Gold Star Dad Tells Trump To Put Up Or Shut Up

Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 04:56 am
Gold Star Dad Tells Trump To Put Up Or Shut Up

Gold Star Dad Tells Trump To Put Up Or Shut Up
By Karoli Kuns
Video at link~
8/19/16 6:00am

You may recall Gold Star Dad Fred Boenig from his confrontation with "Tehran Tom" Cotton last year. Boenig has three children on active duty and lost one in Iraq.

He also has a message for Donald Trump: Put up or shut up.

Mr. Boenig generously provided the transcript for the video above so I don't have to excerpt it, but I would suggest you watch the video to get the full impact of just how deeply he shames Donald Trump for his reckless statements on national security and the way Trump dismissed Gold Star Dad Khzir Khan.

Transcript below, courtesy of Mr. Boenig:

Good Morning Mr Trump.

Sir my name is Fred John Boenig- in 1959 I was the last case of Polio in Hunterdon County NJ. Since I was 9 months old my left arm has been paralyzed. I’m 58 now Sir, and have accomplished much in my life despite my handicap. I say I’m “HandiCapible”. I grew up in a Military Family- My grand father was in the Navy and was blown off a ship during WWII and survived- My father 20 year in Air National Guard –A step dad also a WWII vet. My brother 82nd Airborne- I’m my family we have 5 children 4 of which have served- Two of the Boys went to Afghanistan , only one came home alive, and after serving two tours in Afghanistan, he was awarded with a Purple Heart after being hit with a grenade- one son served in the Marines in South Korea and Guam and our daughter is in the Naval Reserves.
My oldest son is a Union Roofer and takes care of us at home.

So Sir, you have insulted my family 3 times. The interesting part is I’ve stood within a foot of you 3 times- I sat directly in front of you photographing you as you held up your “Bible” your mother gave you as a Kid – at the Values Voter Summit- I stood next to you on the Capitol lawn when you were getting ready to speak at the Ted Cruz Rally.

Sir- as I pointed out- you feel you have some “Special” right to insult my family-
Sir- let me point out- No one in over 100 years in your family has served in the military-
When your Nation called for it’s bravest to go fight for it- you received 4 deferments and got a “Note” from your “Doctor” saying you had Bone Spurs- How much did that cost? You couldn’t remember which foot or the name of the doctor. Sir, I can name my doctors- I bet most people could name their Family Doctors-

In an interview with The New York Times last month, Mr. Trump said the bone spurs had been “temporary” — a “minor” malady that had not had a meaningful impact on him. He said he had visited a doctor who provided him a letter for draft officials, who granted him the medical exemption. He could not remember the doctor’s name

Now I’m suppose to believe you are “Brave” enough to lead my children in battle? Really Sir- 3 of your children are still eligible to serve- Your two son’s are in your words- “Excellent Shoots” because they have hunted endangered animals. Will you be asking them to enlist? So when you go “Bomb the **** out of ISIS” they can fight along side our kids when we have to clean up your mess?

You might be thinking- Well Bill Clinton got deferments –Yes, he did and while he was President- he didn’t Start any wars- 1 soldier died in Combat and 75 died in Terrorist attacks- Carter- Reagan-Ford- HW Bush- GW Bush- Obama all had more soldier’s killed in Combat than him- He has the least amount of soldiers killed in actual Combat since Roosevelt as far as I can research.

So you see Sir – I prefer “DOVES with Claws” like the Clintons -to a draft dodging “Fortunate Son” clueless War Hawks like you.

You used our vets to advance your campaign narrative- but had to be “shamed” into paying up.

You have yet to answer even the most basic questions on Foreign Policy, The constitution or our Military with a Factual answer.

So Sir- as a Gold Star Dad- I challenge you to show America you aren’t the “Coward” and “Fraud” we have come to believe you are. In an open forum- show exactly what your “Knowledge Base is on ISIS- Boko Haram- name their leaders -Syria-Russia-China-Indonesia-and Central America”

Point out on a Map the Countries of the Middle East- Name them and their Leaders- Tell us the history of Afghanistan – Who is the current leader of the Taliban- the History of Iran- Explain- the history of the Soviet Union. You see Sir these are the questions anyone running for President of The United States should know off the top of their head.

I asked a Lieutenant Colonel one day that said she was meeting you later that day to ask if you knew the name of the Leader Of ISIS- she said “No I don’t want to embarrass him”
You see Sir we all get you are woefully unprepared for the job of being responsible for our kids.

And lastly Sir- The only “Perk” you get for being a Gold Star Parent is you get to speak your mind and NO ONE gets to trash you for it. That’s the only Perk Sir-and clearly you missed that and you certainly have shown you don’t have what it takes to pay the price for that Perk- 100 years and NO TRUMP has served his country in the military.

And thank you, Mr. Boenig, for your sacrifice and tenacity. We owe you the right not to sacrifice your children in any more horrible wars, and to be respected for the sacrifice you've made.

During his speech at a North Carolina rally, Mr. Trump expressed "regrets" for things he said that "might have caused pain." He read the words from a teleprompter, and they were less than convincing. Perhaps Mr. Boenig will have a response to that. If he does, I will update this post with it.
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Type: Discussion • Score: 6 • Views: 2,545 • Replies: 51

bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 04:57 am
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Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 07:46 am
@bobsal u1553115,
Mr. Fred Boenig knows how to write...
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 11:15 am
He wrote from his heart and he was VERY respectful of Mr tRump. I'd be angry enough to confront tRump and ask the hard questions even as the proto-fascist tRump security jerks dragged me off on camera.

Four children served, one died from it. What has the tRump family done for this country from the time his father, Fred Drumph was a pimp in the Yukon to now? Not a single tRump has put on the uniform.
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 08:15 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Not a single tRump has put on the uniform.

Nor have the Obama's or Clinton's.

So what?
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 08:35 pm
So what?

Other than neither Clinton nor Obama got us into any wars while Trump wants to go nuclear in the middle east. That's what.

Other than neither Clinton nor Obama found it necessary to **** all over a gold star family and a dead American decorated soldier. That's what.

I'm a vet. Might you be one, too?
Reply Sat 20 Aug, 2016 10:10 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
Obama wanted to close Guantanamo, but that didn't happen, did it? Trumps rhetoric is not policy and you know that it is true. I am sure that this topic was hashed, re-hashed and re-hashed again when McCain was going against Obama and how it was not important that the President have military experience.

You guys keep saying that Trump "found it necessary to **** all over a gold star family and a dead American decorated soldier." when he did neither. You know that but you want to feign outrage because it fits your desire to keep insulting and belittling Trump.

My veteran status has nothing to do with the conversation. Thanks for doing your part though. That's good of you.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2016 06:17 am
Re: bobsal u1553115 (Post 6251142)
Obama wanted to close Guantanamo, but that didn't happen, did it?

But you don't think a do-nothing Teapublican Congress that swore from day one they were going to make "this President a failure" had anything to do with it.

My veteran status has nothing to do with the conversation

So the answer is no, you aren't a veteran. Why can't you conservatives just answer simply a simple question?

Your status might be why you seem so casual about tRump and his coterie of non-serving, xenophobic proto-fascists' excoriation of a Gold Star family and a decorated American hero who put himself between his men and an attacking Iraqi irregular.

Most people never enlisted. Its not dishonorable to have stayed home. But it is dishonorable to saber rattle, propose nuclear strikes and beat up Gold Star parents.

Think how put out you might be if one of your children were to pass. How would you feel if people made extremely negative political hay over little Jimmy McGentrix' being hit by a car while pushing someone else out of the way.

Trump was drafted but had a bone spur on his that magically disappeared once his draft exposure had passed. And for some strange reason he can't even remember his doctor's name.

Cheney was drafted but "had better things to do." His words.

Rush Limbaugh's deferment was for a boil on his ass, he later graduated from having one to becoming one.

It doesn't bother you that in one of his intelligence briefings he asked three times in the half hour setting about what it would take launch nuclear weapons? That's why his military status means something to me.

You? I think you're a sterling fellow that doesn't seem to have any military delusions. That's a good thing.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2016 11:30 am
@bobsal u1553115,
well, my Great Grand Father was in the Army for WW1, Grandfather fought as a marine in WW2, my father was in Vietnam and retired as a CMSGT after 26 years in the Air Force, both my brothers were also in the Air Force and one uncle was in the Navy. I think my family did enough military service to let me squeeze through without also serving. Besides, I have bad hips and was not allowed in the Army when I tried to enlist in 1992. That's all been documented throughout my career here in A2Kland.

That's why I did 't answer your simple question. Please don't question my life as one of not serving or being casual about anything.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2016 12:16 pm
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Other than neither Clinton nor Obama got us into any wars

Umm.. I happened to agree with the USA's military actions in Bosnia, in 95, and against Serbia over Kosovo, in 99, but they definitely took place on Clinton's watch. And you try telling the Serbs that it wasn't a war when American jets bombed their cities..

And then there's the 2011 military intervention in Libya, the US air strikes in Syria against ISIS, the 1994 military intervention in Haiti.. there's been no lack of US sabre rattling under Clinton and Obama (and if it had been up to Hillary, in Obama's time, there would have been more).
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2016 12:42 pm
Obama and Clinton haven't claimed to sacrifice as much as a Gold Star parent has. Nor have they attacked any Gold Star parents personally.
Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2016 12:49 pm
In matters of war, the only difference between Clinton, Obama and Bush/Cheney is whose name gets credit for which debacle.
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Reply Sun 21 Aug, 2016 01:09 pm
Yes, agree with nimh's comments.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2016 09:45 am
Clinton's actions in Bosnia and Serbia were limited, saved lives and were over in a year or two with stability that reamins two decade later. Can't say anything like about W's wars, can we?

The air actions in Libya were the same, but without the stability obtained in Bosmia/Kosovo. They did not escalate and go on for years and years with no results.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2016 09:47 am
A simple answer is yes or no.

I've been all through this:"Your status might be why you seem so casual about tRump and his coterie of non-serving, xenophobic proto-fascists' excoriation of a Gold Star family and a decorated American hero who put himself between his men and an attacking Iraqi irregular.

Most people never enlisted. Its not dishonorable to have stayed home. But it is dishonorable to saber rattle, propose nuclear strikes and beat up Gold Star parents."

"You? I think you're a sterling fellow that doesn't seem to have any military delusions. That's a good thing."

Where is the insult you feel?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2016 09:47 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:

Clinton's actions in Bosnia and Serbia were limited, saved lives and were over in a year or two with stability that reamins two decade later. Can't say anything like about W's wars, can we?

Well sure, you can argue about which wars were worse or better; but you can't claim, as you did, that "neither Clinton nor Obama got us into any wars".
bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2016 09:52 am
Obama wanted to close Guantanamo, but that didn't happen, did it?

Because of his Teapublican Congress. But he has quietly removed more than 80% of the kidnap victims held there to other countries, includin several to US prisons.

I'm not going to post the many occasions that Trump and his campaign went after a Gold Star family because you already know its true. And I and others have already posted them.
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bobsal u1553115
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2016 09:54 am
Seriously? Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Herzegovina, Kosovo are equal?
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2016 03:55 am
@bobsal u1553115,
What? No, they were not equal. I specifically said that I agreed with some, not others, didn't I? And I specifically said that you can argue about which ones were "better" or worse, didn't I?

I called you on this claim: "neither Clinton nor Obama got us into any wars". That's what you wrote. And that was quite obviously, almost laughably, untrue.

I'd have expected you, maybe, to just say, oh I misspoke, and this is what I really meant. Fine. Heat of the moment and all that. But instead, you dodge and weave, pretending not to get what the point was, putting words in my mouth, etc. It's disingenuous and tiresome.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2016 06:23 am
What? No

Good answer.

they were not equal. I specifically said that I agreed with some, not others, didn't I? And I specifically said that you can argue about which ones were "better" or worse, didn't I?

I called you on this claim: "neither Clinton nor Obama got us into any wars". That's what you wrote. And that was quite obviously, almost laughably, untrue.

I'd have expected you, maybe, to just say, oh I misspoke, and this is what I really meant. Fine. Heat of the moment and all that. But instead, you dodge and weave, pretending not to get what the point was, putting words in my mouth, etc. It's disingenuous and tiresome.

Speaking of dodging an weaving and you managed to find some sort of personal insult and gave me a specific one in return.

And I am the bad guy.

You made charges and I answered them. There are no simularities between Libya, Bosnia and Afghanistan, Iraq other than US troops got used.

If you want the last word on this you're welcome to it. I don't fancy dishonest debate: so I am done here.
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