Quote:I do not trust Clinton
I don't trust Hillary Clinton, either. But I certainly trust her ability to be an effective President. After all W did it, even if he delegated a lot of responsibilities and allowed Dick Cheney to become some sort of imperial vice-President. (I believe George Lucas time traveled into the future and came back to base Darth Vader's character - if character is the right word in relation to Cheney- on Cheney).
Buuuuuuuuuut, compared to tRump I have absolutely have no trouble supporting and voting for Hillary. Over Johnson, over Jill Stein.
What I also support is Bernie Sanders initiative to fix Congress. At least I know Ted Cruz is gone in two years. This Teapublican Congress will work with President Clinton just to try to make their mean-spirited log jams of the last eight years seem not their fault. Is there anything not President Obama's fault? Peter Palidino -tRump's man in NY said last night that the President is guilty of the Lindburg kid-napping as well dealing drugs from the Oval Office. I know he definitely said one of those two things. He's probably has seriously considered the other.
The pendulum is finally swinging back. Lets face it, none of us made more money in terms of value of the dollar than we did during Bill Clinton's administration. There was even a growing black middle class.