monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 7 Jun, 2017 06:04 am
It doesn't exactly fill me with confidence in him that he trusts Faux and Breibart more than his own intelligence agencies or justice department.
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 06:11 am
Well, he does temper that sort of information source through attending as well to other sources like Drudge and InfoWars.
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Walter Hinteler
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 06:11 am

Does this mean, details will come via twitter as well or will they be published in the traditional way and officially?
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 06:20 am
@Walter Hinteler,
"a man of impeccable credentials"

Clearly a proper description of Trump himself. So things should be fine.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 06:25 am
Watergate ‘pales’ in comparison to Trump-Russia scandal, says ex-spy chief James Clapper

What the heck would he know about such stuff?
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 06:46 am
glitterbag wrote:

I would truly love to tell you something that makes you happy or confirms whatever it is you think is truth..........but....I think you are a little crazy....and it's not kind to try to appease or correct the crazy-pants of this world. Good luck to you and all your future plans or grips.

You are calling HIM crazy?? No love for this wing nut when you normally embrace crazy?? He's one of YOU! LOL.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 06:51 am
Today's winner in the acclaimed and coveted Riding Purple Unicorns Over The Rainbow award.
Fox's Brian Kilmeade: Trump has been "remarkably disciplined when it comes to tweets over the last couple of weeks"
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Wed 7 Jun, 2017 06:51 am
hightor wrote:
But, you know, we're permanent enemies with Iran...

Which when you think about it is really bloody stupid. They've just had an election and re-elected a reformist, and they've got their own problems with IS. After Israeli the Iranian people are the most pro Western in the entire ME.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2017 06:56 am
Twin attacks on the Iranian parliament and Ayatollah Khomeini's mausoleum in the capital, Tehran, have killed at least 12 people and injured many more.
The assault on the parliament building appears to be over, after hours of intermittent, audible gunfire there. A suicide bomber died at the mausoleum.
Iranian officials say they managed to foil a third attack.
The so-called Islamic State group (IS) has claimed it carried out the attacks, which would be a first in Iran.
IS later posted a video which showed what it claimed was footage from inside the parliament building.
Iranian media reported that four attackers inside the parliament building had been killed by security forces.
It is not clear whether the death toll of 12 includes the attackers, or whether the victims were killed at both incidents or solely at the parliament.
About 40 people were injured in the two attacks, according to emergency services chief Pir Hossein Kolivand.
Gunmen armed with Kalashnikovs entered the parliament on Wednesday morning. Images from the scene showed a major security operation as forces surrounded the building.
Heavy gunfire could be heard.
Iranian authorities denied that there had been a hostage situation inside the parliament building.
Speaker Ali Larijani downplayed the events, describing it as a "minor issue".
Reports said the gunmen had entered parliament via a public entrance, dressed as women.
At about 10:40 (06:10 GMT) attackers at the mausoleum in southern Tehran, which is dedicated to the Islamic Republic's founder Ayatollah Khomeini, opened fire.
The governor of Tehran said one attacker there had detonated a suicide vest and another had been killed by security forces, state broadcaster Irib reports.
Images from the scene showed grenades and magazines for automatic weapons, apparently recovered from the body of an attacker.
The suicide attacker was a woman, reports suggested.
Several members of the public, visiting the shrine, have been injured.

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Wed 7 Jun, 2017 07:12 am
I confess I'm a bit of a dictionary freak. I love them and have great admiration for the people who put them together, particularly the serious nerds who delve into the history of usage and etymology.

Think Progress has a really interesting piece up interviewing the editor at Merriam-Webster on how people are using the site to clarify words which gain prominence via Twitter or media coverage of some event, person, etc. It's a great read. Just one example here...
Have there been any of these lookups, or any of the resulting definitions, that took you by surprise?

They all do. The one thing that’s really true is, it’s very hard to predict what words take off. For example, “volunteer” for the United Airlines incident. That’s an interesting case where, it went more viral than almost anything that was political in the last 15 months because, I think, there’s a cognitive dissonance in the messaging. The entire public basically said, wait, you’re using volunteer, we saw the video, the man was manifestly not volunteering. When there is some kind of a gap between the apparent meaning and the words that are used, that sends people to the dictionary.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 07:20 am
Addition to last...because this has been a small pet peeve of mine
Have there been any moments when you, over the past election cycle and since this new president has taken office, when you’ve heard a word come out of someone’s mouth and you just knew: This is going to blow up our website. Everyone is going to be searching for “bigly.”

Some of them we see in real time. During the debates, I’m live-tweeting, so I’m looking at the data as it’s going. “Hombre” was one that was obvious. And partly we could see “ombre” and “umber,” we saw all three words spiking… “Bigly,” because he used it adverbily, and we only define it adjectively — and of course, he didn’t use it at all. He was saying “big league.” But even big league, we only define as an adjective and not an adverb.

So there! On the authority of MW, I was right and you bozos (you know who you are) were wrong. The misinterpretation is due in part to the word itself where they final soft "gue" tends to audibly disappear following the strong and sharp "lea" and partly it's due to how Trump enunciates.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2017 07:47 am
But, you know, we're permanent enemies with Iran...

The demopoop party is permanent enemies with Russia, which would have to be involved in any resolution (other than a major war) with Iran...
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 07:50 am
There's something oddly soothing in this illustration


We'll safe California
Don't want to hurt no surfer girls
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 07:59 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

It is a big deal.

Whether or not the document was over classified is not a question any citizen gets to decide.

That's not what I was responding to. I'm not debating the law.

Just agreeing with McG that this classified information itself, doesn't seem to be properly classified. That it may be a case of over classification.
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Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:00 am
Jon Chait is right on the money here
Trump Can Commit All the High Crimes He Wants. Republicans Aren’t Going to Impeach Him.
Since the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency, or even before, Democrats have been waiting for the moment when the Republican Party’s indulgence would snap. In every incremental advance of the Russia story, many hear the ticking hands of an “impeachment clock.” But there is no clock, and there will probably be no impeachment, at least not based on the field of Trumpian misdeeds currently at play. To imagine Republicans might turn on Trump over the Russia scandal to the point of deposing him from office is to misunderstand how they have been thinking about Trump and the presidency all along.

...While it may seem puzzling to liberals, this kind of behavior is consistent with the method of the conservative movement. The conservative movement takeover of the Republican Party began in the 1960s and took decades to complete. Conservatives still have not lost their sense of being an insurgent movement that might at any moment be betrayed by the party Establishment. Conservatives think of their role as quasi-independent, but they also imagine it as focusing exclusively on enforcing fealty to their doctrine by politicians who might otherwise be inclined to wander. The scenario they are built to fight against is the Republican president who colludes with Democrats, not one who colludes with foreign dictators. If the president is fighting against the opposition party, they assume he is acting correctly. Conservative organs like National Review originally viewed Richard Nixon with hostility, and — perverse as it may sound — came to his defense because of Watergate...
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:00 am
Where do you live?
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:01 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Good to see that you agree that she should be punished, but I guarantee that there will be no shortage of leftists arguing she was a patriot.

People can hold the view that she's a patriot and did something illegal and should be punished. Not saying I do, but saying that there isn't anything wrong with those that hold that view.
0 Replies
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:08 am
Vancouver Island.
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:12 am
So according to that map, you would survive such a flood, if barely. I asked because I didn't know how someone who lives here could find that map (even strangely) comforting.
Wed 7 Jun, 2017 08:18 am
Sad to wish death on so many people.

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