I personally like to read the threads, whether they are political or otherwise, where there are women's voices. The total male dominated ones are a bit on the dull side for me. The female voice adds dimension and nuance to the conversation.
My family is, except for my Texas Aggie brother-in-law, of the liberal progressive persuasion...not real left, but left of center to a degree. My brother-in-law, on the other hand...

well, let's put it this way, he trusted "Tricky Dick" Nixon long after the evidence was out there for all to see that he was indeed a crook. He thinks of me as
too liberal and hates it when I email my sister "propaganda"!
My husband is truly of the same political persuasion as I am, but he does like to play "devil's advocate" with me during our political discussions. He says it is to get me to think more clearly of my position...yeah, sure!

I think he just loves to joust or be perverse!
My mom and dad live in Texas too, transplanted Yankees that they are! Mom has been my political mentor for years. I watched the Army-McCarthy hearings with her when I was 10 or 11 years old. I have memories of Joseph Welch and Stuart Symington as my heroes!
I like to discuss with men, but I do not want to "split hairs." We can learn from each other in many ways. When someone posts from a book or an editorial piece that is interesting, I really love it. I do not like it when someone takes a post, such as littlek's post on one of the threads and cuts and pastes the entire post, then proceeds to tear it apart. That was aggressive and unnecessary.