That is usually what happens to me I am just over looked and not part of the conversation. The Vietnam thread was the final straw for me.
I spent four years working for the Navy during that war in an office yes but in a position where I was fully informed probably more informed than any soldier. But what I had to say was simply discounted out of hand.
For a brief moment I entertained the idea of giving my military history but then realized it would not matter as I had already been accused of not knowing what I was talking about. Actually I was told that a statement of fact I had made was untrue. Sheesh, ignorance of a fact does not make it untrue. Not that I never make mistakes or error I do but this was not one of those times.
Overall I have found, working with all men as I did for four or five years, they are more nit picky than women every are. Always anxious to point out mistakes. And the gossip, my goodness, it was the gossip among those guys that really shocked me but then I was just a youngster then.
The main problem for women in politics at any level in my opinion is that women do not have economic parity yet. Look around and all you see at the top are white males. Once women achieve equal financial power and management status things will change. I know that sounds sexist and it is who know for sure that women will not become more aggressive when they are in power.
Pay Equity