Well Blatham, you have to separate the communications mean to persuade from the communications legitimately meant to inform. Communications that are legitimately written to inform are not propaganda.
My hypothesis is this (and forgive me, but you have put yourself in the perfect position to be my example)... Of the communication meant to persuade
if you disagree with it, it is propaganda. If you agree with it, it is not.
Let's test this hypothesis.
The NRA publishes makes thousands of statements by hundreds of people. I am assuming you disagree with the NRA. Give me a single example of persuasive communication from the NRA that you don't consider propaganda.
Planned Parenthood also makes thousands of statements. Can you give me a single example of propaganda from Planned Parenthood?
Of course, someone on the opposite side of the political spectrum from you would have opposite results. And that is the point. What you yourself believe is the determining factor on whether something is propaganda or not.