Jigajig 5
Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2011 06:31 am
Not bad Very Happy
0 Replies
Jigajig 5
Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2011 06:51 am
Well ladies and gentleman lend me your ear, cause I've got a rap for ya all to hear. Is it good well that depends cause it's about you and me my friends.

Stealing lyrics O.e man that's just ****, can't come up with lines yourself cause you ain't got the wit. Well most of us here are ain't gonna tolerate that crap so step up the bar bitch and learn how to rap.

You think you can rhyme man your flow is amateur,
Im a nerd I can smoke you with an amincantamintor
So fall back big boy cause your stepping to the best,
test test test,
yo is this Mic on,?
krochobok hitchcok yeah I just dissed you in klingon.

I'm with my guys on this one and I'll cover their backs, watching out for any little spacks who think they can come here, spittin their **** into our ear. I'd love to take out my Revolver and blow you away, and even think of calling me gay! Cause what if I am is or was what you gonna do about it? Suck off the wizard of Oz?

If you hate gays you should be burnt on a cross, bringin them down it's your loss, you know I never swear in my raps but you've pissed me off, I'm gonna **** you up with my Kalashnikov. Slice up your body and stick it a blender if you piss me off or call me and my friends a bender.

So go back to your basement and watch you shitty porn right through from Dusk to Dawn. Your a dam Nazi like gassing a gay or a Jew so as Cell Lo said **** YOU!
Starky Brah
Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2011 06:52 am
@Odd Socks,
Aee man your a fuckn **** spitterr your shits wahck

Ok ... okk

This guys a choke artist, You catch a bad 1
Your better of shootin yaself wif a 2millimetre handgun.
Climbin up dis mountin ya week, I leave you lost without a paddle
Floatin up shits creek.
You think you tough, you week.
Ill take yhoo back to the back of the shed tere you till yo bitch squeek.

Mann this guy raps like his parents jerked em.
He sound like eric sermen, the generic version.
Now when i finish this rap... ima take a picture of my rear end so you wont forget my ass
0 Replies
Starky Brah
Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2011 07:09 am
I can’t believe I’m hearing all this ravin and rantin.
From all you khunts up in here at the New Detroit stampin.
You need to get your food and take your ass back to work.
Your dreamin if you think them corny ass raps will work.
Look at ya’ll freezin out here like dumb fucks.
Man you all look like dumb fat look-a-like muts.
Never thaught id hafto embarress you all like this,
But **** all dis cammotion got me hollarin like a bitch.
I hate to do this, i wish this **** would last,
So ill take a picture of my rear end so u wont forget my ass
Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2011 09:49 am
@Starky Brah,
By bitin’, you’ve fucked Eminem from behind
So much that he’s now got jelly in his spine
I’m about to drill this jacker with sentences combined
Beat him with a stick ‘til he ebbs onto his side
This Starky Brah’s gone stark-ravin’ mad
Got chops bigger than a bunch of stark crater pads
Copyin’ a whole section from “8 Mile” is absurd
All you did was alter most of the lines in your verse
To make it your version of a spit bein’ rapped
And you accuse OddSocks of his **** bein’ wack
You didn’t embarrass me - you embarrassed yourself
Too much of that wack **** is bad for your health
Someone call a councillor, get this bastard some lessons
Before he breaks down and we have to put him in anti-depressants
I’m a principal that’s mastered this session
Challenge the best and you can get smashed in a second
A microsecond, or even a fraction of it
You simply can’t **** with these mathematics
That wack **** you’ve blabbered, you’re an addict to this
Get off this rap ****, you faggot – and bag some new ****
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2011 12:16 pm
You say your the my worst nigghtmare,
i disagree your mum is and your my worst Face-SCARE,
i some serious ****, dat u gotta inhabit, no looking but i know you wanna have a bit,
i swear i do these people so bad hoes,
like shakespare shows,
and i do em down stripper poles,
pussy is big and i guess dats the big holes,
dat my fing be digging into,
back and forth like a broken window,
am the big bad hand of the law, i kick your ass past tense you just saw,
like a cat i make you bleeed on your modafukin paw,
and i don't even want to fight you,
but check your shoe size it probz higher den your IQ
0 Replies
Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2011 03:05 pm
Im vex now
You best bounce
Or do you motherfuckers wanna get down
Pull techs out
The next rounds
When you n your brothers gonna get knocked out
The venomous fluid is toxin thats brewing
Shooting for you and your crew when you moving

I will never settle my vendettas with metal barettas
They be settled with letters assembled toghether

To Invent a sentance representing what is clever
Whoever tests this mental inventor to the end of his tether
Will have their career decend in to terror by the best ever

Im separate from the rest because no'one remembers ya
No offense, you actually attack like a old pensioner
Your get a verball backhand like my name is roger federer
Never let melanin affect the propella spin on my head its
irrelevent aslong as im genuine till my skeletons dead
its never been said
But no medicine can fix my sickness the venoms been bred
in my system
You bitches keep flipping your bricks im
slipping discs into dj's mixers
From brixton to kingston
The king of the kingdom
Is spitting his wisdom
0 Replies
Tic Tac Nic
Reply Tue 25 Jan, 2011 08:32 pm
Ayo.......aye bruh, holla at me if you got some beef
So I can deal wit you 1 on 1 you ******* queef
I'm tired of yall thinking I'm the villan just because I stoll 5 lines
Look at Starky, stole the whole rap and made it into to rhymes
This is the history of news, grab some booz and just forget about it
Actin' like a Illegally copied and paste some **** and think I'm the criminal about it
I'm sorry for doing that ya'll it wont happen again
And I'm not asking to be your friend, I'm just sayin' whats on my mind
Cuz the rest of you niggas talkin **** and act like I don't find
What you said and said I stoll raps that weren't mine
So get the **** off my dick will you, and stop actin' like this is some hardcore ****
Me, and the rest of you won't make it to the G lvl, but I'm not sayin were gonna quit
Prashant Shady II tricked you, look up his lines in his raps and type them in internet
Bet you find all sorts of rappers I bet
Cuz I did it, it's time you should too
So stop blaming **** on me, 5 lines is nuthin, 100 is lines is somethin
But read my next rap, it's not to none of you
Imma rap like theres no tommorow, like a real MC should be able too

Prashant Shady II
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2011 09:40 am
@ To All Rappers On This Thread :-

If any of you beleive what Tic Tac Nic says ( The same guy who stole lines from 8 Mile's battles and Jin's freestyle Battle)...


People like Starky Brah and Tic Tac Nic lack the wit to make up their own lines. So when they are out of rhymes they steal. Stupid faggots...
0 Replies
Prashant Shady II
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2011 09:46 am
@ Tic Tac Nic,
@Tic Tac Nic
You admitted, I didnt...cause I didnt steal, YOU did
After the real 'you' being exposed, all you can do is squeal
like a lil rabbit getting his ass whacked
You are dead and gone in rap, long back, on the day I launched my attack
"You get dope **** off Tv shows" is the best excuse you can give
Bitch if you met me face to face to settle this case in battle, you wouldnt even live
You got the sentence wrong, I aint the fart, youre the **** coming out of Simpson's Bart
I **** you up, like you're the bullseye, and I'm a fuckin dart
If youre the teacher,and I'm the supposed-to-be ward
I'm the one with a higher IQ, doesnt that makes you look like a retard ?
Yeah you the only rapper I cant do **** to, havent you got a clue?
Youre torn in this battle, I **** on YOU
Oh I forgot this fag's IQ is close to zero
So he shamelessly comes to battle acting like a hero
But gets his ass smacked and whacked black, then walks away
He sucks my neighbour's dick but hes calling ME gay !
Wow, you know a lot about newspaper kids dont you ?
Selling newspapers in your division and prostitution was what you were forced to do
when you got high and were kicked out of your house
For ******* your chihuahua wearing your mama's dotted blouse
Hey I see MORE than 5 people here, although not the whole town
Haha,who am I kidding, faggot you cant count !
Your teacher fucked you so hard your brain leaked out of of your ears
So you keep dressin like a cheerleader, but so ugly you cant attract even your gay peers !
Stolen rhymes you shout, bitch your time's out,youre gettin weaker through the years
Even though it aint class, you still lick my ass, for I'M the one gettin the cheers
You summon your rhymes lookin at Jin's freestyle battle
We REAL rappers are too far from you, in the top tier but we still hear your bones rattle
ILLustraight, TicTac needs help, hes spittin whack and wrong !
I'm goin easy on him, this **** was written in 3 minutes, but hes unable to tag along !
Nick you call stealing rhymes "dope ****" ??
Never met a more illiterate whore before, someone help this Tic before he gets hit
By my lines AGAIN, he invited my anger
Now I'm bout to finish this fake MC off with my lyrical dagger
I could never be like Eminem, hes too Great
A '3/10' from him would be like an '8', cause no one could match his rate
You have met your fate, you aint worth Eminem's attention fool !
Forget Shady...I'LL give your rhymes just a '2', now sit quietly and drool...
You could come after me now with "Papa Doc Vs B-Rabbit" battle lines
Beware little Nic, It aint gonna work this time
For we now piss on your stolen rhymes, and 'HipHop DX' rated this **** just fine
You got a 'one', while I won with a 'nine'...

Tic Tac Nic
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2011 01:46 pm
@Prashant Shady II,
Aye bruh bruh bruh bruh bruh, "Tic stole this" Tic stole that" Tic stole Jin's blah blah blah" Tic stole 8 Mile blah blah blah" ****, is that all you gonna say dawg? You even thought that Illustraight stole his rap! Lmfao.....all your raps are still on that bull **** topic. NIgga like I said before, you need lessons on rap! **** not even lessons you need the whole thing tought to you! Rap isnt about the same god damn topic over n' over again dawg. Now **** this ****, it's time to finish you off homeboy
0 Replies
Tic Tac Nic
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2011 02:14 pm
@Prashant Shady II,
Okay, theres this lil guy who think who could beat me
Yes, the one who stole punchlines, Yes the one thats starts with a T
Well it's time to move on dawg, this is **** is old news like MJ's death
Imma put you out, as this ******* website hears your last breath
I have a B-ball game soon, so this is a quick rap, but its still gonna wish you
hadnt **** wit me
The rap I place right here will knock you out, put you to your knees
Beggin "Tic Tac Nic" No stop....PLEASE!
Imma auto fill this whole converse with my lyrical game
I'll knock my 9 lettered name into your fake MC fame
Hey Slimmy Shady is was a good battle but its time to end
This battle will fall to my name, i burn this metal like i burn you, and make it bend
Heavy plates I played to heart I open my own gate into my own fate
Lyrically, Physically, Chemically, Mind-headed, I **** you up, get it straight
You click "search" to all my lines I make, and dont take my truth and then
tell it like a lie to some guys you dont even know, ******* hoe
You tell me you have some lyrical glow, but it never showed
I'm not the killer in this game, I'm not the burgler in this game even though I did steal some raps
**** it, I am the Killer, slice you up, make your **** open
My lyrical symbals flow into my body like a G for life token
But I didnt ask for this token, Nope, I earned it like a full heart gift
Tryin' to beat me to this battle when you cant hoist by rhymes even to lift
The Cross around my neck, I swear I will get this battle to a level you could not beat me in!
I fry your ass like a NBA dunk contest, they all give me 10's
Get the whole website on me, theres no contest
You said you wanted a 1 on 1 battle, not the Wizard of Oz quest
You need all these people to back you up
"Warning, Tic Tac Nic stole lines from every ******* rapper there is"
Aint happenin no more, I'll take your ass like a quiz
You better write one back to me, and make sure this isnt for everyone to get into
If you do, I may have to get some of MY friends to back this up, and my #1 crew

Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2011 02:37 pm
my mixers like a grenade field get walking get popping no other option
hip n hop'n, co-ordinates locked in ,this sorta shits a doctrine
lets record a hit , cause earth's ambilical cord ta rip,

Space invaders
chasing lazers
a battle station of vaders
a universal wager
a major ,a general, a whole species ready to meet there maker

Lookin up at the cosmo's,nozzle in the fuel tank
pumping out the fossil,it's possible , iunno what da you think ?
few links, between music an vibrations
physics an pupil dialation
what do u think the heavens would say ? Hi Nation
an say
Goodbye Nation
ya'll can keep waiting for saten
all im sayin is u can be patient
id rather be the doctor an have the chakra of a supersayin
what im spraying may shock ya
defribillate , an ben frank , ya socks off
just keep ya pants on , this aint a romance song ,
this is life take a chance son
don't be fake make sure you calculate the outcomes fate
don't second guess measure twice an cut once
does anyone know if we live life but once >?
u can work hard or u can work smart , why not both
step in the matrix to make hits , i'll take a mix an double the dose

CHeck it an rate it Peace Homies
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2011 02:40 pm
your verse is way to long unless ur doing a 1 verse track ! it doesnt have to be 16 bar verses an 4 bar chorusus but damn dude a lil structure?
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2011 02:43 pm
i got u ills

i take the challenge
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2011 04:50 pm
It's one of those skit verses; it doesn't have to be a whole song. It's just a showcase of what I can write.
Reply Wed 26 Jan, 2011 05:23 pm
The pains living within the game Could have of been
Talent and fame not chains and woman
I ill never change for a thing read my name not the bling
I remain aiming to gain what i live, for
Am i insane, or am i just pissed
Main artists are just plain asses wanting all the bitch, whores
Six porsches, kicks, Couple big rings
Ive had enough,
Time to diminish these bitches their ritches dont mean ****
finish them quick wida lyrics with meaning
You can never figure the way that i spit
Every day that i live ..........to be continued

0 Replies
Reply Thu 27 Jan, 2011 01:17 am
yea don't get me wrong storyline an concept great an fresh !! just saying u wanna structure it for heavier impact !

im interested to see what kinda chorus you'd put on that ?

maybe an evolving pattern which keeps the 1st three bars the same an the fourth bar changes depending which vs it follows to suit the story as n example

thats all yo

but i still take your challenge
Reply Thu 27 Jan, 2011 11:04 am
[Hook 2]
Are you all here? Listen, smart people
This is the next episode, a story sequel
I’ll pick up where I left off
I’m gonna continue it
This next verse is in the form of idioms

The brother settled the score, with a weapon to draw
The freed police cop got driven right up the wall
The assailant must have had a chip on his shoulder
He was a loose cannon, plus his attitude was colder
Angry, emotional, he lost his head
He went the extra mile to make sure he was dead
The victim gave chase, but he got away scot-free
And that was the time the cop ran out of steam
He gave him the slip, the assailant started to flee
The cop had a gut feelin’, his stomach started to bleed
This happened in the heat of the moment
Occurred out of the blue; this was real – no hocus pocus!
This cold attack took place right in his face
He didn’t see it comin’; he was out of place
He felt like hell, like he just got south-pawed
He felt a growin’ pain as his stomach came out more
Bleedin’ like a stuck pig, but he kept his chin up
Tried hard just to lift one leg up
But he couldn’t lift a finger; he couldn’t give himself a pick-me-up
One would believe that the victim was stitched up
He behaved like a chicken with his head cut off
Deteoriatin’ quickly, as sick as a dog
Tried to call out, but he fell into a slumber
Suddenly, the paramedics came out in numbers
They rushed against the clock to mend his stitches and his wounds
Told him, “Your family will pop by to see you soon!”
The cop tried to speak, but ended up bitin’ his tongue
He was in such a bad state, you couldn’t even crack him up
The nurses crossed their fingers and hoped he got better
He laid back slowly, feelin’ under the weather
He was nervous, shook, remained on pins and needles
Switched on his iPod and listened to The Beatles
Suddenly he started shakin’, his body gave way
The doctors rushed in and tried to save the day
One of them screamed, “Don’t you DARE die on me!”
The victim smiled and said, “Over my dead body!”

Can you spot the idioms?
Tic Tac Nic
Reply Thu 27 Jan, 2011 02:59 pm
You a beast bruh, that was nice
0 Replies

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