And, just to lighten things up a little for a Saturday morning:
Top Ten Things Overheard on Bush's Vacation
from David Letterman
10. "This vacation is flying by -- only 33 days left"
9. "Dang, Springer's a rerun"
8. "These margaritas are weapons of mass destruction"
7. "Whoever's in charge really screwed up the economy"
6. "My God! Mars is coming right at us!"
5. "Don't worry, George. In 17 months, you'll have the longest vacation of your life"
4. "Better start making stuff up for the State of the Union Address"
3. "I'm itching to declare another war"
2. "Proceed with 'Operation Letterman.' Make it look like an accident"
1. "Sitting around doing nothing reminds me of being president"
It All Depends on What You Mean by 'Have'
So if you're asking me did Iraq have weapons of mass destruction, I'm saying, well, it all depends on what you mean by "have."
See, I can "have" something without actually having it. I can "have" a cold, but I don't own the cold, nor do I harbor it. Really, when you think about it, the cold has me, or even more precisely, the cold has passed through me. Plus, the word "have" has the complicated letter "v" in it. It seems that so many words with the letter "v" are words that are difficult to use and spell. Like "verisimilitude." And "envelope."
Therefore, when you ask me, "Did Iraq have weapons of mass destruction," I frankly don't know what you're talking about. Do you mean currently? Then why did you say "did?" Think about "did." What the heck does that mean? Say it a few times out loud. Sounds silly. I'm beginning to think it's just the media's effort to use a fancy palindrome, rather than ask a pertinent question.
And how do I know you're not saying "halve?" "Did Iraq halve weapons of mass destruction?" How should I know? What difference does it make? That's a stupid question.
Let me try and clear it up for you. I think what you were trying to say was, "At any time, did anyone in Iraq think about, wish for, dream of, or search the Internet for weapons of mass destruction?"
Of course they did have. Come on, Iraq is just one big salt flat and no dictator can look out on his vast desert and not imagine an A-test going on. And let's face it, it really doesn't matter if they had them or not, because they hate us like a lassoed shorthorn heifer hates bovine spongiform encephalopathy.
Finally, all this fuss over 16 lousy words. Shoot, "Honey, I'm home," already has three, with an extra one implied, and practically nothing has been said. It would take way more than 16 words to say something that could be considered a gaffe. I don't really take anything people say seriously until they've used at least 20, sometimes 25, words.
When I was criticized for my comment, I was reluctant to point out it was only 16 words, and I was glad when someone else took the trouble to count them and point out that I wasn't even in paragraph territory. When people heard it was only 16 words, I'm sure most people threw their head back and laughed. And I never heard one negative comment from any of our coalition forces, and they all speak English, too.
Wooooowwwww, go David Letteman! I always thought he leaned a bit to the right.
And that's Steve Martin the comic? I know there's more than one Steve Martin out there. Very funny! He's right, did is a funny sounding word.
There is more than one Steve Martin inhabiting the same body, too. He writes crazy, funny pieces for the New Yorker, too, and of course is a playwright. Not to mention extraordinarily interesting art collector.... Just a wild and crazy guy.
And also in the New Yorker, Hendrik Hertzberg on the new talk radio -- liberal, funny, sharp, literate, serious... and funded.
Actually, "I did not have relations with that woman" was accurate, in the way that having relations is defined. So it would seem that there is little difference between the considered accuracy of Clinton's statement and the considered accuracy of Bush's statement. However, as I recall, the republicans refused to consider that Clinton statement as accurate.
The major newspapers are not letting go of the continuimg story of the deliberate lies about the WMD. Here, from the New York Times today:
Now, to get a look at Bush's version of events in Iraq (everything's going well, but it needs work), here is the story as reported by Elizabeth Busmiller in the NYT:
I hope you can also pull up the photo of Bush, Rice, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and the general. Bush and Rice looking ahead; the rest walking looking at the ground.
What I got out of the press briefing yesterday,and out of Rice's speech the previous day:
Rummy: The US forces are not stretched too thin= We are in deep doo-doo!We don't have enough troops,and the volunteer numbers are dropping.
Bush: THings in Iraq are looking up=I don't give an aviating rodent's rump about Iraq, it's like that other place we invaded, its over and done with...on to somewhere else!
Rice (at a meeting with the national Black journalists association): It is America's responsibility to bring freedom and democracy to the middle east. This is an undertaking that may take generations to achieve.= The US intends to invade most of the middle east. Via strength of arms and continuous warfare America will build a new worldwide empire. All Americans must be prepared to give their lives for the new imperium. Hail Cheesier! Hail Bushy-Poo II! Hail Cheesier!
It's Bush's vacation. It's Saturday night. He goes to a neighbor's ranch for a barbecue. Hey, this is Texas! Happens all the time.
Except everyone else is charged $50,000/person to come to the party.
That's what a taxpayer paid vacation is, after all, when you're president and you want to continue to be paid for four more years. And four more year's-worth of 6-week long vacations.
I suggest we make January 20, 2004, and every day thereafter Bedtime for Bozo.
Hopefully, he was embarrassed enough by his first attempt not to try it again.
PDiddie -- Thanks for the tip on Perot. As long as he makes trouble for the White House, I'm grateful for his energy!
I did follow the ad on Salon. Salon has some good stories but I wouldn't pay for their service because it doesn't seem to me to be journalism. It's not bad stuff, but the language has the sound of axes grinding: from the above quote: "Most refreshing" and "zealously policed" among other tidbits! The grey lady and their kind are more and more appealing to me. I hope those cautious dullards take notice of what Perot's up to...
As it stands currently, you do not have to pay for their premium service as long as you view the advertisement.
And I mostly like Joe Conanson. Couple of things. Government Budget Office said this week the deficit is due primarily to two things - the tax cuts and the cost of the war. And, Bremer , in Iraq, is worried about a large influx of terrorists and terrorist groups, and what may happen. He also says they have no evidence of any Al Queda link (which Bush is still claiming).
Perot, George Soros (who's a serious contributor of funds) - seems like more people are now beginning to speak out.
Do you think Bush will ever go to Iraq to see for himself? After all, he is president. One would think he'd go there to cheer the troops and get first-hand info?
And Justice Kennedy, speaking to the ABA, sharply differs wit the Ashcroft directive on judges handing down sentences - which Ashcroft says should be longer and more severe, and wants lawyers to report those judges who don't abide by his rules.
That's some bunch in there.
"Do you think Bush will ever go to Iraq to see for himself?"
Good question. I predict he will. Shake out that flight suit, buy a fresh wad to stuff down there, and *presto* -- Boy George in all his make-up will appear in a military setting among all those attractive fellas in their (o-o-o-o-oooo) real uniforms!
Quote:"Do you think Bush will ever go to Iraq to see for himself?"
He already has, been he went on one of his little foreign public appearances recently, he flew over the country and now knows all there is a need to know
BillW wrote:Quote:"Do you think Bush will ever go to Iraq to see for himself?"
He already has, been he went on one of his little foreign public appearances recently, he flew over the country and now knows all there is a need to know
Erm... he never actually set foot in Iraq. Blair has, several American congressmen have, and Wolfy has, as has Rummy, but Bushy-Poo II hasn't. He flew over it. Ooooohhh.. aren't we lucky to have such a braaaave president!
Courage (at 60,000 ft) :sad: He has a feel :yeech:
Hobitbob - show some proper respect! Well, has he ever been to Afghanistan? Took him a week to get to the World Trade center, after it was hit.
May I just say that as long as you mock Dubya, you will not be able to replace the administration let alone the policy his puppetmasters stand for. It's the Ronald Reagan trick all over again, and it's working.