richard clarke now on airamerica radio online
Gee ... I wonder if that technique could be adapted to facillitate communication between adults and Libruls ...
Not sure what this has to do with Bush, but I couldn't resist responding to this:
Quote:So if you really want to communicate with toddlers, forget talking to your child as if he or she is a small adult. Instead, squat down to the child's level like a monkey and start grunting and shouting.
This is probably an excellent way to teach your child to grunt and shout, but I'm not sure how useful he or she will find such skills.
I think it's appropriate..............
Of course you would, Bill ... its prolly a tribal thing.

Artistic Excellence
BillW: Ever considered a public showing of your artstic presentations which I am sure would be greatly appreiated by the resident art critics
errrrrr, Actually, if I did that I'd go to jail for plagiarism - I prefer to think of myself as a art critic
Nobody's mentioned the latest bone picked by the GOP that got stuck in their throats:
Quote:Intelligent, mature and rich in educational background and experience, Ensign Kerry is one of the finest young officers I have ever met and without question one of the most promising.
Quote:Lt. Bush has not been observed at this unit during the period of report.
PD...yer breakin up....say agin
(sound of Ed Gillespie choking on his own words)
Relax, blatham ... maybe you'll get a chance to hear it again on
Air America Radio
I don't recognize these stars, captain.
As reported in a light manner on The O'Franken Factor and
the NY Daily News, Colin Powell has LIEEEED about Pottery Barn:
Quote:"You are going to be the proud owner of 25 million people. You will own all their hopes, aspirations and problems. You'll own it all," Woodward quotes Powell as warning Bush about the consequences of invading Iraq. "Privately, Powell and [Deputy Secretary of State Richard] Armitage called this the Pottery Barn rule: You break it, you own it."
Yesterday, Pottery Barn's (corporate spokeswoman Leigh) Oshirak complained bitterly: "This is certainly not our policy in any of our 174 Pottery Barn retail outlets in North America. In fact, there is no policy regarding this whatsoever."
So go forth, ye A2Kers, and bust up an aisle with your extruded ass in Pottery Barn without regard to the consequences!
PDid, A very good way to release all our frustrations without having to pay the consequence. LOL
I wonder if this rule applies to the Museum of Antiquities.
I've always wanted to be a bull in a china shop, so why not pottery too?
Never really seen a bull in a chinashop, but once I saw a youngish barncat come off decidedly second-best to a few outraged and highly energetic geese. For all his years thereafter, that mostly-feral feline, enthusiastically willing to go tooth and claw at damned near anything, and quite successful at it, wouldn't be seen within a hundred feet of a goose.