blatham wrote:
If you have a desire or intention to play this straight and with integrity, then I'll engage you in the matter. But I need to know first off whether you know about this lady and her family. What I'm asking is a simple question that requires only a "yes" or "no" response. What you are asking will require substantially more effort on my part. I need to know whether such effort will be worth my time.
Blatham here exhibits a rather unpleasant tendency, which I have observed on several occasions, to rather arrogantly demand from others specific answers to narrowly defined questions, based perhaps on the strange belief that he is empowered to do so, or set the tone and agenda on this (or any) forum for what others do or write. The behavior is not only rude , it may be indicative of some other deep seated issues. We're here to express our opinions and perhaps to debate topical issues, and we all have the same status. No one here is empowered to set the tome, or agenda of the discussion or to demand particular responses from others.
When I read Blatham's tirades about the supposed authoritarianisn (or totalitarianism as he often suggests) of conservatives and Republicans, I generally think first of the obvious contradiction in the benavior of Progressives who really do seek to exercise totalitarian control of most aspects of our lives, and the obvious Authoritarianism of our current president and his oberreach of executive powers. After that I recall this strange aspect of Blatham's behavior, and wonder if he understands anything of which he writes.