Reply Tue 5 Jan, 2010 05:19 pm
ive bin at it since the vatican had a sin , since innocent anakin had a kin
bin rabid never have bin rabbit , i had to win , cant be no hasbin had it
lost it , end up in a padded room holding ur thoughts hostage
pad an pen
not the umm how much does it cost?, kid
made some money paid some money an flossed it !
if you were manager of a female animal shelter , u still couldnt be boss bitch !
god's scientist took my blood and crossed it , im the new lab monkey
gunning for a badge junkie
for any pussy vag who want beef
better be willing to put there front teeth on the street , and take a hit for it
a life of strife , an overall sense of doing right ,make ya fit for it
skip forward a bit, on destiny's playlist
i'll be the number 1 and everyone under the sun say this

Reply Tue 5 Jan, 2010 05:59 pm
sorry dude i got a life no job cuz i got free ed
this dudes a piss head, only class hell eva pass is physed
porn is good ta watch
better than lookin at ya bitch as sploch
ya sayin i need ta get a life, cuz i aint gotta wife??
bitch i just took 1 step and stabbed ya wit a knife!
looks like i just took 1 more step
look at dis ugly **** i just swept
i go 2 school, gotta job and a girl friend
i aint lookin at guys and strtin ta bend
this guys stads at a street corner
looks at a guy and gets a huge boner
walk to him and asks for sex
gives him a numba and asks for da txt
he waits and waits for this guy
but lookin at his dick and looks like a fuckin french frie
he starts to cower loosin all his power
looks in a mirror and seems to divower!
nigga dont **** with me
i aint like some fuckin resotche!
im in a mood 2 struck
unlike u i dont cluck ta ****!
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 05:57 pm
The professor,
lift ya hands up and surrender,
u'z ah lender, not a teacher wit ya lines,
i hit about 16 to 20 wit these rhymes,
mean bars, **** that makes u lean hard,
straight watch me boguard, u ignorant retards,
that act hard, u gotta glass chin that breaks off,
tryna act pissed off, but the professor needs tah sit down,
and take his coffee break, before u lose tha race,
i set the pace, to this chase..
hunt you quick, shoot you dicks,
u some lingering ****,
Ay We need ah Clean Up In Aisle six,
u Comin At the Wrong opponent,
Middle Finger To u Fuckers, And ah verse Who wants it,
Chewin On Rappers, cuz they soft under they wrappers,
I'll smack you for comin incorrect, mah words resurrect,
Mah flow straight Cutcha Neck,
U tryna Listen to mah words is Suicidal Text,
Breakin this professor into pieces that wont connect,
Lyrical Lunatic Non Sense who want it next..

0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 06:20 pm
No NiGga..
Style Kid u aint from no west L.A.
Upstate Ny EastSIde Where Niggaz Dont Play
U STay On tHe Safe sIDe, With The White Guys,
Livin Good, Never Did Ah Crime Never Been To the HooD,
Only HEard About It, Never Been About It,
U Watch the Newz And Called Ya Boy, TellIn Him How U HEard Bout ****,
Funny Lil Nigga, I AInt Even FRom THe City And I KNow Bout ****,
PLus u ah Bitch, who cant Rhyme fOr ****,
Im Not Even RhyMing Wit Different Words,
It's Gonna Be The Same, U AInt never GoNna Change,
It's Funny That U Hittin Niggaz Wit Cleats,
No MoFo, Constructs, White Ups And ACG'z,
Niggaz Aint Never Had The Chance To Run Home ANd Grab They CLeats,
Well NeverMind Pussy NIggaz Run Home, And Wait For The Police,
Till the Niggaz Who Had Beef Come On Ya STreet,
KNock On your DOor, U dont even Answer, U Sayin In Ya HEad
" These Guys ReallY Gonna Hit Me, I Hope They Dont Do What They Said!"
west l.a. in lower case, u the disgrace...
StyleKid u The Fake!
Reply Wed 6 Jan, 2010 08:25 pm
this man bustin raps left and right
i love watchin dis guy try and fight
he start actin like a bird n sqwuakin
look in da mirro nd ya start talkin
thinkin 2 himself im the man
but in reality hes just a lil peice of sand
he reaches out wit his mind
nigga lookin around but i think hes blind
he starts ta realize hes just a lil crazy
hes just like a dumb bitch named stacey
dis boy obviously wants ta hit dis guy
look for him waitin to just destroy
runs inta me and shits his pants
scattered around now like tiny fuckin ants
he gets inta a fighting stance
nigga im like a tiger so i prance
took dem claws and hipped off ya jaw
1 last time 4 a huge ass claw
i scream ROAR ya scared ta death
runnin down that street now otta catch ya breath
i catch up 2 ya and goes again
killin ya like a farmer does a hen
rippen ya ta shreds layin on da floor
smackin ya bashin ya throw ya gainst a door
ya finally give up and finally quit
no more time 2 throw anoda fuckin pussy ass fit
this puppy wanted ta walk
now he done and want ta talk
this guys bein a little annoyin pet
hes fuckin lucky i aint blast his ass yet
nigga talkin bout all white fakies
gotta white dem white pasties
dude otta chill a lil bit cuz dat aint fun
now quit actin like a dumb fuckin nun
Kid Beat
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2010 08:17 am
I'nm from England, I am a girl, and I am 11 years old.
Kid Beat
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2010 08:18 am
I'm a girl!!!!!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2010 07:57 pm
Nigga **** you, stop talking to much poo
Ya wack anyways, and that is really true
At least I can fight like throw spits,
unlike ya silly ass you cant even make a fist,
I'll murder ya till u see hell now I'm concerned you are hella pissed,
okay, i'll scatter like lil ants,
but atleast i have balls to ******* say real rants,
Your disses make no sense at all, that **** moves from place to place,
what the hell ya talking bout kid? If ya cant rap, ya cant tie your shoe lace,
man what the **** is ROAR? I'm wondering you arent a human, you an animal,
Ya a ******* lil tran, ya a ******* cannibal,
How ya catching me? Ya aren't even 10 steps from my level,
you are less from that, now ya needa catch me in a bike with pedels,
I'm made out of metal, I'm terminator salvation, now this is the end of extermination, cus ya need more alliteration, now i murdered ya wit this termination,
Bitch, I'm a puppy right?
What are ya? ANOTHA ******* BOBBY WHITE?
Bitch please, ya turning worse then O' Neal,
Cus ya aint the real deal, you are another contract like O'Neals appeal,
Now **** this to the end cause I'm tired of dissing ya, not tryna to intend
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2010 10:45 pm
@Kid Beat,
this is a rap battle
so if you want to be here then get on the sattle
over there flirtin with that guy,
probably high
why are you hittin with this guy
are you drunk, thinking your about to die
your only three years younger then me
and you need to know this a place you dont need to be
we got racial, gay, and perverted
and people all ways say they are goin to murder
so take with a person thats been here for awhile
so just go away, this is not your style
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Jan, 2010 10:58 pm
you need to stop with your racial comments
you raps all ways makes me want to vomit
and you need to face that your a dick, dag on it
what are are anyway
fat as hell and are you probably gay
because you like saying the word poo,
really need to stop saying things about you
what else, hatin jews?
you probably agree every thing with hitler
go to you meetings with your lover miller
so why dont you just get lost
so you can go back to your credit card for your porn cost
Reply Fri 8 Jan, 2010 09:23 pm
Whos the teacher all of a sudden, eruption thumpin the student dumplins.
Pumpin grumblins like the rocks in a barrel rumble tumblin.
Fumbled when they tunneled in dems for the troubled bubblins.
Gundham then. And again and again the keep crumblin.

Flag toss football and we run like walters pay. ton.
AYE um was you readin whats i was type say dun?
Gay sons get slapped by rednecks with great guns.
And thats just sad, so what will I spray? Sums.

Adidtion to math is atraction to facts of black light rap from Caps and thats that.
Have a sack, spores for the snack and act if you can but i doubt that you chant.
Nit till you pant, dish brilliants and still have time for the kiddo. Thats cant.
Distant discussions from missed vents that russian. Rip that stance.

I just found this site and did that ish right. Like vandels in nights with sweat riddled mics and pantomime vikes till they rant and rhyme light. RIGHT?
Mic check mite. CHeck ones two for the hype then get the leverage from the endgame to diminish all the tripe. PSYCHE... nerd fights are the all ripe.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 9 Jan, 2010 06:30 am
Yo Did you Re-read The **** U Said fag
U The same Trash I HAd to Put in The last Garbage Bag,
Competition, yea of course im looking for some,
I'm tryin tah fight, yea right all of mah battles are won,
rapper man, flow at it's post ready to air ya like ah fan,
you can stare i kno u ah fan,
always ready tah slay and put u crabs in the sand,
I stay fly like The L.A.X, Quick to impress,
so finesse, i shoot for criticals no stomach or chest,
you should juss give it ah rest,
take ah nap, and get left in the game,
spit heat wit these verbal flames, U freeze like photo frames,
MLK we need the change, i have dream..
All u sick bastard Get Dealt wit, But not by Me,
Cuz if i Do The dirt, you gonna get hurt
Put ur momz in the closet, and u on the floor , who should i shoot first,
lets see who puts in the most work,
ya slut momz, or that smut sister of yours having her ready to squirt,
or u can have the semi, pointin at mah enemies, wantin tah burst,
so lets just settle our terf,
cuz i dont wanna have to rip on nigga that was ah bitch at birth...

Reply Sat 9 Jan, 2010 10:42 pm
i amit,
hes left in the game
and so are you
so why dont you bend down and kiss my shoe
ur just another fool
and will never rule
you not a competition
just practice
is your life long dream is to become an actress?
whats with everyone sayin the n word
it just makes all of yall look like a turd
you even try to use MLK famous saying in your rap
well you failed and made it sound like crap
so why dont you just get up and leave
and then go jerk off think off keanu reeves
Reply Sun 10 Jan, 2010 12:28 pm
i was talkin to ur bitch now she slobbin my dick/
while her mouth real busy you still talkin up ****/
ur career was risin now its fallin and slipped/
your Game Over so im callin you flip/
**** hoes on da corner, thats what i call street bangin/
you bitch show love to my dick but she leaves my balls hangin/
gettin dress in the mornin is a wrong start/
cause my closet got more ailes then wal-mart/
when i spit my rymes go right threw you/
and my chain got more colors than a box of fruit loops/
0 Replies
Reply Sun 10 Jan, 2010 12:32 pm
you aint a lunatic, your a stupid bitch, a shemale with a useless dick.
So I'm bout to use this chick like a condom and dispose after I'm done.
then make you tip up the end and suck out my sons.
I'm your competition with this composition of contradictions,
you must have no common sense in that common dense brain.
I spit on your grave and get off on your face, a circle jerk with keanu, me and Vince Vaughn.
and "I have a dream" to make this faggot scream, when I put it on you like vaginal cream.
and for my final act I will use the n-word
cause the lines of reality and dream have been blurred.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jan, 2010 03:53 pm
the professor still on here!!!!! here i am god dam it!
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jan, 2010 04:23 pm
I gotta agree with rcade43.. "poo" come on guys... hahahahaha
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jan, 2010 05:04 pm
Breaker beats Master piolit.. DJ Rumour repper.

coping im holding these cards never folding pockets swollen/
texas holdem im rollin raise the pot now smokin/
wasted space of time, no tracing/
any fingerprinted lines on the diamonds that need replacing/
from the cubic zirconia ear piece you call a rock dud/
i call it a lil piece of wannabe "blingin" pink girlie EERRRR stud/
gifted talent im on a Call of duty mission/
Ghost reconning all these suckers down, each bullet different with definition/
no catchin this criminal i dissapare you cant see me/
americas most wanted, even Horatio cant find me from CSI Miami/
wheres the picture frame that states, "ture gangsta" by your name money?/
dont count the ones on ya mums mantal peice with that epic Undercut hair style haha now thats funny!/
like xzibit im also a shot gun funatic, make funerals dramatic/
by turning up in white and blow away all of ya with 2 home made granatics/
leaving the would in histerics, break banks with my lyrics/
cause words is the cash that bash ya grandmother to paraplegics/
whell chairs and dripple bibs and strap jacktes/
i drop you down! all of you ya pistol packin faggots/
expression your full nature all over the animal planet you fail!/
your more happier to be taken from behind like a faggot in jail/
ridin round in a merc with gas less than a buck fifty/
my rhymes spit times that touch your whole city/
from new zealand to new jersey where ever you will kneal/
to the best Dj, best Ryhmer, its ya boy Battlefield!.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 11 Jan, 2010 06:04 pm
man why u gotta say nigga
anymore disrespect an ii be pullin the trigga
keep on sayin ur bad
go ahead dont mind me, ur mad
oops sorry am i makin u sad
coz i done ur mother out ur back
garden she suck my dick it starts to harden
but she so **** ima start laughin
u aint spittin no lyrical flames
wah u spittin should put u to ashame
evryday for me is lik halloween
coz ii got the trick an the treat
my trick is spittin lyrics
while my treat is sippin spirits
an when im pisd i still spit better lyrics
than u, lunatic-defo
yh defonately not, hot, sorry did i hit a sensitive spot
ii aint no miracle either, buh its better to be a believer
which u aint, so dont carry on beefin
otherwise soon we be meetin, in the flesh
which is when i will announce your death
to the public, u wanna bet i double it,
so dont go spittin lyrics an actin all hard
do u know what ii think u are?
a fuckin retard
after i spit this i be writin me a memo
write back to this an it says kill lunatic-defo
Reply Mon 11 Jan, 2010 10:28 pm
0 Replies

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