Tic Tac Nic
Reply Thu 20 Jan, 2011 08:34 pm
@Prashant Shady II,
Why would I hop on your dick?
You faggot, callin' people pricks, I'm the nick causin' this horror flick
Nigga, you is a clown, look at this fake slim shady man, steppin on my ground
Step off my grass, or I will grind your ass, and shatter it like it's glass
Cuz you dont know me bruh, 8 mile has no effect on me
Go back and read my lines again, repetively
My gravitational lyricical pole in the universal stars
Ill find your ass, kill yo' ass, bring you back and take it to Mars
I'm a zombie, I'm hungry for brains
I spit my rhymes into lines that you could not contain
Flames comin' from my game I place here into my fame
You blame me for a good rapper when you should be the one ashamed
Prashant Shady the Second, HA! What a name
Eminem would be embarrassed cuz the way you came
to this rap battle thinkin you slick
Aint slick no more cuz here's the Tic the Tac to the Nic
Heres your first warning, imma let you go by
Your good with your rhyming, but it was a wack ass try
Prashant Shady II
Reply Fri 21 Jan, 2011 12:00 pm
@ Krackswagga
Krackswagga thats 2 faggot forces combined, you're damn right
Ones a "retard" the others a "loser" bitch you're 'bout to get KO'd in this fight
Stop writing essays ,start writin REAL verses
You can forget 'bout battling though, you're a whore who cannot curse us
You may be "aggresive with bows" but you aint "hot with your flows"
Understand you're a NOBODY, you got diseased fuckin your hoes !
Your weapon's a 2 tech nine ? You can't afford one, start writin a honest line
Let me help, "cat" sounds like "bat", now I'm teaching you to rhyme
You'll do better with practice, I can't afford to waste time
If you "vomit bombs", I vomit bomb detonators, you fuckin dick
Cant waste your time youre a busy man here,you won a cock to lick
For your knowledge, theres no word like "murderlize"
Start readin the dictionary bitch, you're rhymes suck more than I realized !

0 Replies
Prashant Shady II
Reply Fri 21 Jan, 2011 12:00 pm
@ Tic Tac Nic,
@Tic tac nic
Heres why you gotta hop on my dick, cause you aint worth my ****
You are a loser in this race I'm gonna win,your girl made this phrase after I came on her tits
You call this a horror flick? bitch be serious
Gettin your ass whacked homie sounds more like a comedy, quit being hillarious
I may be the fake Shady but I aint fuckin around
Cant you see what I'm doing Nick ? I'm shittin' on your ground
Yeah my rhymin's good, yours, it aint game
I read them again dog, 8 Mile is from where they came
"Even my dentist hates when I floss" that was from Eminem's W.T.P
Bitch you better start admittin bitin' or else you're gonna be sorry
I'mma **** you up and down with my lyrics and drown you in this drama
Send your faggot ass back to your cheap abode screamin "I GOT BADLY DISSED MAMA !"
My names pretty creative, you gotta admit
Atleast I dont bite off Shady's rhymes, I freestyle mind and spirit
You call yourself Tic Tac Nic, thats pathetically sick
Consider changing that ****, you're not gonna recover from my lyrical kick
Did you call your reply "a warning", do you think I'm gonna go by ?
Bitch I'm here to stay, you messed with me, now you're faggot ass is gettin fried
If we collide head-on lyrically, you'll be forced to admit you're fucked
For you're a tricycle in this game , and I'm a 3 tonne truck
Time to quit buddy, my eyes are offende
d lookin at your flow
Take my advice wisely dog, quit rappin,you're better off playing Tic Tac Toe
Tic Tac Nic
Reply Fri 21 Jan, 2011 03:12 pm
@Prashant Shady II,
Hahaha, it's time for this rap battle to step up a bit.

Hey Shady, I have to tell you some ****
I'm not a loser when I lose, I'm a loser when I quit
But that **** is not gonna' happen, I can tell you that much
Grippin' my battle cry and my lyrical touch
I'm not the next on your list, your the next on mine
**** the list, my rhymes catch you, and get you into a bind
This is Tic Tac Toe, I got your hoes, in a line of 3 in a row
X's and O's, my rhymes grow into the flow of this rap
They build up, next thing you know they're on the map
Tic Tac Nic comin' and splittin', flippin' and clippin' your ass, til' theres none of you left, and you break like glass
You've done mess wit' the wrong Tic now, I'm a tic, I get into your skin and make ya itch,
I was in some girl's vagina too, It may have been your bitch
Dont get mad at me now young Shady
You got ways to go, you got to grow through puberty, build muscle, and also get a better lyrical flow
When I die, bury me butt naked and face down in the grass
So I can **** the world, while ya'll kiss my ass

(Haha, sorry about the last line, I was feelin' funny today.)
Prashant Shady II
Reply Sat 22 Jan, 2011 04:37 am
@ Tic Tac Nic,
I thought you said this battle should step up a lil' bit
Practice what you preach bitch ,you did quite the opposite
Youre last diss was better, this one wasnt slick
I aint impressed yet, youre still worth the cum comin from my dick
**** you're lyrical touch and youre battle cry
The battle, I won, you just got smoked dead and dry
The Tic Tac Toe line was good,youre rhymes on the map,theyre class !
But you aint a match for me, I take the map and shove it inside my ass
I feel you Tic inside my skin,it does itch indeed
My lyrics are cure for the itch, read them and you start to bleed
When I was young, before I sprung into the game, I thought of building muscle
It aint mean **** to me now, 2 glocks I own and with em I command the hustle
Youre the victim ,Im the guy who fried you like bacon
Bitch youre pathetic,you should have been the whore who got hoe'd in Freddy vs Jason
My rhymes form a net around you, youre a dead fish trapped in my rap
Youre impaled in my lyrical knife,thats creativity, in reality, all you'll get is a slap
When I die, bury me face up-butt down over where you lie, I was more slick and suave
So Tic Tac Nic, the world can lick my dick, while I'll be shittin' on your grave ! ...

Tic Tac Nic
Reply Sat 22 Jan, 2011 09:37 am
@Prashant Shady II,
I take the map and shove it in my ass
Lmfao, omg
0 Replies
Tic Tac Nic
Reply Sat 22 Jan, 2011 09:57 am
@Prashant Shady II,
Okay okay okay, that one I'd have to say was the best.

You come at me like a rocket in space
Then you say your going to **** in my face
God damn Slimmy Shady, what did I do to you?
Your leaving me in the dust with your lyrical poo
But its not quits now, no not yet
My rhymes are building up, they taken flights like a jet
Tic Tac Nic, the rapper you want to be like, until we both die
But you're never gonna get to my level until i fly
away into the kingdom of heaven
The Tic comin with a new style in rap
The other style you joined me wit, just made it crap
Your lines are like the oil spill, they will never end
But also its like where da **** did they come from, and when?
You say you have no muscle, thats a bullshit call
I bet anyone here would just touch you, and you will fall
I'm leavin' you hanging from this roof until it cracks
Then I leave a cinnimy taste in your mouth like Apple Jacks
You've done cross my line, but with some dope **** though
Take my lines as a lesson, because you know they shine and glow
If you wanna type one back to me, make it good
Like all good rappers and raps should
Reply Sat 22 Jan, 2011 07:15 pm
Ima legitamate lyricist spilling the illest ****
Priviledged with Genuine lyrics Dont mention the pyramids
Every sentance is limited to mention the realist ****
My presence is heavens gift
representing for what i live

0 Replies
Tic Tac Nic
Reply Sun 23 Jan, 2011 01:43 am
Iight look......ayo......
I fly as high as the birds in the sky
Niggas gettin' jealous so they try and shoot me in a drive-by
People know my name it's the Tic, kick that fruit
Get that dope weed kush, and stay smacked like Snoop
Beef man, really aint, necessary
'Less you tryin' to sleep on your back in a cemmitary
I know that they call me, girls outstandin'
To much from the hood, where the cops gonna find me?
Slacks on my back as I jog through this track
Triggers selling crack, 100m for each stack
I got the Holy Cross stayin' wit me, everywhere, at all times
I'm the only nigga in the hood causin' no crimes
Haha, I'm on some dope **** though
Make a girls vagina soft and stetchy like some Pizza Hut pizza dough
Its the free life right here, I'm not gonna' lie
Everyone rap battlin' like crazy, just call it a tie
Ya is spittin' like crazy, when is it gonna' end?
Ill tell ya when, when I take flights on ya and start spittin wit the wind
2011, what a year its gonna be,
they're going to be introducing a new rapper, its going to be me
3 words out of the dictionary you should remember to pick
its the Tic Tac master daddy, just call me Nick
Imma take a pin, shove it up ur ass and make a grin
Take your ass out, send you to the gates of Oblivion
If I save time, when do I get it back?
It's like a white dude tryin' to sell crack
I remember George Bush saying, "I love you! I would die for you" to a cartoon
I looked up to him and said "How soon?"
You'll think I'm spellin' Iverson when the beef all done
Cuz' I'll leave you on the IV in the ER, SON!

Haha, don't take this to heart ya, I'm just spittin' cuz I'm bored.
0 Replies
Prashant Shady II
Reply Sun 23 Jan, 2011 04:05 am
@ Tic Tac Nic,
@Tic Tac Nic
Im glad you admit my last diss was the best
But you havent impressed me,dont expect a compliment yet
I aint comin at you like a rocket in space
Im destroyin you like Rocky's punch on Apollo's face
Your rhymes have taken flight now ? sorry kid youre too late
History has already been made, the day I unleashed my spate
Started writin words like fire, lyrically I'm higher, haters can hate
Bitches hide when they hear me glide, they could never match my rate
Youre one of them too, **** all of you, you should have known
Theres no way you'll match my talent, now that youre a faggot fully grown
You arent even close, the difference being you arent using your brain
Here is another dose, If I am Slimmy Shady then youre Lil Faggot Wayne !
I wouldnt dream becoming you, I'll rather suicide and die
Talkin about takin flight, I see you from where I'm at, youre close alright
But my level is too far for you, you'll lose fuel if you wanna reach my height
People may touch me physically, and I'll be shoved and dropped
Lyrically, they ride my dick, I'm a glock, I'll just lock and load, y'all get popped
Why am I tellin you this, you'll be knowing better
You aren't the first weakling to touch my feet son, accept defeat, in the end it doesnt matter
In the darkness, you may shine and glow
I am the light, in my shadow, you'll remain invisible though
So dont be tellin me how good rappers and raps should be
Now you feelin sorry you messed with me, these lyrics have made you drowsy, see
I'll be ready if you wanna quit, 'cause I see youre in no form to get back at me ...
Tic Tac Nic
Reply Sun 23 Jan, 2011 06:20 pm
@Prashant Shady II,
Look at dis dude gettin' his lines off the internet
Probably stole all the lines from Eminem I bet
From what I've seen from your raps, they're just punchlines
You may need to look up "Rap" in the dictionary, maybe a couple times
Cuz I aint the soft nigga in this game, If I was, then why am I in the Rap Hall of Fame?
I'm a legend rapper, yes you call me better
Cuz I hit the dry mix off the cheesey chedder
My raps can't get on the CD, they're too great
If your a hater then hate, but when I'm done your gonna appreciate
Hey Shady, you may know these songs;
I'll rap in your face cuz I'm "Not Afraid" your the lower class, and I got it made
I may stole a line from "W.T.P" But it doesn't affect this battle much cuz you can't defeat me
You fake MC never saw a "Ass like that" cuz your probably from the south where the hillbilly's are at
It's like you ran off somewhere and hid in a shelf
Come back man, I can't keep "Talkin' 2 My self"
Shittalker and you are similer, both fake MC's
Hillybilly fucks thinkin they black wearin fresh White T's
You gave me a warm up the first time we battled, but 5 raps in I'm just gettin started
You think you can beat me this easy? God you must be retarded
It's the Ready, Set, and Go, callin me Tic Tac Toe
It's Tic Tac Nic you fuckin' dick, the prick who aint slick, this kick goin up where you ****
Am I goin to fast for ya? Or do you want me to translate?
You may hate my fate to rappin' and call me white bait
But this is where your wrong, your MY bait
I put you on a hook, send you to the water and just wait
til somethin dope hits you
Maybe it'll knock some rap lessons into you too
And since you just wanna make punchlines, ill make one too
Ask your girl, I was doing something in her house
Matter of fact, She had my egg rolls and dumplings in her mouth!
Prashant Shady II
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2011 04:06 am
@ Tic Tac Nic,
@Tic Tac Nic
And if you think my lines are fake, you'll lose the bet
Copy and paste my raps, then Google them on the internet
You'll never find them anywhere, they came from my mind
You call yourself a LEGEND ?? Youre a disgrace to all the other rappers on the grind
Youre rhymes cant get on CD, because youre badly getting dissed
My homies and I took your rhymes ,threw them down and we pissed
on them and made them wet, you can have them for supper
Youre such a fake bitch, you cant sleep without wetting your diaper
If you think your rhymes are plain coincidences,let me give you a couple of instances :
"I'll let xyz finish you off" on one of your diss - 8 MILE
"look at this choke artist man" - 8 MILE
"Even my dentist hates when I floss" - WTP
"The egg rolls and dumplings punchline" - JIN
The "cheesy cheddar" and quite a few you copied from other battles too, you see
You dare call my skill fake ?? YOURE THE FAKEST MC THAT CAN BE !
I just gave you proof, not punchlines
I'm not gonna waste my time on someone who doesnt know to rhyme
And you call yourself Tic Tac Toe ?
Name yourself "The Stealing Hip Hop Hoe"
0 Replies
Prashant Shady II
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2011 04:12 am
@ Tic Tac Nic,

***This is a warning to all on this topic to avoid battling the user Tic Tac Nic.
-He steals rhymes from various rappers and freestyle battles and uses them against you as if they were his own.
-Anyone who has further doubts, should read the diss I posted above.
This thread wasn't created for ''fake'' rappers like Tic Tac Nic. If you do not have a rhyming talent, this thread is not for you. ***
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2011 06:10 am
@Prashant Shady II,
Rhyming talent, huh? How about THIS for a rhyming talent?

Listen, you deaf men - this is a lesson
Those hard of hearin’ better give some attention
This mute MC’s about to get his story on
About to spit a oxymoron for you morons

One sunny day in the middle of the night
Two dead young youths got into a fight
Back to back, these boys faced each other
Pulled out the light sabers and shot one another
A deaf policeman nearby heard the noise
Came onto the scene and killed those dead boys
The vigilant cop got arrested
And on trial, the innocent cop got sentenced
Served a three-year life sentence in prison
The civilised inmates fought him and dissed him
They said, “Good man, you’re a goddamn villain!
A hero who went up to two dead boys and killed them!”
However, the silent policeman protested
Gave them straight answers in the form of questions
Like, “Why do you do this to me? Do you think I care?”
But then, the pious guys started to swear
A disabled inmate started swingin’ for him
There were a few inmates, and too many of them
The calm inmate started beatin’ him up
Threw a few jabs, some hooks, a beat and a punch
He was a violent civiliser full of mental sensibility
The vulnerable cop had invincibility
The inmate who didn’t want to fight had started it
The inmate who always missed hit the cop on target
He was an anti-war narcissist
The tidy inmate spat out his orange bits
Who knows how much abuse the cop suffered?
He didn’t want to curse, but he said, “Motherfuckers!”
Irritated but he kept his cool
Remembered all the nonsense he learned in cop school
About, “Protect and serve! Abuse the power!
Make quick arrests for a few good hours!
If you hesitate, push yourself forward
Open the gate, let him out then close the door on him!”
With no parole, the cop got released
The crime went down, but the cop got beats
From another person who turned out to be his brother
Who brandished a blunt knife and opened up his stomach
Prashant Shady II
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2011 12:27 pm
Yo yo yo..amazing...that was amazingly dope (if you wrote it yourself). Thats what this thread is for.
People rap anything, thats understood...but why the **** do they have to steal rhymes from popular rappers and battles ??!
Read my last diss to Tic Tac Nic (The Rhyme Stealing MC) if you wanna know what I'm talkin bout.
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2011 04:55 pm
@Prashant Shady II,
I did write it myself actually; I think it's pretty unique.
I'd like to see someone else write something like THAT. As a matter of fact, I challenge ANYBODY to write something as dope as that.
Tic Tac Nic
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2011 05:12 pm
@Prashant Shady II,
Lmfao.......man........I was just doing what you were doing to me homedog
You stole some **** off of some rappers too.
And you want to blame me? Then talk some **** about some **** I did to get even with you?! LMFAO!!! ITS ON HOME BOY! GET AT ME BOY! I GOT YOU IN CHECK !
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2011 05:22 pm
I will never settle my vendettas with metal barettas
They be settled with letters assembled toghether

To Invent a sentance representing what is clever
Whoever tests this mental inventor to the end of his tether
Will have their career decend in to terror by the best ever

Im separate from the rest because no'one remembers ya
No offense, you actually attack like a old pensioner
Your get a verball backhand like my name is roger federer
Never let melanin affect the propella spin on my head its
irrelevent aslong as im genuine till my skeletons dead
its never been said

Its time to invest in my blessing keep letting the best of the best rest keep resting in heaven

0 Replies
Tic Tac Nic
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2011 05:43 pm
@Prashant Shady II,
Iight bruh, I'll admit, I did steal some **** from some rap artists
But you did the same thing too, don't came at me like "WHAT DA **** DID HE DO?!"
And stop using caps, damn you are getting annoying
Getting excited off of a rap battle like a lil child and a toy be would be enjoying
You act like I'm a worthless piece of **** on the block
When you are the gay one, try to get me on your cock
"Hop on my dick" God damn dude that seams so familiar...
Maybe off of some Comedy Centrol **** or something similar
You get all your dope **** raps off of some television shows
How lame bruh, the world won't remember you, in fact the leave you wit the crows
Your like a fart that cames out my ass
Your the student and I'm the teacher, I run this class
Crippled up and thrown away like the REAL rappers left you
Tryin' to get his **** back by tryin to battle me, the only rapper you cant do **** too
They call me Tic Tac Nic, my rhymes hit you like a thumb tac
Stop rappin' in my face dawg, you need a ******* Tic Tac
You act like one of those newspaper kids:
"Extra! Extra! Tic Tac Nic stole rhymes from famous rappers!"
What a god damn joke man, 5 people are on this site, not the whole town
Eminem gives you a frown, you look to him like he wears the crown
But I'm the one taken your ass up and down, I summon my rhymes with my own self like a real top bound!
That was the last time I tried to steal some **** like that
But like I said, I was getting even, your rhymes arnt that phat
Illustraight, I appreciate the helping but this a 1 on 1 thing, it shouldnt last that long
This guy is done, I own his ass like a Ping on a Pong
Don't tell me your quiting on me just because I stole 5 lines from a group of artists
A real rapper won't give up on dope **** like that, instead he takes it like its a test
You say you want to be like Eminem, well your long ways from that my friend
His ranking about you is a maybe three out of ten
Right a RAP back to me, not some rumor ****
Even if you quit,I'm still comin out for you, smokin' the bullet from this caliber, and I'll never stop to spit
0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Jan, 2011 08:56 pm
Yo I'm da one dats gonna rap tonight

with ma peeps an ma ho's I be doin it right

cause da dope ride we be passin is tight

I got ma chronic xbox an satellite

Life as a thug may be rough yo

bug Sweet Mutha Fuggin J is tough yo

Dats why I aint gots to axe yo

An I be bustin caps in ya ass yo

Who is da gangsta dats gonna last

If ya steppin I be steppin like a shotgun blast

Den you be goin down like a foty

An yo bitch be goin down on ma homie
I'm da type o gangsta dats built to lass

if ya step I put a Air Force Ones in yo Ayass

I'm like Nelly cept schmoover

Like Fiddy cept meana

Like biggie cept leana

Like Dre... listen to what I say

I can't even believe how schmoove I am

I can't even believe it - it's just da way I am

Cause I... am.. numba one

No madda if you like it or not

Say hey hey hey

like fat albert

den go down on ma tip

like lord calvert

cause I.. be.. bustin nut

I be so fly when I nut in yo eye

Bu..BuBu Bu Bu Bu BuBuBu Bu...

how that fo a 13 yr old wite boi?

imma write a line.but i need some limes.cuz i aint got time.to do this **** alive.i bes be dead or be gettin head eatha way imma get payd wit a glock pointd at yo face you bes be makin no hace to gimme da papa befo i shank

just made up ^

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