blatham wrote: Finally, though I think it one of the most disgusting trends of my lifetime observing America, the right has gained much of the voter response it now controls through fear-mongering, demonizing, exaggerations and deceit, and through simplistic black/white dichotomoies. Educated, careful, rational responses have been disappointingly ineffective in countering what the right has been up to.
I agree this is a disgusting trend, but I don't think this particular disgusting trend is specific to the right. I think it's just the way you gain political power in society that gets most of its news from TV and talk radio. For example, contrast a hard-hitting, conservative pre-TV pundid like the funny and intelligent Mencken with a TV age pundid like Limbaugh.
Then compare the modern scares from the right with the modern scares from the left. By that I mean widely propagated nonsense like the claims that abolishing the minimum wage will hurt the poor, or that American jobs need to be protected against third world imports, or that privatizing Social Security would automatically harm the elderly. I'd say the inventions of TV and talk radio made a much bigger difference than party lines do.
Paul Krugman, my personal hero, has an impressive record of waging thermonuclear war against that kind of scares by the left, much like he is fighting the Bush administration today. He was almost entirely right about Kuttner and Reich, just like he is almost entirely right about Bush. But based on his success at changing people's minds then, I'm not sure about his effectiveness at changing people's minds now. This is a problem because in a Democracy, you win by changing people's minds, not by being right.
blatham wrote:Therefore, it seems to me that Dean is exactly correct in going after Bush and his crowd.
I agree. But being correct doesn't win you elections.
blatham wrote: He has already mobilized a constiuency in a way no one else among the dems has managed.
I agree Dean did a great job mobilizing Democrats to get involved. But making liberals vote Democratic with a passion doesn't win more votes than making liberals vote for the Democrats without a passion. You win elections by winning over moderate conservatives and moderately apathetic non-voters. That's an entirely different game, and it remains to be seen whether Dean is any good at it. I'm skeptical, but admit that Dean has surprised me before. He may well surprise me again.
blatham wrote: Bush and his team are the ugliest thing to come up the pike in a long time.
I agree. And I think you could get a lot of conservatives to agree too. No conservative I know wants to see the federal government get bigger the way it currently does. No conservative I know wants to see civil rights and due process perverted like they currently are. No conservative I know wants to see the perfectly respectable conservative agenda abused as an excuse for a mutual enrichment game between corporate insiders and the government. If the Democrats could come up with a Clinton minus the sleaze, a lot of these conservatives would come to see that they are being had for a ride by the Bush clique, and switch camps. I like Dean personally, but doubt he can do that. I also doubt he can mobilize enough non-voters to make up for it.
We'll find out though.