Yes, on July 18th, Soviet style Republican thug, House Ways and Means
Chairman Bill Thomas, called the Capitol Police to stop Democrats from
protesting his Brezhnev style committee dictatorship. But, of course,
Thomas (who had an adulterous affair with a pharmaceutical company
lobbyist while writing Medicare prescription legislation a couple of years
back) wouldn't have called the cops without the okay of the Stalin of the
U.S. Congress, the "Toxic Psychotic" Tom DeLay. (As we've noted many a
time, Denny Hastert is just a figurehead. He was chosen because he was the
only Republican who had no sexual skeletons in his closet. Denny is more
interested in a turkey leg than the leg of a woman. Tom DeLay figured it
was better to pick a guy for house speaker who had gravy stains on his tie
than a guy who had panties -- or jock straps --in his desk drawer.)
Here's what two Democratic congressmen had to say about Thomas's KGB style
"My friends, this is how tyranny begins," said Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, a
Ways and Means Committee member. "It is our responsibility to stand
against a police state, to stand in favor of open dialogue rather than to
permit a bill to pass with only the votes of one party, and move toward a
one-party state."
"I never thought, as a member of Congress, that I would be threatened with
arrest in the library of the Ways and Means Committee,"[Congressman John]
Lewis said during the House debate.