Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 12:02 pm
Oh hi I am Sam
do u like green eggs and ham
cuz u seem to rhyme like doctor suess
But here ur rhymes serve no use
cuz I will rhyme when I want
not just cuz some faggot wants to see what I got

0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 12:17 pm
But now it's time for redemption and to move onto the next section of life
time to to put down that knife before what was a threat becomes lethal
my childhood was a sob story but this is no sequal
but my adulthood will not be the same cuz I'm done with you people
cuz now that feeling of rejection has been replaced with redemption
and that feeling of affection changed to aggression
and now that your gone I've finally reached perfection

(just a little add on... I was bored)
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 01:29 pm
Fucked with the wrong person man. You just wait.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 01:42 pm
And when comes perfection
There then comes a change in direction
When people fight against each other sort of like an election
But we still have each other and that will never change
God is by our side and that will never be rearranged
Satan set up Judgment Day but yet it never came
I will fight off the people who will be in my way
And who ever else who doesn't greet me this day
You mother ******* haters will be soon to pay
for whoever you have hurt and left in the dirt
And if you dare touch my family then you will see
blood stains from your head down to your shirt
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 02:26 pm
Man this ************ thought he could rap
Go back to school and teach, homo, I'm sure you're good at that
Crack your motherfuckin' head over my knee
Now you got a headache, go back to teaching your kids
Cause Sam frankly I don't care about your shitty rap
Don't give me a detention because I swore at you, how's that?
Well get your fuckin' pencils and pens out class
I'mma teach this bitch how to rap
You probably won't ever check this forum ever again
So I'm gonna' stop here
Shut up bitch, don't wine about this teach!
Don't even shed a tear!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 04:22 pm
Want To Be Like Me?

[Verse 1]
I've been havin' kids comin' up to me latley
Askin' me
How can I be like you? And I say,
Well you gotta' have rhymes like Edgar Allen Poe
You gotta' spend some time on ABLE 2 KNOW
That's where you can learn some ****
Then you can have girls crawlin' on your dick
Then you can have punchlines and words written' on your wrist
Then the kids don't ever take me serious
I slap em' up upon the side of the head and say I have experience
Now they get curious, they go out askin' there 10 year old girlfriends if they
Can suck there cock because they think they really really rock
And now I get **** for this because they ask me and I tell em'
It ain't my fault they sent there kid to this kindergarten
I sit around tellin' stories all day, tellin' all about how I get paid
Tellin' em about how to get your dick sucked and how to get laid
And when it's recess time, that's time for me to get high
Mix Bicardi dark and some UV light
Grab the boys and girls coloring books and write some rhymes
And when they come back in I rap for them
It gets a little rowdy then
I got six year olds bouncin' off the walls
With there blunts and there big ol' bongs
And now I got a little makin' up to do
Smack the principle's ass and then we screw it sounds like...

[Hook 1]
Oh wooo oh wooo oh
I wonder why the kid's like me
Because they watch me havin' sex with priniple on the desk
Oh wooo oh wooo oh
I'm drunk as ****
And that's why teacher sex is the best

[Verse 2]
My friends ask me a lot of stupid ****
They ask me, how can I be like you? I simply tell em'
You gotta' learn how to screw, Mike
You don't stick your weiner in there nose, all right?
You reach for the bottom of there panties
Rip it off like the **** is nasty, which it probably is, no offense bud
Considering your girlfriend is the head of the chess club
But anyways, make sure you got some rubbers
(Screw it!)
I can get some for you from my kindergarten student
He's a loomin' cupid, trust me, he gets more poon then me!
Now you gotta' make your move you see
Work your way down, make sure your face is down
Work all around, that's how you get it done
Now that's how you screw, all right dude?
Now, Sam, you got a lot to learn about rappin'
I'll tellin' you in my next verse session!

Oh wooo oh wooo oh
My boys have a lot to learn
Neither of em' no how to rap or even ****
Oh wooo oh wooo oh
I'll let my boy Sam know what's up!

[Verse 3]
All right Sam
You gotta' stand tall when you're,
On the mic, you gotta'
Spit tight, take no ****
Don't spit into the wind, you peak my drift?
Don't **** around with the wrong emsee
Make sure you got your rhymes and puns
Don't pull no gun!
This **** dog, it's all in fun
Shake hands and respect the man
Even though you just kicked his ass
Even though you just ripped him to shreds
Even though you used everything against him
Shake his hand! Make sure you got respect
Nothin' will ever get you passed that
Be willing be sick, be dope as **** don't risk it!
Use everything you have, use your whole criteria
Make him cry tears and make sure he heres ya!
That's all I gotta' say to you Sam
Rip the **** as good as possible
With my words, you'll be unstopable!

Oh wooo oh wooo oh
My man Sam
He now knows how to spit
Oh wooo oh wooo oh
Everyone can be like me
If you just practice your ****!


Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 05:12 pm
After the coloring book rhyme you should have said
cuz unlike sam here I can color in the lines or somethin like that
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 05:36 pm
I was thinkin' about sayin' somethin' about colorin' inside the lines! Couldn't think of somethin' though. I'm putin' that on my mixtape I'm makin' with my shitty ass studio.
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 06:09 pm
It's better than my studio cuz mine doesn't exist yet it's still sitting in the store waiting to be paid for
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 06:30 pm
Why would u put it on the mixtape though nobody will know who Sam is when that verse comes?
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 07:43 pm
Thanks for mentioning that about Sam!! Well ****, I'll just make up a name. Anyways it's just about people wanting to be like you, the name Mike is nothing relevant to anything. Dude just use your room or a room. Since I left Cali' they gave me instructions on how to put one together. You're gonna' need to sound proof it though, that's probably the hardest thing. It isn't hard, what board are you getting?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 07:49 pm
You know that song, Hatred, I put on here a couple weeks ago? That's gonna' be on there too, I hope. If I can get a flow like, Bully by Em.
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 07:57 pm
I don't think you had the same rhyme scheme it's
I think urs was just random it'll be hard to get the same flow when it doesn't match
Reply Mon 22 Aug, 2011 08:14 pm
Fallin' Rain

[Last Verse]
This time around I ain't gonna' **** up
I ain't lookin' down, I ain't gonna' stop till I'm stuck
Cause they way you look, the way you laugh
Discust's the **** outta' me
You and your tall ego, you're lookin' like Giraffe
Move on by, as I take a look at the paper and do the math
I gotta' get a move on to the other side of the
/Fence, so I can move foward
Listen to the drum as the place roars
Chant's of my name, echo through the corridor
It feels so good I can't explain it/
//I gotta' get more, more than everyone has had before
Listen when I double time clock and the flow//
Producin' my own my hits then
I'll leave you in the dust, with Mr. Thigpen
All you can suck my dick, not one of you helped me out anyway
Talkin' about how I was so ill and sick
You fuckin' made me ill and sick, literally I'm pukin' right now just,
Thinkin' about the ****, that was thrown my way
All the lies and the pittiness, it ate me alive
But I can't go on livin' like this
The way **** was on the table
It was so incredible, the way you threw it a way
I'm just eatin' up all of this critisism
But now I need to stop chantin', I'm startin' to sound like the kids nichiren buddhism!


Look up the nichiren buddhism chant! Ahh!

/=fast flow
//= faster flow

Take From Me Instrumental

0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 12:01 pm
The Sequence goes like this:

It's fucked up to know it carried this far
Both of us know it ain't gonna' end
This is for you, ************

[Verse 1]
I don't think I've ever been so mad at someone that I just want them to die/
I know he's a person of guilt and rage but I really don't think that he's a guy/
He's a little faggot that just keeps comin' around
And pissin' off you and I/
And believe me when I say I ain't kiddin'
There's no way
But this **** is gonna' blow up just like the 4th of July/
I can't take the anger no longer
Imma let it out and make us all of us a bit stronger
Imma sit down and think and ponder of all the **** that's been goin' on/
Cause this ************ thinks he knows me
But it shows that he's a nobody
After every stage he steps on/
You're just a little parasite that I always seem stumble upon
And all I seem to be doing is movin' straight on just like a Pawn/
But you're movin' backwards cause you don't even know the game cause
You're not logical or even smart/
No respect for anyone, no pride for nothin' cause that's just the way you are!

I have so much mothafuckin'
Imma look you straight in the eyes and tell you I have so much mothafuckin'
I ain't gonna' sit back and watch it unfold with so much
Just tell me if you want to go, I'll let out all my
Cause men fight like men and I'll show you my
And I know I'm gettin' on your

[Verse 2]
Remember the time you stalked me
Shoved me and locked me
In the fuckin' trunk?/
You must've felt really tough
But then again you were so fuckin' drunk/
I don't know if you were drunk
Or if you were high on some pills but
You were pretty fuckin' drugged/
A couple words will come out of my mouth that
I probably won't ever regret to say/
You probably think you're on my mind but
I care about you less more and more every fuckin' day/
I can't stand you at all and never will cause
There really ain't no fuckin' way/
As you can tell in my lyrics and in my voice
The topic of this song is about you and that is strictly my choice/
I don't got a sidekick or puny ************
Like you got in your little studio/
Look where I'm at, I'm in California, so let it go/
I don't wanta' hurt your feelins' anymore
So this is my song it's dedicated to you bro/

/= the ending sequence, like for example in Em's song:
"I'm not tryin' to make more enemies, no more unfortuantley, there's so many other motherfuckers that just are
I'm not excluding myself, I've been known to lose it when someone says somethin' smart"
That's how the sequence is, it's not every line. Like mine, it's kinda complicated but it works, I'm in the middle of makin' my own "Bully" Instrumental. I added a little guitar lick in the background of the beat.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 12:46 pm

A stereotype
but its hard to notice wit ya style'ing
Your fash'ion design
might consist of a fat wallet
in ya back pocket
to compensate
for ya flat back-side
I'm feeling kinda kind
Sike, I just told a lie
I make u lie and even if you stand and jump,
I'm still flyin sky-high.
Ya baby, thats right
I'm coming through heavens gates
and I don't need a pass to say I've been nice
boy I got more fire
than the water you just turn into wine
so sit and act blind
like u dont speak mine
I'm another league
It's where the devil lies

0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 01:54 pm
First off
I wanna say
Nature called
made you gay
Gave u pants to keep em on
Gave you Lance so you could have a blonde
But oops, NSYNC's Justin called
and he's getting kinda jealous with his lover gone!
Pissed off
that he was just
brushed off
Cant blame him 'cause
You relish cock,
Get him off,
Said that you should be a porn star
You're so distracted, you don't even see your moms
But I got her in my arms
She had some probs
I said whats wrong
Mid-sentence, I thrust it in and damn-near broke her jaw!
"Wait baby! I'm tryna talk!"
Smacked her hard
Grabbed her hurr
and pushed it 'til she gagged coughed
"I can't take it all" <:'O
"Well focus broad!"
She listened good and took it raw
Shortly after, I'm in this forum
Whoopin your ass for disrespecting pa

*I feel horrible for this, but I likes the scheme lol
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 03:16 pm
I'm new and posted some things in an old place, so here they are:

@dauer [Jew guy talkin about Jesus lol],

A stereotype
but its hard to notice wit ya style'ing [guy]
Your fash'ion design
might consist of a fat wallet
in ya back pocket
to compensate
for ya flat back-side
I'm feeling kinda kind
Sike, I just told a lie
I make u lie and even if you stand and jump,
I'm still flyin sky-high.
Ya baby, thats right
I'm coming through heavens gates
and I don't need a pass to say I've been nice
boy I got more fire
than the water you just turn into wine
so sit and act blind
like u dont speak mine
I'm another league
It's where the devil lies


First off
I wanna say
Nature called
made you gay
Gave u pants to keep em on
Gave you Lance so you could have a blonde
But oops, NSYNC's Justin called
and he's getting kinda jealous with his lover gone!
Pissed off
that he was just
brushed off
Cant blame him 'cause
You relish cock,
Get him off,
Said that you should be a porn star
You're so distracted, you don't even see your moms
But I got her in my arms
She had some probs
I said whats wrong
Mid-sentence, I thrust it in and damn-near broke her jaw!
"Wait baby! I'm tryna talk!"
Smacked her hard
Grabbed her hurr
and pushed it 'til she gagged coughed
"I can't take it all" <:'O
"Well focus broad!"
She listened good and took it raw
Shortly after, I'm in this forum
Whoopin your ass for disrespecting pa

*I feel horrible for this, but I likes the scheme lol
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 04:01 pm
Alright man, battle us, not Dauer, he's long gone. Battle the recent guys, don't waste your punchlines on Dauer, dude.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 23 Aug, 2011 08:01 pm
I Bring so much insanity
Rap flow sicker the immortality
I don't hurt nigga's I cause brutality
To beat me, peeps need a mapped out strategy
I run rap games like it's my new academy
I flow up the meter to no more capacity
Game so sick people call it abnormality
Have someone battle me I'll cause catastrophe
Yeah whitemofo I'm callin' yer ass out
I'll have yer **** bull dozed and plowed
I spit fast like a puma that'll give ya a pounce
Clawed up scratched so bad you'll have to bounce
I bring words so lyrically hard to pronounce
I'ma heavy weight fighter your punch is an ounce
Your game so bad i'll have you dunked off the inbound
Also off the rebound, with a hard sound
The sound of the ball crunched against your mouth
Crowd callin' you a dumb ass for tryin' a block
Had you like I was 50 cent and yer the lollipop
I brought the thunder quick crossover
Had your ass flipped, nah you didn't just "fail"over
I'll bring lyrical corruption like my minds a pyschomotor!

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