@reasoning logic,
actually my "in depth" knowledge is within the perview of the clip tht Gooey posted. I suggest you undertqnd 2 things
1Uranium ore is about s common as ZINC in the earth' crust. Every state could be a overall UO and UF6 salt producer(If they had beneficiation equip and reaction means to produce UF6) (Sandstone (Carnotite) deposits are all over NM, Utah, QWyo, Colo, etc0 Some of the biggest deposits of phosphate sandstone deposits are actually in Florida.
2.FINSA, which updates a resource sales to foreign entities reg of 57 , was set up by the GW Bush admin in 2007. It provides review by a committee set up within Treasury, Homeland Security, and oversight by Congress.
PSST, we buy and sell oil and gas also.
The "mine" in Wyo, is actually an estimated reserve prospect. Any actual "mining" is done to sefine reserves in comliqnce with existing Fed reg and reserve estimates .
(Theres a difference).
If it ever cm to heated up relations between us and Russia, you dont think we would not nationalize all such reserves?? (Hint; its in our country, not theirs, duhh).
Like most other horse-**** you guys masturbate over, resource sales are a business decision. FINSA provides the actual percentage of our projected needed resource we may sell to anyone who wants to buy (within certain limits ,like N Korea).( I think its 20% or under)
Weve even dialed back our restrictions on amts of reactor fuel we sell to Iran.(or percentage reactor grade HF6).
The world is NOT resource limited re: Uranium, (and bomb fuel Pu is a product of U decay), it is mostly limited by technology . We hve some of the top means to beneficiate U lts for bomb mfg, while Russia still uses steam . THATS what we want to control)