monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 9 Jun, 2017 02:58 pm
blatham wrote:
Probably, the one thing we can take from yesterday's hearing is that there is now no way the investigation into Russian election manipulation and possible ties to that with individuals in Trump's campaign/administration cannot now be derailed and is a matter under very serious and thorough investigation. That's a very good thing given what we already know about Russia's involvement in the US and Europe and the threats this poses. Also under investigation will be Trump's own and his associates financial dealings with Russia and whether these factors have relevance and security/policy ramifications of a potentially criminal nature. A Republican-controlled congress cannot be counted on to do this right. And now we don't have to count on that.

We can always tamp down the witch hunts by outlawing the Democratic Party in America.
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:11 pm
blatham wrote:

I don't seek your admiration

Everyone seeks my admiration. This has been the great burden of my life.

Well here's a tip to help relieve you of some measure of your burden: Make yourself scarce on internet discussion forums. Less exposure; less admirers
0 Replies
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:11 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,

Despite Comey's carefully tailored implications, he didn't lay out a case of obstruction of justice and he admitted that Trump wasn't under investigation before he was fired and that he told him so three times...just as Trump claimed.

It wasn't really up to Mr. Comey to lay out a case of obstruction of justice in this hearing. And it's very possible that there was no technical obstruction of justice. But I think Mr. Comey's account revealed much about the two men. I'm willing to give Mr. Trump the benefit of the doubt — he may really be as clueless as he appears. His supporters (some of them, anyway) seem ready to excuse his lapses of judgment as signs of his inexperience. "He's not a professional politician." But other aspects of his behavior just seem sinister to me — like asking everyone else to leave the room while he sought to secure Mr. Comey's personal loyalty. Creepy.

As far as Mr. Trump not being the target of a personal investigation — so what? Who said he was? Sounds to me as if he really has something to hide and is grasping at straws. In any case, not being the subject of an investigation is not proof of innocence. Flynn, Kushner, Sessions, Cohen, Manafort, and that other lightweight whose name I forget, were all close to Mr. Trump's campaign and all had dealings with Russia that they lied about. So let the investigations of these people run their course. If evidence that implicates Mr. Trump directly is uncovered, then he will be investigated.
As for talking points, of course the left has them. Don't be silly. Just listen to the Democrat politicians on TV this Sunday. You will hear virtually the exact same thing from all of them.

I believe you. But in this case I was talking about the discussion here on A2K. I really don't think I could stomach watching this argument on television. I'll be planting tomatoes.
Debra Law
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:14 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

The president can order it around. It's part of the Executive branch, not a separate branch of the government. The president is the chief of the Executive branch.

Jim Comey took it upon himself to close the HRC case and it's questionable as to whether or not he had such discretion, but if he does and the Attorney General does, than so does the president who is their boss. His subordinates don't have greater powers than him.

And again, despite Comey's interpretation, the alleged comments made by Trump to him don't clearly constitute an order. Now you can allege that Trump very carefully chose his phrasing so he could deny he was issuing an order (and he quite possibly did) but that sort of goes against the cartoon of a blustering bully incapable of subtlety that you and your friends always wish to paint him as.

As much as you would like to think Comey nailed Trump, he didn't. He insulted him and portrayed him a very unflattering manner, but what else is new?

A strong argument can be made that the facts and reasonable inferences that can be drawn from the facts disclose that Trump endeavored to influence a criminal investigation.

Trump orchestrated private meetings and conversations with Comey making sure there were no witnesses to the pressure and abuse of power that Trump wielded in those meetings.

Trump threatened Comey's position as director of the FBI along the lines of do you like your job? would you like to keep your job?

Trump informed Comey that the Flynn/Russia criminal investigation was a cloud over his presidency.

Trump made it clear that he wanted Comey's loyalty and expected Comey's loyalty.

Trump made it clear that he wanted Flynn exonerated and the criminal investigation ended.

Trump was not required to "ORDER" Comey to do anything. A mere endeavor to influence the course criminal investigation is unlawful conduct.

When it became clear to Trump that he wasn't going to get what he wanted when he wanted it, he fired Comey.

To justify the firing, AG Sessions (who acted contrary to his recusal) and the Deputy AG fabricated an alleged (and utterly ridiculous) justification, re: Comey's handling of the investigation into Hillary's private email server controversy.

Trump then threw Sessions, et al., under the bus concerning the fabricated justification and admitted he had already decided to fire Comey because of the ongoing investigation into Russia meddling in our election.

We may reasonably find (beyond any reasonable doubt in our minds) that Trump's aim (intent) was to influence the investigation, and if Comey wouldn't do what he wanted (i.e., make the investigation go away), then the threat would become a reality (Comey loses his job and serves as an example to others who don't immediately give Trump what he wants. He can threaten the next guy in the same manner.

Trump has nailed himself. Whether he will be held accountable remains to be seen.

Finn dAbuzz
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:22 pm
It wasn't really up to Mr. Comey to lay out a case of obstruction of justice in this hearing.

No it wasn't, but he was certainly trying hard to point the way, and a whole lot of people, wrongly, think he did lay out a case (Just wait for the Sunday News Talk shows).

As far as Mr. Trump not being the target of a personal investigation — so what? Who said he was?

Oh please, you're not so naive. You may never have said this exact think, but his political enemies have been working overtime to make the American people think he is.

I think it was Marco Rubio who made the excellent point during the hearing that of all the things that were leaked about this investigation, it's pretty interesting and telling, that the fact that Trump wasn't under investigation wasn't one of them. I don't blame Trump for being pissed about it.

...like asking everyone else to leave the room while he sought to secure Mr. Comey's personal loyalty. Creepy.

Creepy? Inappropriate maybe, but creepy? Do you think he contemplated garroting Comey?
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:23 pm
...and that other lightweight whose name I forget...

Carter Page
0 Replies
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:25 pm
@Debra Law,
OBSTRUCTOR-in_CHIEF, seems appropriate.
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:26 pm
@Debra Law,
I've never questioned whether or not you are actually a lawyer, but with the internet, who knows?

This guy is a very definitely a lawyer and he disagrees with you.

Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:26 pm
(made me snort, you did)
0 Replies
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:31 pm
I was using my Samsung and trying to type with my left hand. It really was kind of a mess but Im not gonna retyp cause we are way beyond any points and theyve pretty much been stipulated too by both sides.

We are into OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, with a side dish of COVER UP.
Wowser!!. Mueller was going to take a trip to somewhere in Northern Canada to do fly fishing for grayling. Guess thats on hold
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:35 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
I've never questioned whether or not you are actually a lawyer, but with the internet, who knows?

Debra Law has repeatedly demonstrated ignorance of basic concepts that a first year law student would understand. I question whether she is a lawyer.
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:37 pm
"Since there was no crime, no evidence of any crime is going to turn up,

Who the hell are you Nostradamus?
As its been said amply and repeatedly, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE requires no underlying crime, (Although we aint even hardly begun the investigation phase)
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:37 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
You may never have said this exact think, but his political enemies have been working overtime to make the American people think he is.

I disagree. I never heard anyone say that Mr. Trump was under investigation, and certainly not anyone in a position to know. Sorry. Now, I did hear a lot of people hoping that he was. I heard a lot of people hoping that Obama's birth certificate would be shown to be fraudulent, people hoping a smoking gun would convict HRC, people hoping a stained dress would implicate her husband (they got lucky with that one!) — that's just how political issues roil and fester as we wait for facts to be uncovered.
Do you think he contemplated garroting Comey?

He may have — after all he knows he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and get away with it!
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:39 pm
oralloy wrote:

Finn dAbuzz wrote:
I've never questioned whether or not you are actually a lawyer, but with the internet, who knows?

Debra Law has repeatedly demonstrated ignorance of basic concepts that a first year law student would understand. I question whether she is a lawyer.

I'm not prepared to go that far although I admit I find her screen name a bit pretentious. In any case there's being a very accomplished and respected lawyer like McCarthy and then there are those who make a living preparing Wills.

I am prepared to accept Debra is somewhere in between and will raise my estimate if she can make a respectable counter-argument to McCarthy
0 Replies
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:40 pm
farmerman wrote:

ORALLOY: "Since there was no crime, no evidence of any crime is going to turn up,
Who the hell are you Nostradamus?
As its been said amply and repeatedly, OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE requires no underlying crime, (Although we aint even hardly begun the investigation phase)

So true. And I'm no lawyer but isn't it true that all that has to be proved is there was an attempt to influence or obstruct?
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:41 pm
I disagree.

OK, it's happened before, but I think you are allowing your personal distaste for Trump to blind you to the political war that's going on here.

Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:41 pm
Whats really funny though is that you guys wanna give Trump a pass over some things that are very similar to what you wanted to "STRING HER UP" about.
Shoe, meet other foot
Finn dAbuzz
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:42 pm
And visa versa
0 Replies
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:44 pm
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:
A mere endeavor to influence the course criminal investigation is unlawful conduct.

No it isn't.
Fri 9 Jun, 2017 03:46 pm
hightor wrote:
As far as Mr. Trump not being the target of a personal investigation — so what? Who said he was?

The entire Democratic Party said it.

hightor wrote:
Sounds to me as if he really has something to hide and is grasping at straws.

Sounds to me like Trump is unhappy over being the target of a witch hunt.

I really hope he does something about the Democrats before all of this is over.

hightor wrote:
In any case, not being the subject of an investigation is not proof of innocence.

Is the witch hunt moving on to "guilty until proven innocent"?

hightor wrote:
Flynn, Kushner, Sessions, Cohen, Manafort, and that other lightweight whose name I forget, were all close to Mr. Trump's campaign and all had dealings with Russia that they lied about. So let the investigations of these people run their course.

Let's have IRS audits of prominent Democrats and their families.
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