 pm
Isn't the bible against sardony?
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 03:17 pm
Only male to male sardony.
0 Replies
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 03:18 pm
Your thinking of thespians 🎭
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 03:21 pm
Quite often, as it happens.
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 03:26 pm
Full transparency: but just the passionate hobbyists.
0 Replies
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 04:08 pm
Making up stuff about me and badmouthing our president won't change the reality that McCain is a surrendering coward.
who, upon ejecting from his F-4 carried serious wounds . It was up to the NVF to decide whether to kill him pr not, he wqs pretty much disabled in his harness. You appear to have settled upon agreeing with Trump without any QA'ing of his words. WOW youre easy.
ANYWAY I merely comment on your own words in drafting my response. Do you now say that you too(like our ADD Liar -in-chief) are a liar?? OK, Ill buy that.

Sat 22 Jul, 2017 04:08 pm
Oralloy wrote (with no discernible sense of irony):

I, on the other hand, always do the right thing and stand strong against evil. I actually make the world a better place with my presence.

I tell ya, you can't make this **** up.
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 04:28 pm
He's not just gone through the looking glass, he's shoved it up his ******* arse.
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 04:34 pm
Just how much difference is there between you and oralloy, Snood? You both rabidly support US war criminals and terrorists. You both deny reality with a

You could be kissing cousins.
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 04:36 pm
oral is of the genus Lemmus Trumptaeii. When Trump jumps off the cliff, there will be a body pile-up of his followers.
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 04:38 pm
oralloy is your brother in lies, farmerman. He was as scientific as you were in your dismal showing.
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 05:31 pm
US President Donald Trump has insisted he has the "complete power" to pardon people, amid reports he is considering presidential pardons for family members, aides and even himself.
A Democratic Party spokesman has called the reports "extremely disturbing".
The US authorities are probing possible collusion between the Trump team and Russia. Intelligence agencies think Russia tried to help Mr Trump to power.
Russia denies this, and the president says there was no collusion.
The Washington Post reported on Thursday that Mr Trump and his team were looking at ways to pardon people close to him.
Presidents can pardon people before guilt is established or even before the person is charged with a crime.
Describing the reports as disturbing, Senator Mark Warner, a Democrat who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, said "pardoning any individuals who may have been involved would be crossing a fundamental line".
On Saturday, Mr Trump tweeted: "While all agree the U. S. President has the complete power to pardon, why think of that when only crime so far is LEAKS against us. FAKE NEWS."

0 Replies
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 05:34 pm
Fox News - Making Americans Who Watch Even More Stupider Every ******* Day of the Week
David Frum‏Verified account
Fox Business News reports on an under-appreciated achievement of the Trump presidency http://nation.foxnews.com/2017/07/20/varney-six-months-and-trump-already-made-america-4-trillion-richer …

And just what did Stuart Varney tell his Fox audience? Glad you asked.
Also, during this presidency, 5 American companies have emerged as global technology leaders. You know their names: Apple, Amazon, Alphabet, Microsoft and Facebook. It’s a technology world, and American companies have seized the future.
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 05:37 pm
Fox News - Making Americans Who Watch Even More Stupider Every ******* Day of the Week
David Frum‏Verified account

Isn't Frum a stupid Canadian?
old europe
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 05:38 pm
blatham wrote:

Christopher D. Long‏
Why does Trump think health insurance costs $12/year? Because Gerber advertises life insurance for babies on Fox News for about that price.
9:21 AM - 22 Jul 2017

I hope we all understand that this is entirely plausible.

Of course it is.

It seems fairly obvious that he has absolutely no clue what health insurance even is. It's never been an issue for him, and he likely doesn't understand - at all - what the whole fuss is about. And can't be bothered to find out about it, either.

As far as he knows, the big problem here is that Obamacare is named for the guy he's despised for so many years now, so obviously that has to go. That's what he promised. That's what he wants. And whenever he made that promise at his campaign rallies, people were cheering for him. So it's gotta be right.

Just before his inauguration, he promised "insurance for everybody." Then he had a little celebration party in the Rose Garden - champagne and all - over a bill that was going to cost 24 million people their health insurance. And just this week, he made it clear that he would also sign a bill that fully repealed Obamacare and kicked 32 million people off of health insurance. Or just let Obamacare collapse. Or sign repeal-and-replace. It's not like those details matter, as long as he can claim some kind of victory.

And realistically, how much could health insurance possibly cost? $12 a year? $15 a month?

Sat 22 Jul, 2017 05:38 pm
The little children down vote because they are from the land of the "brave".

Scared to find out about farmerman, or is it oralloy you are all so concerned about?
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 05:38 pm
Actually he ejected from an A-4 ( Skyhawk) on an otherwise successful bombing mission against the Hanoi thermal power plant. He was badly injured in the ejection (broken collar bone etc.), injuries which were exacerbated by the very rough treatment he got when he was removed by the locals from the lake he landed in. The odd somewhat rigid way he holds his arms is a result of subsequent torture in the Hanoi Hilton (a favorite was to tie the subject to a straight back chair, tightening the bonds until the subjects elbows touched behind his back, and leaving him that way for hours.

A few months earlier there had been a massive flight deck fire on his ship, the carrier Oriskany: an ill-positioned power unit cooked off a rocket on a loaded aircraft as it and about 30 others were getting ready for launch. The rocket hit an adjacent aircraft, igniting its fuel tanks: cascading events quickly engulfed the aft section of the flight deck. and the aircraft there. in flames. There were many casualties, and the flight deck films of the event were studied by most of us in carrier aviation at the time. In the film there's a dramatic segment of a pilot in one of the aircraft, engulfed in flames, climbing out of his cockpit and adroitly walking out the narrow refueling boom sticking out the front of an A-4 and jumping down just outside the rising and spreading flames. That too was John McCain.
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 05:42 pm
injuries which were exacerbated by the very rough treatment he got when he was removed by the locals from the lake he landed in. The odd somewhat rigid way he holds his arms is a result of subsequent torture in the Hanoi Hilton (a favorite was to tie the subject to a straight back chair, tightening the bonds until the subjects elbows touched behind his back, and leaving him that way for hours.

Lies from the liar in chief. His POW mates tell a mighty different story, georgeob1.

John Mccain Exposed By Vietnam Vets And Pow's


Did you take part in that same set of massive US war crimes against the people of SE Asia?

Are you one of the land of the "brave" who will now flee?
0 Replies
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 05:54 pm
@old europe,
It seems fairly obvious that he has absolutely no clue what health insurance even is. It's never been an issue for him, and he likely doesn't understand - at all - what the whole fuss is about. And can't be bothered to find out about it, either.
Indeed. As is the case with pretty much every policy issue he speaks on. Not to mention his comments on subjects like history. I expect you read his interview this week with the NYT? This is truly terrifying.
0 Replies
Sat 22 Jul, 2017 06:05 pm
blatham wrote:

Fox News - Making Americans Who Watch Even More Stupider (sic) Every ******* Day of the Week

pot ******* kettle

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