t.w. stands no more chance of accepting your logic, au, than we do of accepting his.
You might as well go to work on changing your
cat's mind.
Since this thread is about replacement, and not about elections past, and since the Iowa caucuses are a year away, and since there is another thread devoted to Democratic candidates and their prospects, I'll refocus on the topic...
If you consider that (I'm conjecturing nice round numbers without any hyperlinks behind them) that 40% of the electorate would vote for GWB if there was photographic evidence of sexual relations with a goat, and that 40% of the electorate would
NOT vote for GWB if he killed Saddam, gave Iraq's oil to everyone who lost money in the market meltdown and used the rest to pay off the deficit...
...then that leaves the 20% that each party fights to woo every four years.
Swing voters. AKA 'angry white males' and 'soccer moms'.
I prefer calling them "Moron-Americans", because the polling statistics show that they make up their minds who to vote for in the last two weeks of the election cycle.
These are the Americans that believe that a number of the 9/11 hijackers were Iraqi; these are also the people who say they'd like to have a beer with Bush (despite the fact he is a recovered alcoholic).
Since you must only sway slightly more than half of them, and since they won't be deciding for whom to vote until 22 months from now...
...we can all chill out.