It worries me that you've mentioned your number, too.
Yes. Don't be surprised if you get some calls inquiring if your refrigerator is running.
Do you have Prince Albert in a can?
ok. so saturday, what time? say 7pm? too early? too late? out of town - something in burlington or nearby? who decides?
there was a mention of an early afternoon meeting - i would much prefer later in the day - so that i can work during the day and then enjoy an evening out without worrying about work and such, but if i'm the only one, frget it, i'll give myself a break from procrastinating and come whenever. wherever. damn. we bostonians are not the most decisive folk.
I'm thinking 7pm is too late. I think we should shoot for a start time as early as lunch or no later than tea time (noon to 4pm). Diane mentioned that this would be better as an earlier todo.
Well then I root for lunch. A girl needs to eat, so I can use it as an excuse to get away and take a break. Or more likely start the day after lunch.
Quinn and I have a wedding to attend in the AM with a reception to follow that runs until about 2pm. We could meet up with everyone around then if that works.
so.... shoot for a late lunch, or mid-afternoon snack, at or after 2pm?
So, now, where? Up a little North of the city? Who's coming who doesn't have a car at their disposal?
You folks are famous for disappearing when people come. at least in part, to meet you from thousands of miles.
Could one of you at least meet Dys and Di, even with ugly hair?
There, I said it.
I know we over-orchestrated the sf group thing, and we'd
cut that out in part from all we learned the first time, for a next time...... we generally met at rest and group pleasure.
but, lordy, I hope some of you get your tuchases to meet dys and di.
You folks are famous for disappearing when people come. at least in part, to meet you from thousands of miles.
Could one of you at least meet Dys and Di, even with ugly hair?
There, I said it.
I know we over-orchestrated the sf group thing, and we'd
cut that out in part from all we learned the first time, for a next time...... we generally met at rest and group pleasure.
but, lordy, I hope some of you get your tuchases to meet dys and di.
The New York City contingent will meet with anyone coming to New York City...and we ain't coming up with no excuses.
(Just in case you wanna come out, Osso.) :wink:
pche (a Slovak for pffft) we'll show you! I'd say let's meet at 2pm, who comes later will be waited for. Now we just need a venue, littlek knows of a few between here and Burlington, how bout a good lunch and coffee place?
I've made the NYC reservations, Wednesday the 20th at eight, so far for six. Who else wants to meet up in Mid Manhattan?
Reply here.....
Has anyone contacted SealPoet?
PS - time: 2 PM?
place: Burlington?
restaurant: ??
Yes, no, maybe? Folks, let's start to get decisive, the whole thing is coming tomorrow, need I remind you, and we should get something down and in concrete. Thanks, sorry to be the whipcracker.
Joe Nation wrote:I've made the NYC reservations, Wednesday the 20th at eight, so far for six. Who else wants to meet up in Mid Manhattan?
Reply here.....
ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But.....
Joe Nation wrote:I've made the NYC reservations, Wednesday the 20th at eight, so far for six. Who else wants to meet up in Mid Manhattan?
Reply here.....
C'mon Gautam...you can make it!
You know you can.
Not this time - but I am hoping in my new job I will get to come to NY more often !!
There's a new and very roomy Au Bon Pain on Washington St. in Woburn not far from their hotel. Baked goods and coffee. If you want an actual sit-down-and-eat-real-food restaurant in Burlington, Dandelion Green on Mall Rd would be good.
Dandelion Green
george is this the joint?