ok. what can you see from this image?
di·ver·si·fy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-vûrs-f, d-)
v. di·ver·si·fied, di·ver·si·fy·ing, di·ver·si·fies
v. tr.
To give variety to; vary: diversify a menu.
To extend (business activities) into disparate fields.
To distribute (investments) among different companies or securities in order to limit losses in the event of a fall in a particular market or industry.
panzade wrote:di·ver·si·fy ( P ) Pronunciation Key (d-vûrs-f, d-)
v. di·ver·si·fied, di·ver·si·fy·ing, di·ver·si·fies
v. tr.
To give variety to; vary: diversify a menu.
To extend (business activities) into disparate fields.
To distribute (investments) among different companies or securities in order to limit losses in the event of a fall in a particular market or industry.
so..... something like to convert a fully white cat to a half-white half-black cat?
Let's see...squirrels that live where there is not much snow have dark fur. Those in the Arctic regions have white fur to better hide them from predators.
The squirrel in my photo has diversified its colors perhaps because it lives in an area in between. Just an example
this is a a photo of
Joe Nation and Frank apisa
just wonder what the words mean on the back wall?
Looks like a French poster: a Nice could be the city in France.
Quote:it casts a shadow all over Europe's future
this is the quote from Newsweek
notice the "cast"
I have been long puzzled by this word.
Could you give me a comprehensive lecture of this

thanks, JB
Not necessary to lecture:
In this sentence, it means like to throw.
well you got some any more meanings to this word?
a word with divergent meanings
Cast members-actors in a play
Cast in stone-something irrefutable
Cast a shadow-make a shadow or Thok's throw
Cast doubt- have misgivings
Cast a net Thok is to throw a net but cast a shadow involves no throwing...it involves blocking the light technically...but in this case it means to bode poorly in the future.
The poster says "L'hiver a Nice" which simply means "Winter in Nice", or more literally, "The winter in/at Nice", the French town, as panzade pointed out.