monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Thu 13 Jul, 2017 10:00 pm
Watergate dragged on for an agonizing period of time. Nixon had a group of die-hards that never admitted to themselves that Nixon abused the power of the Presidency. Nixon pardoned not one of members of his merry bunch of thieves who willingly violated US law and any semblance of decency to keep that sociopath snug in the Oval Office. (they went to prison) Trump doesn't have the talent of a Nixon nor the smarts and he far surpasses Nixon as a power mad moron staring at a TV and plots dire paybacks to Talk-Show hosts or anybody who crosses him (real or imagined). But just like Nixon, he has a cast of supporters who cannot admit they support a corrupt and indecent man, they will hang in to the bitter end and even longer , because just like Trump and Nixon, they never make mistakes. Mistakes can only be made by the smug elites who think they are better than everyone else and frankly that's the crux of the matter.....the dumbs shits refuse to become informed and they hate those smarty pants people who ******* read and research because they fear the smarty pants people really are smarter than they are. If they weren't so ******* lazy, they could pick up a paper and read an opposing view, maybe INFO-WARS is not their friend and succeeds because it peddles a level of **** to the Jerry Sringer Fans, and those folks who can't get enough of "Real Housewives", Bridezilla or any of those shows that cater to outrageously vulgar wannabes. The sleazy smarty pants elites watch PBS and other dull things just so they can make the Trump and Nixon supporters feel insecure. It's ******* annoying.
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 13 Jul, 2017 11:00 pm

It's so essential that our FEC commissioners travel the world giving speeches and spreading the good word about free democratic elections...especially the Democrats because they're members of the only US political party that is free of corruption, totally transparent, and would never risk the sanctity of our election process by taking money from foreign governments and groups in order to be able to travel to exotic locations (And squeeze in a little R&R. Well deserved of course because it's grueling phoning in to regular meetings for 2 months)

This **** is so commonplace people are numb to it (if they know about it at all) Nice to see at least a couple of news outlets are shining some light into the moldy FEC shadows.

Federal Election Commission (FEC) officials have withheld public documents for years, some of which would expose details about Democrats’ taxpayer- and foreign-funded travel, The Daily Caller News Foundation’s Investigative Group has learned.

Four unfulfilled requests, including the oldest, seek records related to FEC commissioners’ travel. These documents are especially relevant because of a recent report showing the Democratic members of the commission have taken at least 50 trips funded by foreign groups, governments and U.S. taxpayers since 2002.

Additionally, foreign groups funded overseas travel for Democratic FEC Commissioner Ellen Weintraub who recently proposed a plan to defend against foreign influence in U.S. elections following allegations of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential contest, TheDCNF previously revealed.

None of the current Republican commissioners have taken such trips.

Weintraub also took a tax-paid $9,200 trip to Indonesia that an FEC itinerary showed included a five-day gap between official events.

then-FEC Commissioner Ann Ravel, for example, took two foreign-funded trips to Brazil and three domestic trips to give speeches and attend panels at various colleges across the country between 2015 and 2016, The Washington Free Beacon previously reported. Ravel took another five international trips between October 2013 and September 2014, according to The Blaze.

She also nixed a foreign-funded trip to Ecuador after facing criticism, the Free Beacon reported in February. In fact, Ravel had asked the FEC to hold a special session to vote on her travel request after having phoned in to regular meetings for two months prior
Finn dAbuzz
Thu 13 Jul, 2017 11:10 pm

I don't think "exclusive scoop" means what she thinks it does.

This at least the second time she's exaggerated a story and then insinuated that the source of the blockbuster document she got her hands on was the White House.

Don't worry though, her and her crack investigative team are working on tracking down the source of the forged document...they're bound to eventually stumble across Glenn Greenwald's podcast.

Thu 13 Jul, 2017 11:26 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
She and her crack team. Not her and her team........

you wouldn't say 'her is tracking down a source'
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 01:24 am
I think he would.
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 02:34 am
More backtracking from president fart.

President Donald Trump says his proposed border wall may not need to cover the whole US frontier with Mexico because of existing natural barriers.
He told journalists travelling on Air Force One to France that it also needed to be transparent, to offer border guards visibility into Mexico.
He also reiterated his desire the final design would involve solar panels.
Building the wall, and having it paid for by Mexico, was one of Mr Trump's key campaign promises.
Now, almost six months into his presidency, it seems he is acknowledging some of the geographical and practical difficulties of such a construction.

0 Replies
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 02:56 am
He also said the wall would have to be transparent, using an offbeat example to explain why.

“When they throw large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don’t see them — they hit you on the head with 60 pounds of stuff? It’s over,” he said. “As crazy as that sounds, you need transparency through that wall.”

Fri 14 Jul, 2017 04:41 am
izzythepush wrote:

I think he would.

Could't help myself, it's a pet peeve of mine.......But it seems to be creeping into the everyday language.......eeeeeekkkkk
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 04:44 am
more 'off his rocker' than 'off the record'.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 05:46 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
The FEC has become a complete joke for other reasons too, eh, Finn;

In addition to submitting her resignation from the Federal Election Commission this week, Ann Ravel is leaving behind some scathing last words in a report condemning the “dysfunction and deadlock” of the agency she chaired.

“While the FEC’s employees strive to fulfill its mission, the Commission itself—made up of six Commissioners—is not performing its duty,” Ravel wrote. “A bloc of three Commissioners routinely thwarts, obstructs, and delays action on the very campaign finance laws its members were appointed to administer.”

President Trump is tasked with nominating a replacement, who must be confirmed by the Senate. The remaining five commissioners are all serving beyond the ends of their terms — in some cases way beyond.


A "complaint" (not a criminal matter, but simply an administrative process) has been filed with the FEC arguing that Junior's agreement to meet with the russian attorney constituted the solicitation of an illegal campaign contribution.

Good luck with that, cheese-eaters.
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 05:50 am
Stuff like that pisses me off too, but what do you expect? Trump's supporters aren't exactly the most educated bunch of people.
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 05:53 am
The BBC article is in metric, but it's still made clear that Trump is talking out of his arse.

Mr Trump said it was vital the new construction was transparent to protect border guards from drug traffickers.

"As horrible as it sounds, when they throw the large sacks of drugs over, and if you have people on the other side of the wall, you don't see them," he said.

"They hit you on the head with 27kg of stuff? It's over."

Drug traffickers have used catapults and other innovative methods to transfer their illegal cargo, says the BBC's Will Grant in Mexico.

However, tunnels are far more common, and it is certainly not clear that any border guards have been injured in the way that Mr Trump described, our correspondent adds.

0 Replies
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 06:03 am
A key Federal Election Commission Republican warned Wednesday that liberals are moving aggressively to "amend the First Amendment"...

"The general tenor of the Left in American politics today has certainly spoken out against First Amendment rights. It has been a reversal over the last 50 years," he added, citing FDR Democrats who defended socialists and communists.

Democrats on the FEC have led the attacks, publicly calling for reversal of Citizens United and even for regulating conservative news sites like the Drudge Report.

They have also treated complaints against conservatives differently and tougher than those against Democrats or left-leaning outlets.


Fortunately, these cheese-eating commissioners who want to abolish the First Amendment by administrative fiat don't have enough votes to prevail. Not that it would matter in the long run. They would just be overturned by the Supreme Court again, as they have in the past.

0 Replies
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 06:11 am
President Trump is tasked with nominating a replacement, who must be confirmed by the Senate. The remaining five commissioners are all serving beyond the ends of their terms — in some cases way beyond.

Trump will pack this entire six man commission with members of his choosing. No more attempts to suppress free speech after that. You're losing your subversive tendentious influence, cheese-eaters.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 06:31 am
It's SEXIST, I tellzya!!

Trump embroiled in ANOTHER sexism scandal after remarks to Macron's wife Brigitte Trogneux

DONALD Trump has become embroiled in another sexism scandal after he claimed Emmaneul Macron’s 64-year-old wife Brigitte Trogneux was “in such good shape."

In the video, Mr Trump is seen telling Ms Trogneux she is in “such good physical shape”, before turning to Mr Macron and saying “beautiful”.


Absolutely SCANDALOUS, sho nuff!

Cheese-eating Limey mofos.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 07:40 am
izzythepush wrote:

Stuff like that pisses me off too, but what do you expect? Trump's supporters aren't exactly the most educated bunch of people.

Not by and large, but how do you account for the ones that are? Cognitive dissonance? Terminal tribalism?
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 07:48 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Everybody else and his brother says this document is "obviously" fake, while Rachel calls it "fairly convincing." What's that tell ya about her gullibility, eh?

“Somebody, for some reason, appears to be shopping a fairly convincing fake NSA document that purports to directly implicate somebody from the Trump campaign in working with the Russians in their attack in the election,” Maddow said.

"Shopping" it around, eh? If she hadn't found out that this was fake by talking to others who had also received it, it would have gone straight to the evening news. God only knows how much "fairly convincing" trash CNN has broadcast.

0 Replies
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 08:04 am
U.S. judge narrows travel ban in defeat for Trump

July 13- President Donald Trump's temporary ban on travelers from six Muslim-majority countries cannot stop grandparents and other relatives of United States citizens from entering the country, a U.S. judge said on Thursday.

The ruling by U.S. District Judge Derrick Watson in Honolulu also opens the door for more refugees and deals Trump a fresh courtroom defeat in a long back-and-forth over an executive order that has gone all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The state of Hawaii had asked Watson to narrowly interpret a Supreme Court ruling that revived parts of Trump's March 6 executive order banning travelers from Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days, as well as refugees for 120 days.

The Supreme Court last month said the ban could take effect, but that anyone from the six countries with a "bona fide relationship" to a U.S. person or entity could not be barred.

The Trump administration then interpreted that opinion to allow spouses, parents, children, fiancés and siblings into the country, but barred grandparents and other family members, in a measure Trump called necessary to prevent attacks.

Watson harshly criticized the government's definition of close family relations as "the antithesis of common sense" in a ruling that changes the way the ban can now be implemented.

"Common sense, for instance, dictates that close family members be defined to include grandparents. Indeed, grandparents are the epitome of close family members," he wrote.

The rest at Reuters
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 08:08 am
After the full Supreme Court hearing this fall, NO relatives will be exempted from the ban. That exception was just a temporary compromise.
0 Replies
Fri 14 Jul, 2017 08:11 am
The John Wayne fantasy self image. The folks who think they have raised themselves up to a certain station in life entirely on their own. They of course never needed anything that the taxpayer provide such as air traffic controllers, NIH research, hospitals, coast guard, interstate highways, library's, National Parks, postal service, fire departments, sure as hell don't need police protection as long as you exercise your right to carry guns, and forget about those God-less government so-called public schools......if God wanted your children to attend secular schools he wouldn't have directed the US taxpayer to pay for vouchers so other people's children can attend Church schools.....

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