kris thomas
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2004 10:32 am
Been rappin for about 6 months now i'm pretty proud
I got my own club, i catch the crowd
Reasin being is because i rap loud!
i'm the not best of rappers but i'm pretty good.
Looks may be decieving i'm misunderstood!
I make the party weep pouring out blood
People hittin the floor with a thud! I'm a stud.
I got the bling i cannot sing
But when i rap i got a venamous sting.
I'm gonna end this little rap or letter
soon to be another rap whats even better!
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 05:09 pm
hay kris ur rap is like me dieing in my sleep
i cant feel it
just words you dont derserve to be battlin on this page
u on stage 1 im in 12th grade
home made
aussy mc, born 2 be
fukn frenzy
im goin crazy
ur makin a mistake to get it on wiv joe
my heart is cold urs just blows
how can u even hav a heart wen ur rappin **** like that
fuk u all bottled up like a genie wiv out the lil boy that comes along with the wishes 1,2,3
oh bitch beleive
im spittin the finnest lyircs of my life
discraful ur face needs sum makeable fool
ahh man jump in that pool
wash off coz u aint no wots hit ya
like a man jerkin off
singing cher
while doin u in the bear
im a fukn tiger ready 2 pounce
like a fukn assy mc ready 2 bounce
when the cops be on my trail
ready 2 bail
no faling or ull get an f
more like a BIG S sitting right up on my chest
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Thu 16 Dec, 2004 06:59 pm
Ok buck joe the previous raps where childplay, now i'm gettin serious u wont know what to say

Ok Joe Lets see
you arent a G
you don't even sound like an MC
Your in the 12th grade your still a kid.
your a spacker if not a flid.
Half your Rap didn't Rhyme
Readin mine will turn ya body into slime
you just commited a crime
There are cops on your trail
Your a fat slob who had no energy to bail
you keep goin on about where ur from Aussie
If Aussie wasn't invented then whu could shag a prossie
That aint no big S sittin on ya chest
that S stands for Shot like i did the rest.
your not goin Crazy or on a frenzy
I'm wearin all g'd up **** just to be trendy
How can you be an aussie born to be?
You already dead you caught HIV
Here's the results can't you see?
I got a lot of **** i can say about you
If you listened to me u'd know it's tru
You'll never be a hip Hop singer
You'll cheat on ya mum n end up on Jerry springer!
**** it i'm all tired
I'm goin to shag my "Bear"
Like i say, Life's bright n clear
you fucked with me get ready to fear!

Peace out Homiezx!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2004 12:39 am
Re: Neverending Rap Battle
k i got u mr. nightmare wtf is splish splash, u takin a bath wat the **** is that i quess ur amazed by my purple hayes smokin everday absolutly getting a blazespit bak at u probitly put u in a daze ill spit style that will rip u leaving you lyricaly cripled while rubbing your gurls nipples having them harder then ice sicules my words r lik herds of english nerds but u deserve xecution cause im the law herbs without spines im tolkenraw glock fires ill smoke ur pa, so hard gimmi head an then leave ur ma with a broken jaw
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2004 03:06 am
kris take this - u u trying 2 stand me down
ill shoot u in the chest u be lookin up from the ground
son ill be balstin my gun
1 to the head
2 the chest man
man i put u 2 rest
6 feet under
no wonder
u got no ryhmes
waisting ur time wiv joe
i aint no schmo
ur commiting a crime
its wiv ya mind
battlin wiv joe
im bout 2 make u blind
i spit acid wen i ryhme
i leave pussys like u behind
in my dust
and i must say this
u leave my mum outa this
ill leave this outa ya mum Wink
and i dun giv a if this chik was my own mother
id still her and cum inside her wiv no rubber
and ud hav a son and a new brother at the same time
and just say that they aint mine
im just blowin time
nufin left 2 do then end this rap
with a big F>U>K YOU!
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Sat 18 Dec, 2004 12:09 pm
Joe you got me there that rap was good.
Your a good rapper whu i misunderstood
Hopefully i'll give you another rap battle
When you finish our little tittle tattle.
your good for a 12 grade
I thought u was a kid with his bucket n spade
Listen man you know what you should do?
go into a live peformance and do whats true.
your a tru gangsta like me you see
If we joined forces no one would have invincibility.
anyway, like i said good rap Joe
Battle you some other time G when all this snow
Clear up.

Take care of ya self fella
Live your life like a dream foreva!

nice Rap Wink_
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2004 04:21 am
see b.i.t,h,es
kris new when 2 surrender
he new that hes beating to the ground
he new he wodnt live forever
im just out here trying to find a groove
right move
1 to the left
1 to the right
there aint no fright
coz wen i look into ur eyes
i see defeat
and when you lookin up from the ground
all you see is my feet
coz all yous gota hav respect
and kris u dislex
i aint old im 14
from australia
a place u think is a failure
but really we breeding
real mcs that can ryhme
- in time
- in line
not sum american fools thinkin they
got all the moves
coz really
livin this hard life
goin out every day
getin in 2 strife
im like a knife
ready 2 slice
n dice
im not 2 nice
14 didnt hav a good life
but im not gona go down that trail
coz i dun wana de-rail
im just saying dont be expecting kris
4 me not 2 dis
coz u be spittin ryhmes
trying 2 put me down
it didnt work did it
kris u thort i was a lil weak piss
but then i strike wen ur low
thinkin u stole the show
and now ur beating 2 a crisp
nufin left but 2 read this page
and think bout ur...........
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2004 05:53 am
hay pat wots doin lol beleive me?
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2004 06:56 am
Right Joe i tried to be nice saying that your good
your a Jewish prick like elmer Fudd!
Listen up you f*cking punk
I'll shoot you n lock u in a trunk.
I aint a f*ckin dislex
I got more parts than Apex!
Your a f*cking selfish Prick
Your a 14 yr old boy with a little dick
Heres your groove
1 to the left
1 to the right,
your a lil kid who's ass aint tite.
you've been bummed by an aussie
I'm gonna run you over in my RS cossie!
You didn't beat me to the ground
Your a kid saved his pocket money up for a year and got a pound!
It's gonna be your mumma that we Surround!
See what i mean your only a kid in 12th grade
Your a lil boy with his bucket n spade
you can't get laid
Neither can your mum cos she never gets paid
your dad tried to get a job in a trade
but i was the boss and i turned into a renagade!
Now f*ck you joe i tried to be nice,
You need a 6 to roll on a dice
Before your mumma gets eaten by wild mice.
I aint as good as Obie Trice
But you come near me with these lyrics prepare for a slice
See what i mean you can't even spell
Look at your signature what the **** is PEAVE go to hell
N why don't you go jump in that f*cking pool
F*cking fool
Your a tool.
You aint cool
you aint a true rapper i aint a true rapper
your mum is because shes a ******* slapper.
that chick whu u said u shagged was ya mother
the reason why you couldn't put on a rubba...
Was cos ya dick was too small.
you had to lean back to piss up a wall.
50 cent isn't our god f*ck you 50 Cent
your a rent boy your arse up for rent
Oh just a quick notice, i'm not american i hate them
no offence to the one and only eminem!
Listen Joe you shouldn't have Bragged
I'm gonna get you arrested n tagged
your mum just got slagged!
Dude you havent got any respect
no one could find it with suspition or detect.
your a fool a flid u fuckin Dislect
Get a grip,
Face it your too easy to get ripped.
your a fag
F*ckin hag,
mum's a slag
no need to brag
you been watchin too much 8 mile
you need to drown in the riva nile!
your a bad one
you need to soot ya self with a hand gun
you having fun?
yo run downstairs little boy westlife have just begun!
**** you you just been beat
don't bother rappin because am full of heat
**** you and die in a grave
While i keep this joint in a rave!

I'm outta here
6th gear!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2004 07:00 am
Elmer Fudd was Jewish?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Dec, 2004 06:53 pm
Haha kris is getin angry
to bad his rap is sounding more shitly
every time u speak
man go ova wot u sed lil squeak
ur slurs are pussy i cant feel nefin u say
realy go find another day
another life
where u can actually speak sum words
without getin pushed to the ground
and eating sum dirrt
by me and my bullys
do u understand me fully
i think u dont
well ill giv u insight
we will slit ur throat
get ur mum
rap her in the bum
get ur sis and brother
and make them each utha
and we will send u tapes every day
off ur dad getin beating
and all u will hear is a g'day
from 5 aussie mcs
coz thats all we need
2 beat u down
pull u up
and we will all in a cup
and make ur fat a.s.s dad drink it
then we will make him sing it
sorry wife
i just like 2 suk on my sons c.ok
sorry if its a shock mum
and kris oh no
im gona hav 2 kill u now
how u wana die?
pull out ur eyes?
strap em 2 ur thighs
so u can see us behind kiking ur lil
bare hind
coz thats how we gone do it
sorry if u boo it
its just wot we gone do
soory dude
just dun come bak
wiv ur 1st grad raps
coz u just gona get a 14 yr old striking bak
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 12:34 am
REPORTER STATING: "As the War pushes on, children in Iraq seem hopfull, to a new begining. a Post Saddam Eraa. Can we change these mideast people?"

C-thug: I laugh lol and shrug while flipin the channel.

Nah mow em with the S.A.W , fake ass internet G's claimin your hard but when the time comes you choke and Freeze,,, your flow is like Wispers of sweet nothings they soft as ****, they mean nothing , im a soldja with a crazy mission, repin mideast to the fullest till im out of comission, i always say its G's way to bust my Ak, holding that bitch side ways, throwin hot lead makin all trick niggas worst fear is getting caught in the wrong way But fuk it, i cant leave out my Ar i keep her oiled up . killin machine.....Blow the tension with my master minded skeem to take over this forum . hey yo playa's your bragin rights are gone i took um , so keep this in mind im ready to bust niggas that ILL my WILL.
When i Go i wanna be wrapped in my flag and carried threw the neighborhood to the cemmatary as a Palestinian G . Internationally known as "el-Wahud" meaning "The One",,but until then understand this no one can touch my level or see the things ive seen, children being killed a part of a criminal cover up. Mothers cry in the night to her sons thurst to fight, "hold on mother ill be back" , he kiss's her on her cheek, but she's not knowing he's strapt....i was ready for WAR askin them to see me on the battle field to test there Gore. Life is short so make it good, tomorrow aint promissed in the hood!
Peace from a palestinian in pain, this is for all the mothers that have lost a son, brother,father, husband .

P.L.O soldier

All info stated here is true. Even the report issue.
i dont bullshit. so dont come at me with your lie's.
LoL i know im gonna get some challenges to lol but bring it on .
Ill be silently waiting.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 01:46 am
sorry dude 4 all ur life stages
but this aint no simpithy pages
we here 2 battle and thats it
dont be go spreading bout ur fake a.s.s clip
P.L.O more like blow me schmo
im here 2 win nufin else
but spin u round like a bird on drugs
u flappin round u just got stonned off bugs
me and my men will shoot u down
from the sky,sea ne where u look
we be there
waiting on ur every foot
u shook
fukn scared
joe on a roll
ill steal the show
kris be gone
he new he was wrong
trying 2 beat me
fuk dude u cant see me
and thats all i gota say this
this a battle not some real ass rap
im here 2 win
and thats fukn that
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 02:57 pm
k i got u mr. nightmare wtf is splish splash, u takin a bath wat the **** is that i quess ur amazed by my purple hayes smokin everday absolutly getting a blazespit bak at u probitly put u in a daze ill spit style that will rip u leaving you lyricaly cripled while rubbing your gurls nipples having them harder then ice sicules my words r lik herds of english nerds but u deserve xecution cause im the law herbs without spines im tolkenraw glock fires ill smoke ur pa, so hard gimmi head an then leave ur ma with a broken jaw

i`m guessing your from the usa
callin english nerds when really you yanks aint got notin clever to say
our president is tony blair and yours is bush
were reprisented posh whilst you guys eat around the tush
at least most of our english bitches are slim
big tits, slim waists and short skirts of denim
how many yanks these days are gay
men are shagging others up agenst the wall or on the floor
in every position 3 times or more
"hey dudes lets go for a snack"
cos i`m hungry again...i gave up running on the track
then we`l go the supermarket pick food off the rack
but only 200% fat
after all my pants aint exactly slack
to be honest there a size 34
i`l eat any meat cooked or raw
as long as i get to the store
and try and out-eat what i ate the night before
even men in america are wearing bra`s
disgracing the mentality of the stripes and the stars
you guys ran out so you used the masks from the sars
to put on your tits as you get more drinks from the bars
we could write more but we wanna hear your replies
so come and give us some back you american fucks and shock our precious eyes
**** america we wanna hear from the rest of the universe
cum back with some lines and make them a half decent verse
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 04:09 pm
i`m guessing your from the usa
callin english nerds when really you yanks aint got notin clever to say
our president is tony blair and yours is bush
were reprisented posh whilst you guys eat around the tush
at least most of our english bitches are slim
big tits, slim waists and short skirts of denim
how many yanks these days are gay
men are shagging others up agenst the wall or on the floor
in every position 3 times or more
"hey dudes lets go for a snack"
cos i`m hungry again...i gave up running on the track
then we`l go the supermarket pick food off the rack
but only 200% fat
after all my pants aint exactly slack
to be honest there a size 34
i`l eat any meat cooked or raw
as long as i get to the store
and try and out-eat what i ate the night before
even men in america are wearing bra`s
disgracing the mentality of the stripes and the stars
you guys ran out so you used the masks from the sars
to put on your tits as you get more drinks from the bars
we could write more but we wanna hear your replies
so come and give us some back you american fucks and shock our precious eyes
**** america we wanna hear from the rest of the universe
cum back with some lines and make them a half decent verse[/quote]
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 04:37 pm
It's startin to snow.
I shagged your mum rapid, her pubes began to glow.
My lyrics are Wild
U just a lil child
It was ur mum n dad's divorcement papers i filed.
your dad's a peedo
you can tell what idiot would wear speedo
you two are internet gays
My car is modified by Rays
It's got 180 on the clock
you wouldn't know cos i shot u with my glock
your mum's suckin ma c0ck
f*ck you joe, i tried to be pleasant
U bought ur dad an anal pleasure kit as a x-mas present.
It's nearlly another year in britain
your dad ate ur cum so he decided to spit em
My lyrics are beginning to rhyme,
your a witch you turnin into slime
Get a life joe,
kill ur dad no 1 would know
Becase he e-mails you that's it, because he's stuck 10 feet unda snow.
Stop dissing the artist
i'm the best rapper and maybe the fastest
your dad's dead face it he's past it.
He's a snob he bought a condom n classed it
Oh no this one's to small
My d1cks so small it's got arms so it can crawl
You've got crabs
I discovered it in my x-ray labs!
go away child
your lyrics are nothin but mild
**** it this is where i get psycho
My lyrics are jumpin around like they hypo
Listen joe my lyrics are explitic
the politacs hate it because the are critic
your nothin but a worthless peace of sh1t
Why don't you die n bury ur self in a mosh pit
you listen to punk music u f*ckin goth
your an orphan who had a moth
for his main meal
what a deal
U can't even rap as good as ally mc'beal
U can't even get a girls t1t's to feel
your boring tw@t with a fishing rod reel.
Joe i'm a person who you'll neva know
you think you can battle against a pro?
f*ck it ur arse is buried deep below.
your startin to bore me now i'm going
Before the snow stops snowing!
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 04:52 pm
whats all this about fallin snow
and you dissin a guy called joe
am sure this guys probably a prick
with a chriveled prune as a dick
but theres no need to go on like you did
you probably just some 12 year old kid
takin rap words from a cd you just bought
instead of sumthin you wrote or thought
but dont get me wrong i liked yo rap
although its good its also crap
all yo lines are just a little bit basic
i dont want to diss you
i just want to rub ya face in it
try and write back to this website
am sure your lyrics will probably be shite
so i`l end this but have a good night
and be careful dont let the bedbugs......FRIGHT! Twisted Evil
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 05:10 pm
Ok, Grave, i dug your grandma up n started to rave
**** let's ring up me uncle dave
And let's see if he wants to bring some lemonade.
My lyrics might be basic
It's betta than yours f*ck it face it!
i lost my virginity when i was 12 i didn't wanna chase it
I wanted to let it run free and run around on abrasive!
If you think i'm a beginner
you may have a devote on Jerry springer
Face it ur a flid f*ckin minger
I'll have you singing to the wedding singer!
the reason why i rap so harsh against joe
Is because i complimented him about his flow.
He threw it straight back in my face
so i decided to beat him down to his own human race
I didn't wanna pick up my pace
But i had to because it was the rite time at the rite place
listen Grave,
Just stick to battlin other rappers
their hoes like you if not slappers
your all chavs dressed in Kappers
**** it Joe's a baby he's wearin pampers.

i'm oudda here Grave, it's nice to meet you
We could join teams and create something new!
Think about me and you website rapping masters!
We finish everyone with them wearin plasters!

i'm oudda ere.
My raps are pro i got nothing to fear

you hear a scream thats me scattin away in 1st gear!
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 05:32 pm
ok newbie
now you`l c
that there isnt one of me but two
we sit here rappin our names tp2
i`m called a-grave me mate is psych
weve been into rap all of our life
fair enuf u sed you wanted to join us
but you also found the ability to diss us
but thats ok you had the right
we struk the first blow, you came back with a fight
if we kept battling there would b no winner
so lets colabarate and make other peoples chances slimmer
email your msn to [email protected]
were gunna make twister look like a dumb blonde
i like your ideas a think there cool
we had to keep this sweet us and you could rule
so as you say lets join up
and give these other guys
sumthing to worry about and sleep with open eyes!!! Cool
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2004 05:48 pm
my addy is [email protected]

I dunno wether u checked ur mail
It sends about the speed of a snail
Never mind we gonna make twista look like a dumb blonde
We gonna make Twista sound like his sista
Or F*ck it he can be the prime minista!

speak soon homie
Be better when u get 2 know me!

0 Replies

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