How long have you two been together?
I ask because if it's been a significant amount of time, then you are both probably pretty committed (the timing of the "I love yous" aside). If not, then his parents are intervening early. Not nice, of course, but you are getting a taste of them now.
Anyway, you are both over 18. You say he has his own home. At some point in time, if parents are doing this, then an adult child has to tell them to butt out or the relationship ends. They can either get a relationship on the child's terms, or no relationship at all.
If you have been together a long time, then that's a logical step. I wouldn't push for it or even suggest it. Rather, I would see what he does.
But your statement troubles me, that you only get together once per week. His parents may (semi-)legitimately feel you two aren't serious.