First off, extending Clintons comments re: Heller to include abolishing the 2nd amendment is far fetched. She has never come out and said she is for abolishing the 2nd amendment. She said she is for common sense measures to ensure protections..
Secondly, your insistence on the constitution and its inviolability borders on religion. Change is the only constant. We grow, we move, we mature. Stagnation is death. Ask the Romans. Oh wait..
Seriously though, saying that we can amend constitutional rights doesn't mean the 2nd amendment should be amended. It just says that folks who wrote something 200+ years ago are not perfect and more than that, that what they wrote may no longer be applicable to us today. If something in the Constitution holds up under scrutiny, fair enough. But a culture changes, it is inevitable. It cannot be otherwise. When this country was 'created' by the Europeans, it was set on an unalterable course that would include and will continue to include the changing of the culture. Some of that means that its politics must change as well..
I speak in generalities because I don't know what needs to change, only that it must. And that change may also destroy us. It depends on what the change is. You think taking away your hand guns is part of that destruction. Fair enough. But to accuse Hillary of that is preposterous. I don't care for her and political frame of reference, there are so many other things that she could be called to task for. Yet, you choose one whose outcome is known and so is essentially a non-issue and even where you to make it into an issue, for the things that conspire to destroy this country, this is way down the list..