Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 08:56 pm
hey Bitch listen up

Your battling a lyrical Einstein
You?.... at gods Prime?
If ever it will be.... then its a inhuman crime.
You dont wanna be another statistic
Got the crew of CSI doing the Ballistics.
You wanna claim Gangsta , then step into my relm
ill take you on trip you will neva forget.
If your weak at heart , then dont trip cause the **** im gonna show you,, gonna Quever your upper lip. Bodys riddled with Holes, Children forced to dig 6 foot holes, welcome to hell, were the killa's thrive. Do you have think you can slice a throat and forget the sounds? Or empty a Uzi full of hollow tip rounds? well if you think you won this....theres always the Next Round?

Anyone wanna talk **** can eat a fat dick. Whats up A-Grave... i hear ya.. Keep fuckin those hata's up... i got your back...

P.L.O some down ass niggas .
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 12:15 am
ok fukerz
ur joining teams im gona rip out ya heart
and eat ur splein
do u up real good for chrissie
open ya presnt there gona be bomb
then blowin up in a frenzy
u got black haze all fired up now
im gona take u the end
and drop u down
stright down 2 satans lair
hell make sadam
bend u ova and sit u on a leg of a chair
silly lil cat
u be f.ukin wiv joe
ill show u were 2 go
u be goin straight 2 the ground
no1 arround but u left in ur sorrow
left in ur defeat
ur shakin
no1 can here u weep
all ur u hear is my feet
walkin up with an ozzi
fuk u shakin now like a puppy
with the flu, G
u 2 are just lil c.unts
bet u coodnt even hit one blunt
you would prob pass out
gone for 6
total knock out
ill clean u up so good
u be in the gutter
and the only rap u be left wiv is a stutter
ok so that was only round 1
now this real **** has begun
y did u choose 2 start off with a high level mc
wana be
lil peice of **** wana be me
go away and come bak wiv sum lyrics
im a lyrical Myrical when i wont u 2 hear it
and jeeze enuf wiv the gay jokes
not afta i cort u wiv those 2 utha blokes
sphen and ben?
i dun fink ur mumy wood like 2 find out about
those 2 men
woodnt look good
altho it shood 4 u
coz its wot u like 2 do
bend ova and take it like a man
well really ur a sisy
shhhhhh joe
im pretty shaw this boi dun like pussy
now im pretty shaw 2 u to must be smoking weed
and ur just toking free
coz u aint stoned
u fukn A.D.D
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 04:19 am
Buck joe, ur obviously called that 4 a reeson
u have summit rong with ya face
well this aint the seeson
to not b offensive and not still take the piss
we'll keep dissin u till u can feel our verbal fists
left, hook, right hook, they're metaphorical verbs
fkin u up worse than wen u last o.d on herbs
or that 1st killer blow, wen ya dad 1st showed u how to fk
'here son, suck this then al stick it up ya but'
i'm daring u joe
to say things u'v never sed b4
know no limits and come back with some more
cos ya last attempt was feable
we sat there and laffed
we didn't feel dissed cos u never give us enuff reeson
a brief decription >weak, pathetic, ****, poor
a rap that can only be portrayed as ugly fat whore
c ya 4 now, come back with something that works
wen u have enuff muscle to fill ya tank top shirt
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 04:34 am
like 2 introduse
lil skillz
hes my m8
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lil skillz
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 04:50 am
yo bitch ya dont wanna be fkn wid my man.hes like a bitch who should be winnin a grandslam.hes tha heavy weight champ ya lil bitch tramp.coz we is forced to listen 2 u and u aint worth it and ya better get off yaself b4 i burst it ya see each time ya rap its like burnin 2 my ears and im like ya dream but im also in ya fears.go cry ya lil bitch b4 i c those tears i send this with a tissue and ill always be near and so clear.
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 05:01 am
see grave me and skillz
on a new stage
u left be hind on 1st grade
with all ya lil toddler frends
while me and skillz excel
to the next level
and we rock all night till ya boots start
to wobble
and u actually feel a good beat
thats actually alright for ur ears 2 eat
and sumtin that sounds good 2 ya mind
instead of ur trash
u need 2 take a rewind
and hav a look at wot u wrote
it sounds like u stublin then u choke
and pass out and die
coz ur rhymes like me dieing in my sleep
i cant feal it
and eitha can ne1 else
coz we will prevail
till we cant move no more
at the edge of the world
nufin yet 2 conquer
so we soar
and dude wot u thinkin?
i bet ur 18, 2ft and stil shrinkin
and u neva gona grow
becoz i just stunted ur growth
u heard this ryhme
and started 2 smoke
2 try get ova how harsh i am
im like an AK peircing ur skin
im only out there 2 win
so dont worry
if u lose sumtimes
but buck is bak in 2 spin
spin u out
coz baby ur 6 and out
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lil skillz
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 05:13 am
yo buck i beleive thatz true wat u sed this dumb muthafukka may aswell be dead taken out bak and fukin shot in tha head.coz wen u listen 2 this **** jus wait until it hits and then we see u goin 2 fukkin slit yo wrists.U gotta copy off me coz ppl tell me i gots some skillz but watch out muthafukka coz THIS 1 KILLZ!thrills comin up and ill smoke ur ashes pull out a blade and rip u wid slashes grandflashez coz thatz all i be seein and im only 1 muthafukkin human being!
0 Replies
lil skillz
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 05:43 am
my motto iz "ride or die" not "hide wid guys"
so u gots it mixed up ya dumb mcfukk
y aint u replyin u 2 fukkin scared
or is it that ur brain got a sticker on it sayin "HANDLE WID CARE!"
i go off like a flare dont make me muthafukkin clik or this will turn out like a muthafukkin horror flik.
as sharp as a blade bitch i dont fade
u like a lil bitch U STILL IN CHILDSPLAY!
so grow tha fukk up b4 u get smakked tha fuk up
reversin ovah u like a cadilak trukk.
i dont giv a fukk like lil john and them eastside bois
all i need is a lil time wid some eastside toyz.
coz i gots a head wid no skrews in it
wat can i do in this world sept chill wid mah krew!
0 Replies
mc j to the iggz
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 08:32 am
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 04:25 pm
You know...... i think im gonna earn my fame at your expense. My paper stack is high as my mental state, 24-365 day by day 9-30-eighty-three, thats the date,,,Bitch im gonna make you understand the meaning of dont **** with me,,,,Im fueled by my anger, no wonder you dont feel me, cause you white and you aint a slanger, so tell me about your life in the suburbs , northside, silver spooned fed nerds,,, garenteed snitch when pressed by pigs you'd chirp without thinkin twice shitin on your crew picture me takin advice? make sure your balls are as big as you claim they are before sayin **** on the Net. You claim your area is Gangsta but it aint a Hood set. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,check it,,,, Im International no need for introduction , state by state a G's induction. Im imune to your pathetic lyrical powers of Imunity, we all know your a Bitch in your community. So Buck if you knuck Joe. and watch yourself get stuck Hoe. im about the real **** and the last time i read ,, you dont got the lyrics to compete with any of us. see many of us will bust with disgust for a fool we dont trust. A trick ass mule like you.

P.L.O be down or get sprayed down./

YEA booooy! whatcha really want?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2004 04:39 pm
take this advice

Fear the un-known.
cause the un-kown doesnt know you and doesnt show sympathy . The known knows you and might show some sympathy. So keep your eyes on you crew but a vigilante watch or your enemys. you never know who will turn his back on you.

Buck joe... i want you to climb that mountain that your home lives on. and dont forget your double barrel 12 . so go to the top and load your favorite loads,,,,, Buck-shots and take a deep breath and do whats good for you. you lame ass hik.. go eat a d-i-c-k lame trick... See hiks are dirty and smelly and dont get pussy at all but maybe from there daughters . DONT TRY TO RAP AND DONT f-u-C-K around with people you dont know

P.L.O are you ready for a lyrical War?
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 11:37 am
Yo buck joe and Lil' skills your both mother fu*kin hillyibills
your both the same person stop taking pills.
Stop trying to get attention
Because i'll send you to anotha dimention
you've been watching too much fight club mate
your a bullshitter stop trying to dictate!
Me n a-grave r the ppl u shuld appreciate!
These words i will never dedicate!
Lol. shup up you little grader
There aint no lil' skills you made er!
Listen up Joe I Scanned Lil'skills IP
I learnt how to do this **** in IT
Stop trying to attention seek
F*ckin Geek/
your nothin but week.
Stop hilucinating
i'll pick my boys to choose against him
I think you know i'm right
You have to make up another account just to fight
**** it ya tite.
Your a lil boy go fly ya kite
i'm oudda this Crib
your fu*k all compared to me you lil fib!
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 11:53 am
yo buck joe you fkin screw up
yo last rhyme got so **** it blew up
your tryin so hard to get a decent rhyme
ther so fkin bad its lyke there a crime
your tryin to diss me and kris
whilst we just laf and continue to take the piss
dont even think about tryin to rap
all your lryics so far have been all fkin crap
howz about this for a true fkin line
face it joe keep rappin but you`l b **** every day
wel....at least your mom loves you thats all i can say Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 02:34 pm
im new
ite look

there is a new cat in town you better whatch your back
cuz if you thought you was bad you better check were your at
i flow whit the heart wat no i flow whit my head why you pussy laying there
crying in your bed you all dont know who i am all a bout tell some one comes in and shouts it out i am the mother ***** bg and get this i got the
words to make ya all scream any way im an outie see you all later cuz i got other stuff to do peace
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 03:37 pm
hey just hitched thats an interestin rhyme
non of it made sense dont waste your FuKiN time
dont come onto this site if you aint got anythin to say
otherwise decent rapeers will make you pay
like i`m doin now sayin...GOD DAMN YOUR ****
your better off writin poems than havin pointles raps to spit
what you sayin bout we better watch our backs
what for Exclamation Question .......in case you send another **** rap
so seriously just go away
your probly just sum 7 year old kid hu wants to play
but us rappers r here to stay
whilst your not.....so go and make stars out of clay
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 05:42 pm
Yo Listen up BG
wen u rap u sound like Mario and Louigi
you may be the new cat in town
But ur rap was a terrible entrance so look down
I know where i'm at man i've been here for days
I found out how to battle, there are so many otha ways!
Wen u rap try to make sence
Keep your guard up cos u'll be needin Defence!
I do cry in bed
the onli time is when your mum is givin me head
she makes me cry the way she chokes on my dick
It's a happy feelin whats their to stick.
Now listen up BG
If you had talent u will beat me
Not many people can you see
I've had interviews with MTV
i'm gonna be a big hit homie
Thats when i gonna tell ya mum to stop blowin me
fu*k it i've beat you enough
you need to train if u wanna beat whats tough!
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 06:10 pm
yo everybody listen to me
This is the **** u wanna hear n see
1, 2, 2, 1, 3.
In out ya mumma's fanny she got HIV!
Listen home boys i'm an Emcee
I freestyle my lyrics so stay against me!
I just started to smoke
but **** it u don't need to smoke for me 2 make u choke
I slipped my dick in your mothers mouth n made her boak!
what the **** are you all waiting for
Everyone whip ya cocks out cos Buckjoe's mum's a whore.
she get's shagged at almost every superstore.
**** it i had her against the fridge and the floor!
This is a War
I'm gonna make myself proud to piss off pussy Galore!

Everyone who wants to rap against me go ahead
but to even think about doing it u bedda off dead!
you may as well do something else instead!
I locked up your mum in my house she aint been fed!
I no i speak about mothers n sh1t like that
It's because these words are cool A.k.a Phat!
It aint very often i write very long raps
I only to em when i get a bit whacked!

Listen everybody buckjoe aint an artist
He should be locked in a mental home cos he a retardist!
First time u rapped to me buck i battered your ars*
Your an ugly mother F*cker u born in mars?
Hot Dang this u westenist play your guitar
Youre a bit twisted cos u wearin ur sis's bra!

I'm startin going a little bit mental
so lil boys like bock joe need parental!
I aint finished yet,
when i do finish my keys will be knocked in debt
I've been rappin for quite a while
We have Emcee sessions with my mate kyle
He's been sent down for a while
Because he hit someone over the head with a kitchen tile!
It was pretty Nile

I just cot my car back it's modified to it's limits
I could get to australia n back in just 10 minutes!
Listen everybody you need to learn
just revise some of these lyrics so don't sigh or Churn
Because it's your turn

I handed you all a mic for a all on one Battle on me
But i will batter you all in just 1 rap it will be done in about 1,2 or 3!
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 06:28 pm
Hey bg you havent replied
wats the matter have your raps died
i thought they wud have since there so bad
did you complain about me dissin you and tell your dad
fk off man jesus christ your not welcum
just read our raps tatse them feel them even smell sum
your tryin to b the new kid around this place
when really your a differenct kind of race
who tries to rap but its laughable
your words are so **** there smashable
why would you enter this site anyway
you ran out of things to do or play
or sniff glue and eat clay
or mess around with barbie toys
or fool around with little boys
just go home
am in the zone
your a rap clone
hu went wrong and got stoned
with to much ecstasy in yo non-rappin head
which you try to make raps out of but its gone wrong and inbred
**** this **** am outa this place
bg stay away your a motherfukin disgrace
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 06:47 pm
This aint a-grave, its his homie, psych
dont think a wont join in fuckin ya mom, BG
cos u never know, a just might
s'up man? we bullied u away
u done a runner? haha its ok
a dnt blame ya, a wudda done the same,
if my lines were as pittiful as urs a'd b shamed
a wouldn't even think about showin ma face
a searched 4 a decent line in ya raps
.....there was no trace!!!
fuCKin fanny juice!
thats all u r
ur lines must just fall out ya mouth like my cock fell out ya ma
it aint that ma dick was too small
her pussy was too wide....poor bitch, shes been fucked too many times
so a flipped her over and took her from behind
she screamed ma name so laud she popped ma ear drums
so a stopped, lay back and let her lick ma dick till a cum
ur gunna hear a lot from me so dnt u stay in hibernation
but u better come to terms with the reality of wot ya facin!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2004 07:38 pm
ok bitch this fights out
im bout 2 punch ur fukn lights out
callin me a cheat
and callin me a scam
fuk man u think ur such a big man
oh im good i can rap on the net
man i bet ur so ugly ud hav 2 see a vet
ur so hard being all tough
on a screen
man u havnt seen wot i have seen
i seen guns,blood and ppl deing
ive fukn seen my my mum crying
coz my dad hit her
and hit her again
man he hits her all the time
but she just cops it on the chin
but i bet ur mum n dad love each utha heaps
yeh but not as much as i do
i fuk her so hard i make her weep
till her pussy flaps
are stretched
with no more use
just 2 giv u ur breakfast juice
fuk dude i cant beleive u2 think ur so cool
u think so much bout u gota say
that u start 2 drewl
i bet u take atleast 2 hours 2 write 1 line
goin ova wot u sed and makn it ryhme
well me im just on the go
makn it flow
showin ur 2 bitch ass's where the fuk 2 go
coz now u got me all angry
u dun no ur my mum
and u dun no me
so dude stop trying 2 make sence out of ur
fukd up
0 Replies

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