I wrote I wouldn't be
surprised. The article you quoted provided all I needed to call
bullshit, however I did listen to the embedded audio files and while Media Matters didn't alter any of the words they quoted, listening to the files confirmed that they distorted what he said.
I don't recall anyone calling for the "ring wing media" to be shut down after Ms Giffords was shot, but that of course doesn't mean no one did, but it's immaterial since even Savage (according to the quotes used in the article you cited and the embedded audio files) didn't call for the "left wing media" to be shut down.
In any case, if Savage is such a hate filled lunatic why should anyone care what he said? Because some people may agree with him? Plenty of people don't agree with him and there is absolutely no reason to believe that his comments will actually inspire an effort, either at the grass roots or in Congress, to a) shut down the left wing media b) have the government take control of the media in general, social media, or twitter or c) have Rachel Maddow and others removed from the airwaves by the federal government
If fact the only things among these three
fears that can even be attributed to him as
possibly his suggestions are the government taking over Twitter and some other unspecified social media sites which is ridiculous and isn't going to happen anytime soon.
Quote:As regards to what republicans will or not do, who knows.
Well, who knows if the Sun will rise tomorrow morning? There are a lot of things we don't know but can safely assume and one is that the Republican controlled congress is not going to bring in the heads of CNN and MSNBC and make them tell them what they are doing to curtail
the sneering hatred of Rachel Maddow or any other employee.
The practice of finding outrageous comments from a single figure on the right or the left and then implying or flat out claiming that the person somehow is speaking for all, most or a significant amount of people on the right or the left is pretty common in this forum, and it holds virtually no worth in terms of a contribution. When there is a linked external source distorting the comments in it's presentation of them, the practice enters the realm of dishonesty. I'm not accusing you of dishonesty here, but at some point your continued reliance on as partisan
and dishonest a site as Media Matters; as a purveyor of the truth is telling us something about you that is not flattering.