Mon 8 Aug, 2016 11:36 pm
After about 2 years of privately lusting over each other, a co-worker and I had a brief fling in late 2014. We did not have sex, but she pushed all my right buttons. Sounds stupid, but I felt more of a connection and it was much more intense emotionally than just having sex. We had a definite connection. I moved across the country just a few days after our brief fling - the move had been planned for some time.
The other woman (we'll call "D") and I kept in contact for a few months, but because I'm deeply religious and also that I had moved away anyway, I felt I must end what was left of the affair. At first I cried alot. Then I got mad at God for not allowing this. Then I tried to bargain with God. Then I just got depressed. I thought that around the beginning to 2016 I was turning the corner and finally getting to the acceptance stage.
It seems though I'm relapsing lately. The last few days I've cried harder than I ever did. Why is this happening now - a whole year and a half later. I suppose because right now my wife is out of town for a few weeks and I'm lonely that's part of it, but still! I had thought that with time and effort the memory of "D" would fade and that I would relearn to love my wife. I assume that "D" has moved on, but the total silence is killing me and I am dying to know where she is at.
Ever read the 5 love languages book? "D" really hit my particular love language well and hers is the same - it was so easy with her. It was a unique and completely intoxicating experience. Meanwhile my wife does not and puts up a fight if I push her on it. That's what draws me to "D" and not so much my wife, though I love her in many other ways. I'm sad because I feel that I should be able to "choose" to love my wife (love is supposed to be more of a choice than a feeling, right?). And of course I want to do what I believe is the right thing - honor God and my wife.
I read the deep wisdom of things on facebook (j/k) like:
"It's time to just be happy. Being angry, sad, and overthinking just isn't worth it anymore. Just let things flow. Be positive." -or- "you are not defined by yesterday's failures. You are defined by today's faithfulness. Stop looking back in the rear-view. You don't live there anymore." The second one is what got me today - I'm crying because I don't want to give up what is already gone. As much as I want to I can't seem to strong arm myself into these mentalities. Of course my primary source of wisdom is the Bible. It says that if I make an affair a way of life I will go to hell. Yes God does indeed forgives those who want it, but believe me there is plenty the Bible says about those who make sin a way of life - scares me to death!
20 years ago when I was dating I went thru an awful breakup and thought life could not go on. Of course it did, but it only took a year to get over after the six year relationship ended. So why now does a one week relationship take so far a year and a half to get over? Help.
Any thoughts?
The allure of forbidden love is strong. Fantasies are not real life. If you had an actual relationship with the other woman, there is no possible way that it would ever measure up to your fantasies. But, that's what you're torturing yourself over ... a fantasy. I think "getting over" the other woman should start with recognizing that your wife cannot compete with the fantasy you hold for someone else. That's not fair to your wife. She should be the woman of your dreams and you should rewire your thinking.
Make a list of all the "buttons" this person pushed.
I imagine your wife has a list of buttons she would like pushed, too.
See if you can come up with a match.
PS If this "fling" was so great, why hasn't she contacted you? This was better in your mind than in hers. Now you have built it up to an unattainable fantasy. What's going on in your marriage that you prefer to live in this fantasy than working on your marriage?