Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2011 03:16 am
ok ok.... i seee..
you the next 2pac wanna be,
or maybe MC?
but you can't becouse your lyrics and their delivery.
you said it's a face **** time,
im not a fag.. i fucked your mum,
im not on a weed,
i dont smoke that ****,
and one last thing,
i wont leave like a magician: bling bling!
im gonna put you down first,
to calm down my thirst,

and that was not all of my ****,
so dont come back, i got more lyrics to split Wink
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2011 03:27 am
Teenager with a retainer but a dream chaser
Either be major or remain a teamaker for retailers
Its Cheap labour,
Ima be greater
Live life bordering open seas, Smoking potent weed
Whilst your snorting up Coke And throating E
I wanna be more than a homeless bloke
Overdosed on hopes and dreams
Stolen coat, and broken teeth
I dont wanna be forty, a virgin on benefits
Pawning my mums wedding ring
And snorting what i get for it
Spitting poorly for the hell of it
Claiming im Celebate coz i aint getting it

A week later ill be dangling from the ceiling
Family are grieving
They happened to peep in on saturday evening
Strangled not breathing
Im appealing like the apple of adam and eden
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2011 04:08 am
stop the **** man,
a won't ran,
but...lets get back to rap,
all your motherfuckers tryin to get it back,
you the next 2pac wanna be,
but you cant becouse your lyrics and their delivery,
your lyrics are so ugly as your muma,
yeah.. i know… it's a drama,
you dont even know how to rap,
becouse you are motherfuckin fag!

i want you to show me your best! Wink Smile)

Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2011 04:16 am
I never said I was tough, now you’re jumping the gun a bit
You like to boast, and you’re honestly loving it
I’ll strip you of your title; little blondie that’s slumming it
You don’t deserve medals, I’ll discharge you dishonourably
My life is nothing but a paradox
Soon as I throw on a jumper and a pair of socks
Always going round in circles but I square it off
Earn more dough than you, and I haven’t even got a second job
Let’s face it, I’m not looking for a rap career
My similes will have you shooken up and mad with tears
It’s a pity you and I ain’t in the same phase
Degrassi graduated and became Drake
YOU masturbated and became Wayne
Sucking on Lollipops, now you have sugar glaze on your face
Farm and Fleet? At least I “work hard” and find “value”
Last time we battled, you were on a drug run and found valium
If I got a snow globe, I’m making you shake in ice
You fucked with the wrong guy .... now pay the price

**** this zzz **** is pocket money
He's trying to annoy me

..... And stop copying me
You’re taking the piss! That’s enough mockery!
FYI - I already DID beat an American, and I enjoy it
But you can’t beat a British, ‘cause we gave you the Rolls-Royces
AND the Bentleys, AND the Jaguars
Use them as hired cars, check out how bad you are
A “Ghetto Superstar” like Pras and Myá
Until, “CALL 911!!! MY CAR’S ON FIRE!!!”
Bambs ain’t nimble, bambs ain’t quick
Bambs couldn’t jump over the candle stick
Bambs should’ve jumped just a little higher
But instead he ended up setting his dick on fire!
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2011 01:31 pm
This **** isnt over till the fat lady sings
I'll eat this pussy just to get my red wings
Sounds like the fat lady is takin the stage
And that 8 hour shift of yours, it aint even payin you MINIMUM WAGE
Your life is nothing but a PARODY, maybe
Your a joke, spinal tap, ratty tat tat
My little brother whos is 5 can rap better than that
Those last four lines of yours were terrible, please dont pout
You shouldve thought twice and kept them lines out
Masturbated and became Wayne?
What the ****? Are you insane?
Wayne can suck my dick, Drake's name in Degrassi was Nick
South Asian little prick
Where you live, Kansas? fuckin Hick
Im razor sharp
Fusion pro glide in this bitch
I can tell by your last rap your gettin the itch to quit
Come back when you can actually back up ****
And if you dont like me, tough fuckin tit
Your irritating I'll scratch, itch, and bite
But I just cant seem to get rid of this termite!
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2011 03:44 pm
If anybody cares my bro just put out a mixtape this morning here's the link if anybody wants to give it a listen
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2011 04:43 pm
I can't here u with that muzzle on
It's sounds like a bunch of hippity who blah like u readin the Koran
Ohh Muslim joke but **** ur an Asian
Tryin to convince this Caucasian with ur ******* persuasian
Just go solve a fuckin math equation
67x+9<3x-12 what does that equal
When I'm done with this you'll be comin back for a sequal
Cuz I represtent countries like a fuckin bald eagle
Yet everything I do is barley legal 
Cuz I'm preety sure muderin a beat isn't a crime 
But I will drop u on a dime after Climb this fame ladder
While u stuck peein ur brain out cuz u can't control ya bladder
Better get some flowmax for ur 80 year old ass 
Ur so fuckin old Jesus was in ya first grade class
I sneak up on ya Like a snake in the grass 
Strike without warning now ur infected with venom
Now get back to the sweat shop and make me my denim          

Ahhhh **** writers block my head ain't straight Right now bro
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jun, 2011 05:56 pm
You can't write the same rhyme to two people at one time
Just go back and listen to big time... Rush 
I'm the best **** you can get like a Royal flush 
Cuz this is a fuckin card game son and I'm the ace of spades 
While u just the two of clubs off gettin aids 
U serve no purpose so leave us alone
U just a pain in the ass like a fuckin kidney stone
Why did u bring a knife to a gun fight? get out of this combat zone
I still got ak's up my sleeve 
And I might have to use them If u don't leave     

And wtf does " a won't ran" mean? Dumbass
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 01:29 am
yeah.. i did write the same rhyme,
and i kill him with that line,
you're more powerfull than he,
im talking to you.. you're the **** i see,
im' not a pain in the ass,
im just the best rapper in my class,
''in my class''.. i mean that in our world,
and i will punch you so hard, you can't hold Wink

maybe you're an ace of spades,
but im not the 2 of clubs getinn aids,
im vorth a hole poker game,
poker KING is my name,
your name is not the same,
cuz you dont even know how to play that game,

yeah.. i didn't bring a knife, or anything else,
cuz, no mether what you have, i can kill you with my bare hands,

don't worry.. i won't leave,
im gonna cut your sleeve,
what will i see?
i will see a clubs of 3..
i know you don't got any skill,
so you can't kill,
this is gonna be and endless war?
NO! i'm gonna end you, shithole,
i know im gonna survive,
cuz im a surviver,
not a oldtimer,
like you,
you're the one have a clubs of 2,
im sorry for before, i saw 3,
but i was wrong, 3 is to good for you,
anything better than you,
it's for me!

take your ass out of this batlle before it gets ugly,
or you will must run in front of me,
cuz i have no fear,
and you know what? i will eat you for a meal Wink
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 06:10 am
So that means you’re the fat lady?
‘Cause you sing quite a good chord ..... for a crack baby
FYI, minimum wage is better than nothing
You probably earn less than that shredding the onions
Rhymes are out of place like immense little bunyons
On your little tiny feet, growing red in abundance
I’m a poltergeist, I dare to mess with your conscience
Plus I’m sick to death of your nonsense, go ahead with your dumbness
Rip your liver and intestines out, young’n
Then proceed to blow off Mofo’s head with a musket
Cut off his stomach, break his legs with a truncheon
And turn him into aperitifs at a luncheon
I can’t begin to imagine how you’d think I’m American, cousin
Besides, Kansas is a fairly far distance from London
So your little brother can rap? I’d like to see him flow it
He must have kicked your ass too many times for you to know it
And my last four lines, you can consider them clichés
I admit it’s a cheap way
But it’s less cheap than all of your writtens on each page
I guess we’re both on the same boat
But who has the betterest heatwave?
An intelligent chieftain or an arrogant cheapskate?
You’re uncertain of yourself, your messed-up head is a deal game
And by “deal”, I mean a gambling bet with the Queens laid
My Royal Flush has got you and White sweating on each face
You could never outmatch my hands better, so peep game
Take you apart like Moses splitting the sea waves
Attack your divisions with grievious plagues
With consequences that compel you to eject from your street way
A devastation greater than you can possibly calculate
Street wisdom and words that I compile and amalgamate

To your question, WhiteMofo, that equation you gave me to solve
67x+9<3x-12? The answer is more than your brain can hold
Sure, I’ll make your denims, Miss Sixty
Coming from your out-of-pocket expense and it’s shifty
I’m a “Muslim joke” terrorising the wits from your city
But in reality, I’m just a Christian who simply
forgives and forgets
So I’m prepared to forgive you for all that really bad spit that you bill me
And now you have a writer’s block – ****, don’t we all?
Oh, woe is me - oh, woe be gone
I got the imagination that goes beyond
Just being an autistic, lone cheap norm
To a phenomenon, a concept, an asset to the mass
An original fly guy like Dallas and Kevin Nash
“The Wrestler” Mickey Rourke has landed you on the mat
With a crossface to match and crack your bitty hands
And throw you in the pit like trash thrown in a bag
So the rats can chew holes through your mangled little ass
Yeah, Jesus Christ WAS in my mathematics class
I taught Him how to deplete little bastards like you and bamb
Break you down into fractions
Stab you through the back with a Venn diagram
And like a German, you’ll be askin’, “Venn vill zis rap be over, man?!”
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 09:23 am
Half ur rhymes don't make sense
I'm makin suspense at your expense 
This isn't defense bro this is offense
I think u talking in the past tense 
You WERE the best rapper in ur class actually u never were
Bottle of tequila now this **** is becomin a blur
U just takin my rhymes and changing em around a little   
I kill u with the fuckin rainbow... Skittle
And I do know poker so give me some extra cards like we playin Omaha 
This retards favorite rapper is yo yo maa 
And just in case ur 4th grade ass don't know yo yo ma plays the cello
Ur moms ass is jigglein in my face like jello  
My head ain't right right Now man so I'm not gonna waste my time on you 
Write a legit verse and maybe I'll get back to you
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 09:25 am
Ahh **** writers block I'm done for now no point in writin a verse if ur just gonna kill me on the next one great job
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 11:10 am
What the **** are you doing here
What have you become
I've ended your career when that **** hasnt even begun
Your the runner up in this race
Duck right now or get a uppercut to the face
And while your babblin about race
Quit this **** right now to cover up your mistakes
Im waitin for your seed to mature
You aint even a rapper anymore
Things arent what they used to
No other rappers are as fucked up as you
He thought he could spit out of the dictionary in his dresser droor
**** I guess you are more of a peice of **** than I took you for
Little piece of **** cant rhyme
Your the reason all your ancestors died
And your the only peice of **** they decided to let survive
You are the one who I thinks a joke
Before you write battles you read your dictionary and sniff some coke
Half you words in your raps you couldnt probably even say
Thats right there is some real **** talk, ay?
Im so hot I should make my own league
Your too busy climbing up the faggot tree!
Happy Feet
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 11:59 am
i am the one whos on top
just go ahead and try to stop the power
your weak and insigificant like a flower
ill stomp you down leave you in aw ill watch you will cower
i got passed the toarch and set it ablaze
now try get on my level it will leave you ina daze
im the star at which yall gaze
when i have toarch yea be amazed
yins are actors fake inmators
im on top pullin in piles of paper
ill draw a line and you still can trace it
it goes to far up my toarch is to hot the touch
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 01:06 pm
@Happy Feet,
Week, newbie.
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 01:23 pm
The beginning was alright, but it sounded like he had know idea what he typing at the end. Its like he was typing to fast for his mind to keep up with what he was trying to say Razz
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 02:37 pm
It was fine in the beggining. He started out like me. I had no clue what I was doing. Smile
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 03:06 pm
I don’t JUST read dictionaries, I’m a walking book
That’s the reason my vocab’s got you all shook
‘Cause you’ve never heard a rapper say intelligent words
They’re all appearing in front of you but your vision’s all blurred
Vision is blurred? I think I might have said that before
And to be honest, I don’t really think your self is secure
Other rappers on this website have met me before
I just didn’t have this big an arsenal of weapons before
And I’ve used the word “before” about three times
Uh oh, methinks my own rawness is starting to decline
So it’s up to me to put it right before I suffer a rewind
Go back to the same way I was before I marched the mainstream line
At least I’m honest, you keeping it street is nonsense
I haven’t heard a mixtape, but I bet the beats are garbage
Now your provocative comeback has made me a monster
Bend the bars and feed on your “league” of upstarters
Now you’re barking up the wrong tree, Mary-Juana
You’re “Unbelievable” like Sarah Connor
I guess life’s full of more Surprises than Arizona
I’ll avenge my ancestors in my descendants’ honour
You think I’m a joke? Ha ha, hysterical laughter!
You’re a barrel full of laughs, someone get me a doctor!
Keep acting like a bitch with your menopause act
See you later – I’m going back through my “dresser door”, Jack
Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 04:05 pm
Way to rhyme Jack with act at the end of that rap
What the **** is that? Dressor Droor you god damn right
Whats so hard to believe?
A couple pages ago I bottled you
I feel sorry for you, and every other ************ that wrote for you
Thats Noah Webster
I'll eat you like a restaurateur
You better watch what you say when your facin me son
Im the American Michael Myers your the Asian one
Im startin to have second thoughts maybe your Sicilian
Nah its clear when you see his **** he's Brazilian
Doesnt matter your a homo
I'll fuckin stomp you so hard there will be a hole in the ozone
Ha you and your dictionary
Im here to give it "My All" Mariah Carey
Im hard to abtain and smart when I spit
I fuckin fart when I ****
Imma "Human Being"
But you'd be bored "Without Me"
Clamin your a legend, is downright blasphemous
You really are a loser about to get checked off of my checklist
Have you seen the movie Seven? Im Kevin Spacey
Remember what happened to Quanette's baby
I got your expression changing
You're gonna freak out when I tell you about the head she gave me!

Reply Wed 22 Jun, 2011 05:17 pm
She gave you head? OOOH! That must have felt too unpleasant
I don’t touch what you ****; I don’t do seconds
You’re too rude, Kevin – get lost!
Before you get abused like Williamson – Glengarry Glen Ross!
You’re not aware of the effects your sole impression’s caused
Shock you like tasers, now your whole expression’s lost
Nobody wrote for me, I use my own pen and chalk
I give it to you full blown like pepper sauce
You fart when you ****? Why’d you cut the goat’s cheddar for?
Baaaaaaaaaa! Now you got the goat provoked, you set him off!
Better run into the barn and get yourself a wrench or bar
Or any other necessary strong weapon to defend your guard
‘Cause this GOAT has a RAM-bunctious temper charge
Kick your BUTT and use my hooves to break your legs apart
I’ll BAM-Bino like a Desperate Dan comic strip
Then “Bring The Pain” like a Method Man chronic hit

Im startin to have second thoughts maybe your Sicilian
Nah its clear when you see his **** he's Brazilian”

..... Erm, that’s a Kid Twist insult
I’m Danger Mouse, you’re the silly prick Penfold
I’d never known that a dick would sink this low
Too many bittens - what is this, a big sick joke?
You’re on the “trail” like those redneck kinfolks
**** karate, I hit you with kenpo
Get gone, you vindictive little shithole
Forget a knife, I just killed you with a pencil!

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