Man this world needs to get some better postmen,,
cuz i ain't recieved no cash,, no twentyz,, no ten,,
i think you broke now nigga,, you got nowt to spend,,
why you still trying,, you ain't got a friend,,
you think sleeping with my mom is the new trend?,,
your vagina rubbed against my mum too hard,, she still on the mend,,
you see,, i'm straight up top,, but like beckam your bent,,
when i'm with your mom,, no money is sent,,
but since your so poor i helped her pay the rent,,
the rest of my paper on her was spent,,
you see,, your mom paid me cuz i gave her pleasure,,
your dicks so small it's too hard to measure,,
you think i rap for money,, no it's for leisure,,
i kill you clean,, paramedics say its an overdose lyk Ledger,,
TNT had you killed the first time he rhymed,,
he wasn't like you - you just gay mimed,,
you think it was an accident?,, no ur death was timed,,
you'd think we'd be here if being dope was such a crime,,
haha your mommas so sour like lemon an lime,,
n ur dad gave me a secret note out back,,
he wanted me to do him,, to see what you lack,,
he told me when you were born he made you lick his crack,,
now u kno he's a paedophile so go back to black,,
you can't run away from me,, i got gadgets to track,,
tell ur mum 'no bum tonight' she's getting the sack,,
when you were born you came out wrong way round,,
but your mum wanted you to be safe n sound,,
cuz the nurse said 'its a girl'n ur mum got happy,,
she wouldn't have to change a small dicks nappy,,
but then you came out and there was a small crappy,,
n ur parents?,, yeah they were screamin with joy,,
and your daddy realised,, you were actually a boy,,
they gave you a dildo and you thought it was a toy,,
then told you to rap,, it was all just a ploy,,
when i hit,, you feel like your tied to a stake,,
why you still trying?, this pain you can't take,,
spit til u die n grab ur hair with a rake,,
stop living a lie,, do it for your own sake,,
in spitting,, its not what you do its what you make,,
you know,, after all this time,, i realise your fake,,
so back off and stick to watching prison break,,
look your relieved now,, i set you free,,
i'm cash loaded,, i make paper like a tree,,
TNT knows i won you,, so did he,,
u know you can't beat,, so why can't you see?,,
it's all about Me,, Blood To The G.!
Come On Charlie Boy,, You Know I Won That One..?