“Lildaddy”, there is a rule that we follow
There’s no stealin’ in here – hell, we don’t even have to borrow
Every verse you post has to be one of your own
Otherwise you’re gonna find yourself stuntin’ alone
So get with the facts and keep up with your growth
‘Cause there’s no bitin’ or chompin’ up in this show
Besides, I’ve seen this verse once or twice before
It seems that everybody is stealin’ things by the load
I’m hotter than a heatwave
While punks like you spit the same garbage like a replay
Scratched, screwed, cut and chopped up by a DJ
I get expensive pussy, you’re fuckin’ it the cheap way
That, dude, is a jack move - plus your manoeuvres are wack too
You’re a washed-up rapper, forever usin’ the shampoo
You’re waitin’ for me to come out of the closet
I’m chuckin’ you in it, and turnin’ it into a coffin
And who the ****’s Reed? Some weed-smokin’ fiend?
I’ll use this Reed as a whip and make you scream like a queen
I’m not 50 Cent, I don’t carry the loose change
But you’re about to be +Interscope+/”in the scope” thanks to my true aim
You listen to Miley Cyrus too? This raggedy dude’s lame
I’m about to put this object of travesty to shame
“LilDaddy”’s his username, he fathers big kids
But I’ve fathered a style that I son this kid with
I put some children inside your mother’s thick lips
She can open up a creche with all her infants
When they see you, they’ll say, “Mum, is that Daddy for real?”
She’ll say, “Don’t be silly, kids! That
Daddy is too