Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 12:05 pm
At the sight of you a toothpick will snap 
But trees break in half at the sound of my rap
I'm more popular than a 5 star iPhone app 
I press these buttons to win it's like we playin tap tap
If u want to look back then let's recap 
I already took out illustraights punk ass
Made him cry like my rhymes give off the esense of tear gas
I drink 40 ouncers while u stuck with a shot glass
U had to get ur stomach pumped cuz u drank to much from a wine cooler
Ur dick is a nanometer it don't even show up on a fuckin ruler
That's why it snaps when u look at it cuz it's a toothpick  
I make rappers disappear but it ain't no magic trick 
U just got obsessed with lady gagas disco stick
U a **** stain on the underpants of society
U scared out of ur mind u can't get over this anxeity 
U starting to cool down so u don't get so much noteriety
Ur so many flights up cuz ur bout to commit suicide
Like Jesus I'm about to make you crucified 
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 12:37 pm
Your 2000 characters is nothing against my analogy
After all, it’s all about quality ..... not quantity!
I’ve just analysed all the slang you’ve used against me
You could’ve been broader but you choose to be picky
How can my sock be hard if they’re polyester-type?
Looks like I’ve pulled the wool over your eyes
You’re over your writer’s block but you can’t get over your pride
Swallow it; your career will surely be over in time
If you were a waiter, then you didn’t make a matched order
I wanted black coffee, but instead I got “White” and some tap water
“Pascal! This chicken is COLD!
And by the way, where the hell are my fillet and rolls?”
Hello Kitty’s right
I’ll say Hello to the Kitty while you bid farewell to your life
I’d say now’s a good idea for you to contemplate suicide
I COULD get off the computer but I’ve just got on it
I did a 12-hour shift at the postal office
The hours are crazy but the money suits me gorgeous
WhiteMofo’s chastising me but I’m just ignorin’ him
The word that he speaks doesn’t bother Ills
‘Cause he’s made a pact with life and it’s all of skill
How can I be a third grader when I graduated college?
You’re probably still in your first phase of knowledge
In high school bein’ bullied by the norms in classrooms
Believe me, I’ve been there – it was not good
Talking about my father likes man dick?
**** that, my father HAS a man dick compared to THIS faggot
And would you believe it? It’s Father’s Day
Your head as a cork to pop the Chardonnay
So you could say I got WhiteMofo “screwed”
Even Tic Tac Nic could agree my raps are more bold, it’s true
So do yourself a favour and let it go! Just shoo!
It’s over, dude - I just cold-shouldered you
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:10 pm
Congratulations, GJay, on flying through your driver’s vest
Despite the fact that you wore a wire inside your vest
You closed your clutch and ended up braking
Crashed your car, now you’re in the mud shaking
How can I be lifeless when I’m full of vitality?
I go to work, get fit, and earn my salary
While you’re still sitting at home taking a leaf out of the wack rhymebook
“3, 2, 1 Swish” – now that’s a really bad line, look
I “swish” you off like a windscreen wiper
Then make you take the plunge like a deep-sea diver
I’m nowhere near Ill – but I AM Straight
Hence my name, “Illustraight” !!!!!
Yeah, I DID come from a mentally disabled class
I took the rap game by storm, and I was able to make it fast
Considering I’m autistic, this cheap whore’s simplistic
I take your head clean off with a .44 ballistic
I’m talking a lot of **** over the Internet
But it makes you FEEL like **** ..... have I hurt your feelings yet?
Aw, I’m sorry, G - there’s no need to get upset
I got a soft heart; I’m comforting a kid reject
You’re messing with a “guppy” that’s sexually dimorphic
I make your chick sit and get off it
I hit the nail on the head when I finger-**** those warm lips
Your **** is getting boring
GJay, nice try, but your recklessnes is soaring
You and your little posse are not ******* with this
So go ahead and hit me with ANY rebuttal you wish
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:28 pm
I think I see a rainbow
..... Oh, wait a minute! No, I don’t!
It’s just D9-Tap, and he’s gone a bit off-colour
He wants to be whipped like his thick-arse brother
Who told me I was “mentally disabled”
I disabled him mentally – now he’s picking Chewits off the table
Haven’t lost MY touch, but YOU’RE utterly out of it
The only D9 I know is the one from Runyon Avenue
I AM a demented soul, haunting you in your sleep
Scarring you as you creep
This whole motherfucking terror daunts on you while you eat
And while you’re picking fish fingers off the table with “GJay”
You’re thinking about how you could possibly have been beat
By a man who is crazy, disabled and .... erm .... mental
You’ll never understand my way of thinking, it’s that simple
If my talent is coal, then I’ve blackened you up
Your vision’s completely blurred, mad from the dust
And why would you repeat what you started?
Hmmm, methinks you’re echolalic
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 03:39 pm
Oh, and by the way .....

I already took out illustraights punk ass
Made him cry like my rhymes give off the esense of tear gas

...... It's gonna take MORE than tear gas to make ME cry ..... "PUNK"!
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 04:36 pm
Man if really this punk would shut his fuckin mouth
Looks like that aint happenin, since he's from the South
South Asian my ass, Illustraight you better get your thoughts gathered
Cause when Im done with your ass, I'll have your face smathered
No not smothered and to add on to that I aint jealous
I'll **** your mom, sister, and your girl, estrus
Like you; I aint fuckin around though
Your a weak **** I could make your cry by beatin you with a feathered pillow
Listen up ho, this is the info
Little bitch give yourself a break, your given your own self an ear full
Cause Im rare and my beat is sick,
If my dick doesnt fit into this game, tough tit
Little bitch, I throw a stroller at you with a baby in it
Leave you in a body brace
Throw the baby at your face
**** now you know what its like to have a baby face
And just in case you didnt know this is the end of the rap
I carry this rap game till my back hurts
Now get the **** off my jock strap!

0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 04:59 pm
Cold shoulder? Whatever I'll smack ya with a boulder
I'm the wizard u just the beholder 
My rhymes get colder and colder while ur **** gets older and older
U graduated college? I thought you were one of those high school drop outs
U don't even have ur rappin badge for cub scouts
I know why it's cuz u ain't a cub ur a girl scout 
GJpro was right I am goin all out
Thats why There's no doubt Im writin bout what I wanna write about
Cuz I'm doin me cuz I'm G double O D 
Like i'm a kfc commercial 
This is the second time in a row I've called u controversial
And I don't get bullied I am the bully I give u a wet willy then shove ya in a locker 
then right before ya first kiss I'll show up and be a cock blocker
Oh that quite a shocker I hear this faggot plays soccer 
That's cool and all but I play show stopper
U obsessed with beatin me like a Jew is obsessed with copper
I drive by and chop ya head off like I'm drivin a chopper
I hear u a fatass we'll go burger king and get you a whopper 
I'll feed it to ya after I drop ur jaw cuz Ima jaw dropper 
I take these lyrics and I snuff it 
How do u expect to buy fillet and rolls on a mailman budget
Of coarse I can make u cry as long as I got bambino and GJpro 
Cuz ur a pussy u cry when u stub ya toe
Why did u get involved in so much beef if u can't handle it
I break ur raps down I dismantle it
Cuz this rap is like a puzzle 
Somebody get this fuckin chiwahawah a muzzle      
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 08:44 pm
stop writing wot that big fancy letter,
it's not lik it's gonna make u sound any better.
and stop trying to rap while u r high,
cause my raps r gonna kill u and u think you'll actually die!
I rap better than a fuckin Christmas present,
I'm the fuckin president and ur a peasant.
I own the damn USA, call me Obama
but if u **** with me I **** with u, call me Osama.
but don't mess with me, yo daddy, yea I fucked yo mamma.
i bet ur in if room jackin on ur little dick
cause u slutbag girlfriend can't do the trick
but I know y, it's cause u a gay prick
when u see a penis u automatically wanna lick
u probably took it in the ass and thts just sick.
my raps r short but they stick in ur head
and ur faggot ass wanna stick on some head
but u only stick on guys cause u can't get a bitch in ur bed
u probably cocky as hell thinkin u can spit
boy, ur rhymes don't rhyme, they wound lik ****
this is a place for ppl with a gift
but ur ass is weak, dick is what u lift
and man up and let ur balls drop
ur making urself look bad so just stop.
I hope u now know that this is my town
cause I'm the one who's wearing the crown
and a real man lik me can't stant a clown
so just take this defeat and walk off with ur bitch frown.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 09:42 pm
You know the saying...
Mess with the bull and you get the horns
Well look bitch I'm the deadliest plant
I even got poisonous thorns
You ain't no where near straight
You masturbate to gay porn
Whats rhymebook? Your personal thesaurus?
I'ma kill yer ass quick, Dontae Morris
This ain't over, no its not even the chorus
I left you dead on the street, Ford Taurus
I'm like the Fast Five
Ran your ass over like honey to a bee hive
Who's in the mud shaking?
Its this illustration that your faking
I thought your name was Illustraight
But have you measured your games weight?
Its lighter then wana be MC's
Oh, wait you are one, forgive me please
Your just another Steve Erwin
But I'm a mighty sting ray
I'll sting yer ass at any time of the day
Each word stings like a bee
Never mind I'm like New Orleans
A hornet running PG, call me CP3
Should I spare you with a long bomb 3?
Nah I'll send you to the hospital
Your ankles completely torn off
You'll need it transplanted bionicle
That cross over was to deadly
Now you can't even walk no more
Look little cub you heard my roar
You don't want to know what I have in store
You don't want this never ending disease
Look Greenbay Packer you get to much head with that cheese

Don't reply with another shitty ass rap... never mind just don't reply.... actually quit rapping cause your too ******* annoying for anyone to battle against seriously.
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 10:49 pm
That **** was sick!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jun, 2011 11:19 pm
For Mr. Illustraight........

Your just another victim, your trippin’ if you think I aint fuckin with him
Like david carradine I'll **** you up and you'll die
This ************ didnt want to reply
This is round 2 with this fag
**** I’m getting paid just for using you as a punching bag
You rap like Queen Latifa
I'm PHAT like Misses Latifa
With this rap I'll just be BRIEF a
The way your lookin, you shoulda stopped using the thesaurus
Matter of fact little bitch just forfeight, if I spelled that wrong, so be it
You should’ve just left with the battle of D’9 and retired with it
But instead you passed the torch to GJay and he lit your face on fire with it
Im tired of this, Im sick of this
You suck more dick than Bree Olson
This is the part where you get the violin
I'll take you and your rap game and throw it in the trash bin
You and your boyfriend in the FIST CITY, like Lorreta Lynn
Cause you, your raps are so fuckin lame
But me, my raps are insane
And you, I compare you to Lil Wayne, your a chest pain
Banging on your head, your bleeding
You, you're not a HUMAN BEING
Your soft ****, it's leaking
Cause your just an Imposter, you aint Weezy
But I got more money than Bill Gates, question mark?
Even though I live in a trailer park, Im lying
But I've brought more **** to this game, Im still climbing
I’m hot right on the fuckin spot, I **** you up worse than Scarlet’s twat
All I’m trying to say is, I’m part of the make a wish foundation, your dying of AIDS
Your practicing to be a TYCHEE master, at night you’re a private dancer
You’re a telemarketer at US Cellular listening to people who think there phones giving them cancer
When you answer the phone, you’ll be like ‘hello ma’am sir’
You make no sence bitch, correction
You still make no sense, your confused
You got an erection from the section of gay porn on the pornhub selection!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2011 02:16 am
your lamborgini? yeah right..
i bet you dont even have your own mic,
dont be such an asshole,
we all know your a shithole,
do you really think your good?
if i said so, they will kill you in your own hood..
but dont worry i wont say,
becouse there must be some noobs on my way
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2011 03:01 am
For bambino, GjayPro, WhiteMofoMonkysmugla

NO WAY am I gonna quit rapping – I’ve created an impact
I’ve made an ally of legends - prof, charlie and Tic Tac
If I’ve annoyed GJay with my “shitty ass rap” – well, tough luck
Even Bambi thought his rap was sick, he’s also fucked up
I guess the saying is, they’re all as thick as thieves
Now they’re all coming together as a posse to finish me
Listen ....

My pornhub will send your PlayBoy up to space
By the way, did you know Hugh Heffner has married whatshisface?
I forget her ******* name
I’m a telemarketer at US Cellular
Saying you’ve used up your talk time; your phone line I’ve disconnected it
Now you have no more minutes
I’m an Imposter – you can never tell the real me
You fucked with the WRONG person and got your face slapped by professor silly
I’m in Fist City, you’re a woman who gets “beat”
Like a traffic cop who penalises drivers for their speed
Bambi, I oughta slaughter
If I’m Loretta Lynne, you’re the “Coal Miner’s Daughter”
Bree Olson hasn’t got **** on me yet
Your girl lives with me in a condo, I made her my “Penthouse Pet”
I’m Queen Latifah, I’m bringing down your house
And bringing Jungle Fever to your sister and your spouse

“Too ******* annoying”? That’s what YOU think
I’m dealing with a teen with massive mood swings
I can tell by the byline that you wrote at the bottom
Old GJay’s got a brand new problem
Even his Mum or his Dad can’t resolve it
He’s sniffed some kind of attitude solvent
If I’m a Green Bay Packer
Then I ate this Dallas Cowboy like a KFC Snacker
Then went on to beat the Eagles in the playoffs
Another well-deserved point on the game board
If the rap game is fucked, I’m putting the blame on you
If you’re CP3, then Master P should take a flame to you
Fast Five? More like Slowpoke
‘Cause you slow-choke, plus you have rhymes with no notes
Oops, I’ve replied – now slash your own throat
Got a gun to your head, now you’re on your own, Pro Pro!
You’re full of “bull”****, Taurus, claiming your rapping scheme’s realer
You’re a deadly plant? Good thing I have the weed-killer

Somebody bring back Monky’s mojo
Before he goes around smacking people with boulders
He broke his wrist, ‘cause he couldn’t handle the rock
I got about a hundred more mags for my glock
I’m old but I’m still standing a lot
Leave you more damaged and rotten than a bag full of cotton
It’s just another equation to add to this problem
You’re “goin’ all out”, alright ..... like a candle that’s lost it
And now you can’t spit any more fire on wax
My torch burns forever in the catacombs that’s black
‘Cause I know I have a dark side
I’ll separate you from bambino from GJay, and leave you in rap apartheid
Your time is now - so pack your stuff, White
And head down south ‘cause this pad is all mine
You come up with a punchline that doesn’t make sense
Just clearly see-through like a woman’s Playtex
But my responses are on point like the lead on this pencil
Whether free or rehearsed, my writtens are simple

I’m replying to you twice
Why? ‘Cause you fired at me twice
Not being generous or anything, just trying to be polite
You’re thinking, “Damn, this guy is being nice.”
I’m piling up thoughts
Reckon you’re Derren Brown – a psychic of sorts
Mind Games 101, my mind is a force
I’m philanthropic, I rhyme for good cause
Whereas you’re nothing but a charity case
I’ve left your whole sanity phased
Like, “Why is Illustraight still coming back?
I thought I killed his ass with my little bummy rap
**** it, I throw a stroller at him with a baby in it!”
That line is Eminem’s, you shifty plagiaristic
Rude Dog and his Dweebs spit that fire?
Biting is one thing, but I never had you down as a bad liar
My 9mm shine like a sapphire
Bang! All of your Illustraight jokes have backfired
All that bullshit that you’re on, give it up and let it go
While I help myself to your mother’s egg and toast

I just sneezed, I got the hayfever
My illness just tore a hole in the gauge meter
Don’t worry, mates, I won’t bring it around you
‘Cause you’ll probably fall ill like me – atchoo!
By the Heavenly Father, and Allahu Akbar
Yahweh, Shiva, Buddha and Brahma
And all the gods in the universe, let it be known
Illustraight’s just killed three birds WITH ONE STONE!!!!

For your information, bambino.
I may sit at the computer some of the time, but at least I grew some balls and responded back; I HAVE got a life too, you know.

Trust me, some people who I lyrically killed for calling me out haven't even come back. I'm fully aware of what people say to me on this forum, so I take the liberty of pre-empting my verses; therefore, you should respect me not for my skill, but my honesty with myself. Just ask anyone: mic-holder, professor, Tic Tac, PrashantShady or even charliesforce. At the end of the day, bambs, I'm having fun, so no hard feelings for you or any of your crew.
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2011 04:51 am
No just just just no get up go don't even bother to reply to GJayPro
u don't deserve a deserve a ten line verse so I'll keep this brief
and don't pussy out and don't give me grief
cuz if u **** wit me then I guess we got beef
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2011 07:23 am
Bought time you got more punchlines and insults in there. I was wondering weather you were just going to keep rapping nonsense or some real lines. Nice job though got to admit. I ain't done yet though ;P
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2011 08:51 am
I dont understand why this guy keeps babbling
I dont understand why I keep asking
You didnt bring anything to the table for me
What you running outta ideas, for me?
You cant juggle two things at once can you?
Your like Winnie the Pooh, honey
Your little penthouse chick I'll choke her
Bring in Trevor Hoffman for the closer
This battle though, its mine
If you didnt "**** up" though, this could be the finish line
You took a trip on the bangwagon, cause you say **** a million times!
Last time I recall, I have a record
This is your exorcism, break your neck
With your head turning backwards
I fuckin savage, brutily average
If you dont agree, YOUR A FAGGOT
Like I said before your a little fuckin rat
When people ask where your from your like,
"North America, lets leave it at that!"
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2011 08:57 am
No hard feelings at all, I just wanna battle someone and your good, take it as a compliment! You are good so I like to get you going so I can have some competition.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2011 09:06 am
Yeah, this is what you want then your going to get it

My rhymes are chocking you
They make your face turn purple
You retarded ass reminds me of Steve Urkel
Look bro you ain't got nothin on me
Beat your ass down, Mohammed Ali
I'm your master and your my genie
Now look bro, this is my game show
You ain't no Alex Trebeck Ho
I'll kick your ass like kung fu panda
But don't you ever call me Po
My rhymes ride you like this boat that i row
Green sick color caused by my disease
How about I call you grass and give you a mow
Your scared ass is frozen still, scare crow
I'm called the body guard, Big Joe
But this ain't MTV, not one bit
Now genie I want you to sit
My first wish is for you to stop rappin ****
Illustraight is just one gay man
The deer that I just trampled or over ran
My rhymes are so hot they'll give you a tan
I'm like a one man frying pan
I wan't you to know that I'm the best
Your just a another quiz, maybe a test
Crumbled you up after seeing the score
Aced easier then opening a door
I'm a hard piece of MC to beat
I'm like the earth, way to hot at the core
You better not be writing **** no more
Your little bucket of rhymes was just a pore
Pop you like your another anoyying zit
No bro, you can't compare to what I spit
You call yourself and Illustration
I'm going to show you why I run this station

Look little "South Asian"
I'm the Chicago Bull thats ragin
Your dickless self
Can put the thesaurus back on the shelf
Your game is ugly like shrek
Your spittin nerdier then Star Trek
Your old school like Nintendo
Snap your violin neck hard, cruscendo
Your dumber then Britney Spears
Your far from my level, Light years
An arrogant Asian, you must be Japanese
Hard worker, But you'll never have my expertise
Never thinks he lost like Morgan Freeman
And don't think you'll repopulate
Because dickless equals not enough semen
I'm spittin so hot cause I'm always steamin
My rhymes will haunt your soul, Grim Reeper
Dick so small I call it the Millimeterpeeper!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2011 10:47 am
R.I.P Illusrtaight Pg's 470-530 (That's when you had some spit!)

Does anyone know what happened to Charlieforce and The Professor?
Reply Mon 20 Jun, 2011 10:49 am
Lmao and idk maybe off makin real music?

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