David Remnick reports on the meeting between Trump and a bunch of media people. It's by far the best piece I've read on the Trump/media meeting. This is the way he is going to operate - he will continue to stoke anger in his base towards media and he will try to bully and discredit any media which takes him to task with critical commentary. That's pretty much always an authoritarian's or totalitarian's first move.
Quote:For more than twenty minutes, Trump railed about “outrageous” and “dishonest” coverage. When he was asked about the sort of “fake news” that now clogs social media, Trump replied that it was the networks that were guilty of spreading fake news. The “worst,” he said, were CNN (“liars!”) and NBC.
...Another participant at the meeting said that Trump’s behavior was “totally inappropriate” and “******* outrageous.” The television people thought that they were being summoned to ask questions; Trump has not held a press conference since late July. Instead, they were subjected to a stream of insults and complaints—and not everyone absorbed it with pleasure.
“I have to tell you, I am emotionally ******* pissed,” another participant said. “How can this not influence coverage? I am being totally honest with you. Toward the end of the campaign, it got to a point where I thought that the coverage was all about [Trump’s] flaws and problems. And that’s legit. But, I thought, O.K., let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. After the meeting today, though—and I am being human with you here—I think, **** him! I know I am being emotional about it. And I know I will get over it in a couple of days after Thanksgiving. But I really am offended. This was unprecedented. Outrageous!”
By way of contrast, recall Obama's first meeting with media people. It was shortly before his inauguration and included Bill Kristol, David brooks, Charles Krauthammer, Paul Gigot, Peggy Noonan, Michael Barone, Larry Kudlow and George Will. This took place at Will's house. Here's participant commentary after:
Quote:"He's making good on his promise to reach out to Republicans and conservatives and this post-partisan stuff, whatever that means," Kudlow said. "I was very impressed. He's a nice guy, terribly smart, well-informed, great smile. He just really engaged. He said he likes to know the arguments on all sides."
Barone called Obama "an attractive person in a small setting. It's harder to hate someone you've had close contact with and who has pleasant characteristics."