LW, You included? LOL c.i.
I took some time off from the computer and the keyboard since I last posted. I had said that I would not read the US, UN, Iraq thread any longer, mainly because of all the memories about war that come back to me. After a day I feel somewhat embarrassed that I was so emotional about it...enough to say something out loud. I do like to read what the men say...both sides. I think what becomes overwhelming to me is speaking of "war" and "casualities" in abstract terms. I can't really make myself stay away, however, so I am back reading it again.
I would LOVE to see Blatham in a gingham dress!
I refuse utterly to shave my legs or to sport footwear not practical on long hikes. Yet I'm divine in gingham.
and i still can't find a poll choice that works for me.
i keep trying to shoehorn myself into one of the options but i'm apparently not shoehornable
not that anyone IRL would be surprised to hear that
i would be willing to vote for blatham in gingham. particularly if the other option is Paul Martin. I am sooooooooo not going to be able to vote for hm.
Yes, Vietnamnurse - that is what I find very disturbing about the way several posters in politics speak - the war as chess-game thing.
On the one hand, it is fascinating and instructive to see how the minds of those seemingly accustomed to thinking in military-strategic ways think - on the other hand, it is teribly frightening to see their coldness and apparent affective removal from the actualities which they are so cleverly discussing. I have challenged it a couple of times - but there is no point. If you can call Vietnam a bloody nose, then there is no way views about such things can really engage.
However, I do stop in there, too - because those ways of thinking are presumably how our leaders and strategists and military minds and, in their way, terrorists, DO think about these things - and one does well to understand reality. We are gonna be living it - both with our own people, and those who are the current "enemy".
It is not that I do not acknowledge the intelligence and version of reality behind this way of thinking - I just cannot comprehend the...I dunno, something...
VNN's post makes it a little clearer why women quite often stay away from the a2k political threads. Here is someone interested in politics, well-read about politics both present and past; someone who was actively engaged in the Viet Nam war, who has learned many things past and present about it. And yet, her thoughts and opinions get slid over in discussions by a lot of armchair generals.
Passion for and about a topic is not such a bad thing. Particularly if one accepts the premise that there is no such thing as an impartial opinion, coming, as it does, from a person who holds views and is shaped by whatever has happened.
I, too, am actively interested in the political scene. And I spent many years being active as a democratic committeewoman in my district. Local and state politicians and beyond...we met and talked.
And the abuzz experience was really nothing new. Most of the ones who were the noisiest were quite often bent on only one thing - the destruction os another's opinion and sometimes person.
What is most difficult is the apparent exclusivity exhibited from time to time. And a lot of us women are aware of that, and think it's kind of dumb to go somewhere where we are invisible.
I guess they successfully went on after they cleared the air, c.i.!
I posted a link over there to this thread, mentioning that the women were discussing the issue and the thread. But it looks like most of the fellas will hang out in the living room while you girls do the dishes.
I know. I'm soooo disappointed with that party now. Even Copps and Fry have disappointed me greatly. Cretien has only gained balls as he heads out the door, but at least he is finally acting as a liberal.
Phoenix, I think that effects the "outermost."

Very funny Phoenix. How did you find it? Write "fart" into a google search?
I vote for Blatham to model one of those gingham dresses he's been telling us about. I would love to see his ravishing beauty displayed. OK, strike up the music.................
A thread on politically savvy women discussing a thread populated by politically opinionated men in a time of war...and we are doing fart jokes? Is this a kind of testosterone spill-over consequence?
Someone has been spending too much time hanging around those testosterone-laden men.
blatham wrote:A thread on politically savvy women discussing a thread populated by politically opinionated men in a time of war...and we are doing fart jokes? Is this a kind of testosterone spill-over consequence?
Nah .... its an estrogen thing ... when they get that way, its best to just stay clear and wait untill they wear themselves out and settle down, otherwise it can get really ugly. And fer chrissakes, don't get between them and the chocolate!
timber, who now ducks behind the doorway. :wink:
Phoenix, You have just proven to me that we can find 'EVERYTHING' on some search engine. I'm almost afraid to use my imagination! LOL c.i.
What with the catfights and the farting, I will simply assume we have gone fishing in different demographic pools.
blatham, With your cooler weather, you're in 'safer' territory.

Seems the metaphor between armchair generalship and farting set off a stink on this thread!

Phoenix -- that link is a real hoot.