@reasoning logic,
reasoning logic wrote:
Quote:Trump is whining that the election is rigged. Trump is too stupid to be our president.
Let me guess you do not think that there are bad people in this world capable of this behavior?
Capable of WHAT?
C.I. was simply saying our American national elections are too decentralized for any one (or any one hundred, for that matter)person to thwart the will of over a hundred forty million voters.
Take Florida, for instance. There are 67 separate counties with election officials in each county. The governor is Republican and the Attorney General is Republican. It is insanity to believe there is going to be enough voter fraud by Democrats to usurp the outcome of the voting. ESPECIALLY since the actual number of recorded cases of voter fraud is so tiny.
The President is right. Trump's just whining because he doesn't have the character to just put up a fight, take his loss, and bow out. He's a spoiled trust fund punk with no respect for the centuries-old democratic republic that he has the temerity to want to try to lead.