k copelin
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 09:46 pm
I stopped reading at black and from new york.
Whoever is writing this has no idea what hip-hop is.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 09:53 pm

how about we ALL just ignore this ignorant no life, low life ass hole. all he is doing is having fun with this while you guys keep arguing... he obviously doesnt know nothin about hip hop and is just being a dick, and aging this on cause he's bored... please stop replying..

Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 10:48 pm
@k copelin,
Lol ... u never had 1 thing you could say

I do believe you have stereotyped all of us ...

im not racist , but i know how ignorant it is to expect people to listen to what you say , and then you automatically choose to not read what shutdownpow said because he is Black an from New York .... well that was very sterotypical of you

and ignorant people

look u reverted to name calling ...

u know what that means u lost your arguement an you threw a temper tantrum

U have no idea what Rap is

Its RunDMC

copelin - heres the funny rule about calling someone a bitch , if your not willing to act on it then shut your piehole

sitting here preaching to us how Violence is not Rap

and you not only use vulgar language to provoke it , but you lack the spine to carry it out .

look we have a simple rule here , if your only here to talk ****

then i talk to a moderator an your booted from posting in the forum

u can either choose to act like the fourty year old you are

or you can keep acting childish an those of us , who are not petty and would much rather just rap will have you removed ....
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 10:59 pm
Kool Herc is the first Hip Hop dj

it all started based around breakdancing

MC - came later on after djing where in new york they use to break into light posts an tap there energy for there turntables

and then one faithful day a MC - started to rhyme what he had to say
and Rap was born it took off as fast as Breakdancing worldwide quickly filling the radio and streets

even REAL rock and roll bands acknowledged this art

and Aerosmith made a song with RunDMC

Long b4 Thug and Gangsta rap became popular

Boombap and early styles had already bin taking over the radio

guys like heavy D and the Fatboyz

EMINEM is NOT HOLLYWOOD - name any Scribblejam battlers that are
there the best underground artists in america , he began with battling , he made a full Cd known as Infinite b4 he became famous and its one of the best rap albums to date

heres the difference between hollywood and Real

Hollywood - u listen to well its hot and plays in clubs
Real- is a cd you take out an play over an over again no matter how old you are

DR DRE REAL dre's 2001
Big L Real everything he did
Busta Rhymes - Real
Techn9ne Real

Don't be bitter with HIP HOP cause you dont have the capacity to do it and make it sound good lolol

there are an abundance of positive things about hip hop
ur focus'ing on all the negatives


nothing but ingenuity and hardwork
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:04 pm
study hip hop like it's a subject....
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:23 pm
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:30 pm
0 Replies
k copelin
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:40 pm
Egging on a fight like I’m gagging eight thieves,
Gist of this gig is it is.
Avenged eight fOLD,
(Old-Metal-head-metaphor) as I’m noggin an egghead novel fit,
For Nurse-rhyme-types of a humpty-dumpty,
Eleven-dozen dogfights,
Defeat the gloving death fee G-loving (that’s me heavin’ a tenfold gig),
Kickin’ a heaven fit dogled sleigh with a fag voted heeling,
Faggoting an elevated light as I voltage feed, halogen deft trick,
hot gavel feign, given a heated flog, F(8)ed neigh’ glove. (that’s my 8th and ninth),
start ta hiss a lisp deaf from shoveling .
Ghost ship sieges as imma shoving pills for no reasons,
Siphons got sheepishness, as sure as Genesis give Noah his seasons,
Ship’s shot shapes, like my sighs got esthesises, ,
Its exegesis ghost **** , hostessin’ six ghetto flow,
Timezones monatanatize this like ozone,
Seismic got five shifts, five finger revisitors, feverishness if it vigors,
Severenesses riff’s forth origin virus,
Frigid river offensivenesses frig rushes 3. 2 and 1 cuz Im fuckin’ done.

zero cuz this kutchen was my baker's.
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:51 pm
@k copelin,
lol oh i got that one

Ive seen avengedsevenfold twice in concert , b4 an after the lead singer blew his voice box

a few good lines except I can still show you were your just rambling


still ur trying to do a bakers dozen with no semblance of CONTEXT

its ok lil guy , dont worry Prof will show you how the big boys do it ;D
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:53 pm
and Hey guys KO dropped out the tourney so lets get it finished meow Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sat 16 Jun, 2012 11:59 pm
its just funny cause i never even listened to rap till i was 12 and the moment i heard it I was in love , I had about 12 speakers in my garage , tweakers , subs and mids and this old chair i cut the chair in spots to fit the speakers an wired it all my self an use to sit there with the volume cranked n listen to a westside connections cassete an wutang

I started breakdancing long b4 i was a rapper //

it was actually bboying that got me in to hip hop //

like Jurassic 5 and Run dmc

Xzibit is a phenomenal rapper that most people wouldnt even listen to

and he can freestyle

tom green is real hip hop Smile that mf can free ill

I try to learn as much as I can about the things I love

must be why I dont know how to be a DICKRIDER and BE A HATER...

Very Happy
0 Replies
k copelin
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 01:02 am
let me put this in context...
stop using that pussy lol ****.

that "theme" music stuff you do doesn't work...it aint a flow, its stagnant. one idea repeated over and over within a verse; and then repeated over and over within the next verse; and then those two verses repeated over and over within the next song. art is about interest. try a suprise once in a while...****, try suprising yourself...thats how life works. it isn't stagnant, it isn't a tight-ass english paper, it has loose associations and moments of mundane to accentuate brilliance...

thats just how i see it though, im not a rapper.
k copelin
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 01:12 am
@k copelin,
look at me...all teachin and **** when i should be medicating bobobobbobbleheads.
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 01:26 am
@k copelin,
paranormal Paralyisis alice this wonderland without the malice is there a chalice to drip an eternity of burgundy never burden these unlearned emcees eyes turn envy looking ,the burnin seas cooking uncertainties without branding iron ,attire tired rolling down the street trolling the bridges never thought of what you lost sacrificed ya whack advice and never crossed to the otherside , utter eyed , milking the crowds for approval ,tea cup poodle , looks nice in high society , in the city devine die-ety’s , dine for five 50’s and beg for change , jesus dancing for quarters,I got 5 nickles and i’ll give you a fist-full scribbles a riddle for devils fiddle an middle man management little hands can’t fully grasp the concept of what he’s working for , the working force ,colonies , Queen would call um bee’s , drone’s ,smell like the death of teen spirit bones of Kurt Kobaine layin crimson stained in a pentagram pent up penitentiary pens censory, kennedy coat tails terminated,govern my own state , stated ya jaded every page is outdated , this industry is earth unlike God ima leave no doubt who made it ... first...
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 01:27 am
and you thought you were teaching ^^^^ funny who u look up to Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 01:41 am
@k copelin,
dude really - I Inspire you Quote End Quote

you have said it yourself

and actually it takes a higher skill level to maintain a topic with such clarity

hence why your unable to do it

I honestly cant say it better then the GOD verse I did for you

I dont know if you ever heard the song EBONICS

but thats a Dope track by big L and it has a THEME

not just tangents

if you wanna just go on a tangent without direction , then im actually the best at that lol ... u can read my earlier posts where i would write 200 bars and talk about a bunch of stuff

but what appeals is 1 topic and 1 idea

u supposedly listen to metal - well why would there be so much THEME in metal DEATH ,PIRATE, SHRED

ya dude I jam with metal heads , usually have a very large vocab , but they think there gods because of it ... around calgary we call you Hipsters or elitists ...

I think the lamens term is FULL OF YOURSELF
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 01:43 am
@k copelin,

but you have no idea what that is....

and you deff do not mean a rythm an keeping pitch

cause your not making tracks are you bitch ?

Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 03:07 am
you think ur smoking where ur Dub u B ?
you think your Supernatural wheres your WB
you think your a winner where your W b?
U got it flipped mmm B u Megalomaniac Bitch
Mega low maniac skitz
always trying to get high on authority ,
ive bin rappin since when being white in rap was a minority ,now the majority of ya racial issues bore me , im fourty percent fourties ,110 percent vorhies, ,850 percent horny , to bust a nut on the devil , 1000percent sure your corny stuff just not on my level , lil sock on gippeto’s hands, pedal grams an pedal cancer never in the lab developing a answer , bantum weight banter ,theres a reason your names not on top of the banner,don’t u get the picture im not talking ta cameras,only evidence of the heaven sent on the breath of those left , an you aint bin right since u stepped out ya momma ,honest , ur Freudian nostril conquest, will never prophet stop it ur not Nostradamus ,gothic gossip girl pissed at the hot chicks cause she never got dick , it wasn’t the braces,or how fugly ya face is its cause you never flossed it, turn ya coccyx into a inverted faucet ,pump you full a nitrogen ignite the pen on some Nos **** , finally ,moving fast enough to catch it n still never got it , ur a BITCH or what ever a dog is with a pussy

Twisted Evil say what ..... say it again , say it again ************ this time with your tounge cut out of your mouth an blood filling your throat

say it again as you Choke ..... neck broke ,cmon lets hear ur next joke

insolence an petty feebleness, just gum to my shoe ima keep walking all over you Cool

0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 06:58 am
@k copelin,
You should have kept reading..nothing racial about it...its about ur environment..ur talking like u have a grip on the history of hip hop..u wanna talk about violence and the content?...well u have to LIVE it to know about it...not be on the outside looking in....HIP HOP is a culture...this part of it?..text rapping and the like is a very small part of it....this is why no matter what some people try their writing is always gonna suffer is because they are trying to paint a picture without having the canvas...that's why YOUR writing doesn't and never will translate...your perception of good writing sucks..YOU DON'T KNOW THE HISTORY AND YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Jun, 2012 07:13 am
Nah white..I'm just stating facts and giving him some history..there was a time that hip hop was predominately part of the african american culture,it was part of our environment..WETHER WE LIKED IT OR NOT..it was cultivated that way..those are just facts..truthfully I didn't realize some people on this forum was so young..u see I remember..slightly..the park jams..battles in pissy hallways with guns drawn..the open mike forums in dingy clubs..breakdancer busting a move anywhere...yes it has become more global and other races have become hip hop writers and all that...I think eminem is the greatest writer..ever..but its first and foremost a CULTURE and a lot of people don't live it...so guys like k make me laff when they come on here and try to sound like they lived it..nah I lived it...didn't just hear it on the radio and think I am an emcee

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