Gangster Blood
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 12:27 pm

You Flipped With That Spit Man,,

If He Still Thinks He's Won,,

There's Summat Not Right In His Head,,

Very Happy :L
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 01:35 pm
@Gangster Blood,
damn man, your barz that went,

"when i hit,, you feel like your tied to a stake,,
why you still trying?, this pain you can't take,,
spit til u die n grab ur hair with a rake,,
stop living a lie,, do it for your own sake,,
in spitting,, its not what you do its what you make,,
you know,, after all this time,, i realise your fake,,
so back off and stick to watching prison break,,"

that was some **** sick,
and yeah, he's fucked in the head if he thinks he won.
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 04:08 pm
damn, not **** sick, i meant sick ****,
them barz was wack,
Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 08:25 pm
im the fastest cat smoking crack from the london city
reaching for my gat blasting rounds so please dont dont pity
u sending useless barz i duck out and they dont even see me
u been sucking each others asses that your teeth gone gritty

now follow these simple instructions
like snoop dogg im a magnet of sexual seduction
when your mummas in my bedroom theres a white sauce of eruption
u think i about to back down there must be a communication corruption
u mummas in depression she dont suck wrists she cuts' em
you say im new to the game there must be a brain malfunction
im probly younger then you but im causing your life disruption
my barz are strongers then yours there pass throu like conduction
yh and what im 14 but im the host of this production
GANGSTER BLOODS not a gangster hes just a family obstruction
his family left a poster saying "sorry under construction"
yh cuss my age but that equals a tooth deduction
but this aint the end its only the ******* introduction
and yh i watched prison break
coz i got bored of your mumas lips that where the dilemma of suction
if u serious think your winning u must been a brainwashed ubduction
before u said i was a virgin but i was the cause of reproduction

i dont stare at girls!!
i walk right over and FUCKED'EM


Reply Thu 27 Aug, 2009 08:29 pm

Reply Fri 28 Aug, 2009 05:46 am
all u did was go on rhymezone and copy every word ending in -ction, oh yeah man, that's real impressive, ur rhymes don't even make sense.
"but this aint the end its only the ******* introduction
and yh i watched prison break
coz i got bored of your mumas lips that where the dilemma of suction
if u serious think your winning u must been a brainwashed ubduction
before u said i was a virgin but i was the cause of reproduction"

i mean, that ****'s just embarrasing,
it just doesn't make sense.
First Respawns
Reply Fri 28 Aug, 2009 07:37 am
ok tnt leave the guy alone
he loves to rap but wants an excuse so he won't
have to so he don't
i won't be asking him to see
me everlasting him we go back to '83
******* stand back and take a seat
take some aspirin brush your teeth
bitch your mom out watch tv
try a condom on and touch a priest
go on about how long his song is its for free
see pistol whipping g thuggin nuts n harmony
i saw that gay porno last week
the girls never came
when they brought your mom in with the crane
she sprayed the whole neighborhood caused acid rain
the painful angle of a big bitch
in the window pane just aint the same
my fuckin dick went through her brain
**** just aint the same so knock it off
she spit it back in my face and coughed it up
i never knew that **** bothered you
living in the ghetto, tell you what you otta do
be responsible like your sister become a prostitute
i caught her on cops, God i love that show too
i wanna **** your mom but don't know what she's got
maybe herpes on the face ghonorrea on the crotch
stretchmarks in the fat
fuckin sinkholes in the bed
she'd beat her own face
but slit her wrist instead
"i failed as a mom, my son can't fuckin rap"
her husband's in the attic, looking for the bat
"how long's he been gone mom," "20 years or less"
you're a habit i'm impressed
get your face out of the desk
clean this place up its a mess
"you can't talk back to me until you pay your rent"
what makes you think i care
i dare you to write me back or continue the nightmare
i aint the one strapped into a height chair
0 Replies
Reply Fri 28 Aug, 2009 01:40 pm
ok kid, don't make no mistake,
you obviously fake,
why else wud u try to partake,
in this fight,
when my lyrics are so tight,
you better learn to be polite,
or else u'll wind up dead,
yeah damn right,
ur fucked in the head,
got a dick thru the brain,
u ain't got nothing to gain,
but so much to lose,

giv in to my administration,
i'm like the terminator 'bout,
to finish my termination
i'll giv u this, u got determination,
but your shits so fucked up it needs translation,
but ur mums strip leaves nothing to the imagination,
this ain't a battle, it's an extermination,
your raps r ****, i'm gunna waste 'em,
now listen up and pay attention,
i'm not gunna lose my formation,
cuz i'm a rap sensation,
people looking on with admiration,

now, listen up u cunts,
i'm only gunna say this once,
giv up, i'v won, u'v lost,
u spew more **** than a broken exhaust,
a rap ain't about the length or the rhyme,
more important is what u say an' that u stay in time,
u just speak crap,
but i actually rap,
cuz i actually got something to say,
whether i'm calling ur mom a ho, or ur dad gay,

so now i'm finished,
ur chance of winning is greatly diminished,
now i'm done,
and guess what,
0 Replies
Reply Sat 29 Aug, 2009 07:01 pm
well the "brainwashed ubduction" was a mistake i wrote ubduction in the wrong sentence
"i was the cause of reproduction" i was saying that i was the cause of reproduction, meaning the cause of a pregnancy "reproduction"

and by the way i never ever use rhymezone for my raps because i think that thats basically cheating,although i do no what it is i will never use it
First Respawns
Reply Sun 30 Aug, 2009 08:57 am
i don't even know what swag is
the fag can walk away no sence
in essence your presence has ended
take a cup of fuckin piss
suck it in through your bird lips
jump through a concord jet
and the rest gets stung by a hornet
the look on your parent's face considering abortion
use the fuckin hanger this time don't force it
flush it down the porcelain toilet i can't hold it
slit its throat charliesforce its choking
get the power cord next to the outlet
plug it in his mouth its shouting
damn that was the story of your horrible birth
thank God for adults cuz it could've been worse
you suck at rapping lie in back of the hearst
i know i shouldn't be talking
i should quit getting rowdy
when rappers write words they probably copied
listening to music you were writing about me
see i say **** to make people mad
shoot down their dreams and that life they had
and tear their mom a new hole
i solely sold my mood and made a joke
and he knows he can't keep up he's just too slow
never explain yourself keep your values
once you do that the other rapper has you
by the balls and gets a cocky attitude
then he fuckin says something wrong
just a mistake you cant go back to change it up
i hate these new nigga's blood and guts
thinking they can all rap as african americans
for the politically correct term
don't reserve my seat i'll make my own return
your mom is firmly on hold but i'm not concerned
that bitch will have to wait
i don't behave this way because i am gay
my mom is, that overweight homosapien
cake it on like steak in amsterdam
enter in to my world don't ask for it
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 05:21 am
fair enough, but i think if u meant abduction like alien abduction it's spelt with an 'a' not a 'u', and saying u were the cause of reproduction makes it sound like reproduction was created for u, that's why i didn't understand,
and yeah, rhymezone is kinda cheating.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 11:06 am
Is that supposed to be a battle verse?
You got symbols all over the place, it’s like reading algebra
Your lines are nothin’ but a bunch of ****
What kind of rapper puts numbers in front of ‘em?
You’ve left spaces so big even astronauts can jump on ‘em
If you planned on murderin’, you’ve just been rumbled, kid
And what’s with the double slash symbols?
Looks like you just drafted the verse with a fuckin’ crap pencil
And forgotten to press “Enter” after each line
That’s not a rap verse, it’s a damn p-sign
Or pi sign, whatever " I’m confused with your mathematics
Looks like it was written by a stupid crack addict
You’re wack at it, you’re bent like a Kraftmatic
An amateur rapper who attempted to take a wack at it
Damn faggot, you need to get off the crack, kid
**** it, Buck Joe, take a hammer to this bastard
Reply Wed 2 Sep, 2009 07:40 pm
this is to all you ,you fake rappers
and the companies who make rappers
parade it like hey its something to see who make half the
most bust or break after
know how much there takeing off it

been that cat that rap
that dog that bark
that back to the start
since the dawn of gods depart
list of reason why what u doing is wrong! ur a fraud for start
end up a cold corpse rigamortis body parts
probally dark state a mind im in
probally start to hate spit grime an defile them
played like violins spray on the mic my flow wins
your drowing in an ocean of hydro winds
make another syrum to turn um n watch mmm hyde again
get ya girl an mmm slide it in

you think we all withdrawl take another haul make another haul
make a father fall the mother brawl to make sure theres a brother for ya'll gravity born to discover the fall of time whether its a religon or science they all allign fall in line into one word what we call design so how do you define devine is it the body or the mind probally the spine bout the only things standing

the last gulp results in crashing and eating ya chin off the asphalt have ya ass gaspin like what jus happened this kinda stuff does happen but ya minds a kind a tough that assault the rhyme never cult a rhyme popular results a rhyme you butcher and vulture rhyme pull an ashton kutcher and then whats the result a rhyme punk?got the kinda funk that causes swine to open ya trunk open ya monk ya inner ability what your hear when ya tranquility nears the sight of a billion light years feelin right here i like here put a dance floor and a mic here hip hop stands for fresh as the flesh as eternal as death yes rap is the breath hip hop is the culture hip hop is not what the pop result r its those innovators hotter than incinerators generators that generated generations started with bboys an girls with joy in the world then its got a lil twisted holding biscuits metal in there hands like a buffet with limp biscuit thene theres tisk it a task it somebody blew a gasket more then one bloody dude in a casket then someone wrote a big cheque that wasnt true and cashed it buying bullshit a some fans an assets wonder if stan kiss his ass yet my names professor u bin to class yet some say professor ur flow so fresh the knowledge so classic you wanna get brains go to university or college u dont want it when ya girl blow me on ya casket you pass debt i'll accept cash cheques or respect or your neck only do it for effect what more do you expect heres the entry but wheres the exit theres the next hit

Reply Sun 6 Sep, 2009 05:52 pm
UH, Uh, yea yea.. yo yo..
i said, aint no nigga really on mah level
i can say that twice, and still be nice,
Freeagent im lyrical monster, ur juss an imposter,
Im'a eat on some pasta liike the mafia, wit mah mobsters,
chillen, i can bag ya bitch, snap mah fingers, she give it up quick,
but lemme tell you, cross mah line, u'll get sprayed thru,
real niggas dont talk only spark, Cuz words wont save you,
livin in the streets can change ah man, livin in the cell,
can make ah man change, cuz it's like livin in hell,
NOw if i wanted to, i can robb you, it's nuttin,
but the funny part is i dont even kno where u laying ya head,
but if i do, i can make sure, u'll be laying there dead,
im'a go green, and im'a label you red,
light the dutch, smoke and shoot, hoping they aint callin the feds,
cuz i smoke, aint used tah selling them grams, but if i ever need it,
im'a be callin mah mans, hit the block harder than construction would,
pass em out faster than ah card dealer could,
**** up, and get popped have ya body in the pool,
im rowdy but im cool, i sin but god made the rules......
Reply Tue 8 Sep, 2009 05:50 pm
You just wrote a whole newspaper
All you need now is a photo, you can borrow my stapler
Attach it real good so the forum can analyse it
We now have a theory of a wack rapper in writin'
There's too much bad grammar in your rhymin'
As far as spelling, you're lackin' it in your lines, kid
And it's completely senseless
You can't even make complete sentences!
I can't even make complete sense of it
You probably wrote this while you were tense, dude
You probably feel that the whole world is against you
So the verse you wrote is an emotional grudge against them
Drafted it so hard you broke the lead in your pencil
They don't understand you, that's the reason you're goin' mental
twisted, your brain is wrecked, not even a doctor can mend you
I don't really mean to offend you
But talkin' about violence hardly makes this suspenseful
Why're you tryin' to give us a science lesson?
Cut throats, slice hearts, dissect intestines?
You think WE'RE freaks, take a look in the mirror
You act gangsta just to make us feel inferior
But honestly, in all honesty
Quite truthfully, and I merely am being truthful, see?
You're just a pissed-off wannabe emcee who no-one listens to
And this isn't a verse dissin' you, this is a fist that's just hit you

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Sep, 2009 06:23 pm
Dude, I think you're being a bit hard on the mobster
So was Tommy DeSimone and Tony Montana
I'm Free Agent, livin' is my mission
Forever liberated, you're just under restriction
Usin' mafia language like you're ******* addicted
Get off your high horse and come on with the big ****
'Cos you're not fuckin' with this, bitch
Whoever thought a young emcee would be comin' up this sick?
Except I'm not sick, just broke and I'm bummy
But talkin' about murder? Is that supposed to be funny?
Is violence the answer?
That's like sayin' Litichenko deserved to die from cancer
Young, intelligent, much brighter than you
If I'm not on your level, then I must be higher than you
I know God made the rules
But the real sad thing is, God also made a fool
Feel so special, that's why God made me cool
The reason I got brainpower is 'cause God gave me food
I keep it real to the heart, God made me hood
You talk about Hell, you burn in it - God made you food!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 8 Sep, 2009 06:26 pm
You walk right over and **** them? Broaden shoulders and hump them?
Hearin’ this 14-year-old ****** causin’ a rumpus
You little bum-head, I’ve travelled to London
This Charlie’s a hot-head, someone get him some suntan!
I think you need to get off the drugs, man
Face it, you’re confused; you’re fuckin’ with the wrong man
You probably think your rap was tight, well, it wasn’t
Your letters are in the wrong place, so you must’ve rushed it
You’re a kid who needs an attitude adjustment
Tryin’ to act a man, but you’re really just a Mom’s kid
Call yourself a “host of production”?
You little troublemaker, don’t make me call your Mom in!
I’m kickin’ raps like Iron Solomon
I like him, I guess I probably get this kind of style from him
You need to go back and re-verse all your lines
That rhyme was the worst of a kind that I’ve ever heard in my life
You must have spent a third of your time rehearsin’ those rhymes
Hopin’ to get the attention diverted from mine
I bet you’ve never heard of a guy spittin’ murderous rhymes
As he murders the lines one word at a time
Well, look at that, now I’m bitin’ Eminem
But props to him and his fellow men, puttin’ platinum records in
So I suggest you go home, boy
No-one wants you up here, go play with your toys
Reply Thu 10 Sep, 2009 04:09 pm
you lil bitch!
i dont waste my time perfecting my rhymes
ur mumma checking on me all of the time
it aint my ******* fault my dick is sublime
your a ******* ameatur,
you better check yourself!Do u think that im lying
i been on this site since the beginning of crime
my gats feeling lefal, it be penetrating your spine
i think your confused have u even checked on the sign"!!!
NEVERENDING RAP BATTLE! but all the pussies declined
my names CHARLIESFORCE thats where two forces combine
my dick to your mums pussie

but **** it i cant be fucked about battling you!
im bored to pieces this took me 5 mins to brew
your barz make a sound like a pig snorting glue
im just thinking of this **** wivin ten seconds or two
oh **** my fifa demos downloaded new!!
and yeh my rap was tight,tighter than a corkscrew
watever man

Reply Fri 11 Sep, 2009 06:13 pm
That **** was totally wack as hell
You've been actin' gangsta for ages, yet you still cannot spell
Why does this guy have to yell?
"Your gat is 'LEFAL'?" Ooooh, I'm shakin' in my shell!
"Fuckity **** ****, **** fuckity **** ****!"
I can't even read a word you've written - "blubbity blub blub"!
When are you gonna learn, numb nuts?!
You don't belong on this forum - you're fucked up!
So I'm a pig snorting glue?
I'd rather BE a pig and snort glue then be bored of you!
It took you 5 mins to come up with that ****?!
In just 10 seconds, you can get your ass kicked!
You're damn right I'm confused - just for the record, dude
You need to sit your ass back on that pedestal
My Mum wouldn't even dare stand next to you
'Cos we both know you're twisted and none of us even wanna be friends with you

0 Replies
Reply Mon 14 Sep, 2009 09:56 pm
**** what you all talking bout
you want a real rap then Nolia clap
**** off i read your battle your not street
your off beat got no flow im not soulja
just born in da N.O. got warrents in two states
live in new york got two names ive been there
done that i was up in da nolia clap
i dont have ta rap just ask laplace
i was in marrero they call me skee
i dont give ah ****
**** with me
now what you going to rap about
all rapped up in a bunch
bitch mother fuckers like you couldnt walk up
n battle mother fuckers out new orleans
not the nolia R.I.P fisher 504 7th and 9th word
0 Replies

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