I take no particular pride in any of these events. I am instead an interested observer and I, fairly continuously, upgrade my understanding and evaluation of these still unfolding events.
I have my own reasons for opposing the failed policies of the current administration and the promise of more coming from the now departed Clintons. You don't agree, but that has nothing to do with the Trump issues you are putting before us here.
Trump is very clearly challenging a demonstrably hostile media erstablishment which has shown no inclination to dispassionately evaluate his proposals or his candidacy. He has effectively used extensive personal appearances and social media to partly bypass the press establishment, and is now challenging them to reevaluate their behavior. I believe that, in the present circumstances, this is rational behavior on Trump's part. You appear to see this as something intrinsically evil or dangerous. I don't agree, and note that you routinely treat equivalent behaviors from those whose political views you share as benign and inherently good.
Trump won the Republican nomination and later the election in part by bypassing the media and creating his own channels with a large segment of voters. His behavior in doing this was deliberately disruptive, and sometimes vulgar and even outrageous. I doubt seriously that he could have overcome a seriously divided but entrenched Republican establishment, and later a well-funded and well organized incumbent Party that enjoyed the unambiguous support of most of the media establishment any other way. To what extent his behavior in doing this was instinctive or, alternatively, cooly caluclated, I certainly don't know (and neither do you). However that this was indeed a rationally effective strategy is beyond doubt.
Though you apparently sneered at the suggestion the New York Times is indeed experiencing a continuing decline in circulation and, it seems, the credibility it once enjoyed with readers, it remains true.
Whether Trump is a closet authoritarian is something that remains to be seen. I think you tend to view anyone who opposes your particular line of political thought as a Fascist, and anyone whose line you favor as utterly democratic and benign. That is false and it's your problem, not mine or the world's. Barack Obama has lilely been the most remote and authoritarian occupant of the White House we have seen in over a century.