Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 06:30 am
flex i thort u were kool but u just a floozy
imma nigga with attitude and a thing for oozi's
ill blast u all ova able2know
and i no now
u be now feeling my flow
feeling my lines feeling my rhymes
now u listeing and im taken ur time
coz i no u reading this
and sayin his sick
imma 9mm suker
so suk my dik
imma private eye
ready 2 blaze any guy that comes in my way
itll all be ova b4 time u get 2 say gday
this forum is all whack
i cant be botherd rhyming ne more so ill turn my back
im heavy duty
rolling clean
u herd of me but neva seen
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 07:19 am
ok buck joe
stop with the faggot flow
stop runnin your mouth like a retard eatin
or a perverted teacher at a parents meetin
if your gunna make a rhyme make it real
cos atm your raps are paper mine are steel
yeah weve heard you but we aint seen you
y did u mention that you got sumthin to hide fool?
am not tryin to be cruel
just seems like your hidin somethin like you got a dick with no fuel
whats the matter cant you produce?
out your pathetic tiny little toosh
or have you not noticed that theres such things as girls
not just men who dress up for you in skirts and shiny pearls
in fact why should i bother writin more bout ya
you`l just choke and not write back so hahahahah .........HA
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 07:21 am

I'm in tha spot wit dem things if you sling rock
My thing cock an I'll pull it like a sling shot
n' let them shots blow, put a
shell in ya mouth like a taco
Buck suck a cock ho
I dont speak spanish
but I keep hammers
Got sumthin tha spit shout it
nigga Konflict bout it
You a coward you aint been in dem spots you
too sweet, you need ta take insulin shots, n'
I be in the kitchen alot, tha pot boilin
most of tha smokers on my block got orders in
We chop quarters then lock the corners down
I'm hotta than that STD thats goin round
what you some sorta clown? Buck Joey got jokes?
we know his nose brown so you know he gon choke
n' most dirty money bring germs, so if you
touch my cash you'll catch tha ringworms
n' I aint kin'cerned, unless its busness to
rock this necklace I gotta rock protective lenses
tha diamond karots, shine like crushed up
dinin glasses you
lyin bastard, Imma
savage when I reach fer mine the
gaige'a crack ya egg like its easter time

Sit down Buck -lol- Learn to spell Uzi before you come at me again..
kris thomas
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 07:28 am
Hi Buck,
wanna fuk?
It's your virginity i just took!
go read a book
if you can't read just look!
fukin pigeon u startin to cluck!
Now listen Buckjoe
u a waste of space just go!
Because these lyrics are beginnin to flow!
With the right Rhythm!
Ma home boys bein with em!
Buck your lyrics are stupid!
go rhyme whats cupid!
Go play with yo rubix!
Or watchin ya favourite programme Cubix!
You aint a virgin anymore because you just got broke in!
sometime by next week it's your cock you'll be strokin!
I bet if u saw a cat now u'd shag it?
I'm sick of swearin!
but i fukin have to the **** u wearin!
Fuk it i'm on my way!
so fuk you n have a nice day!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 07:37 am
Yo buckjoe, yea i just hatched!
But my lyrics just matched!
yo **** neck i just de-tached!
i'm layin bk steady n relaxed!
Listen buck kris was rite!
you just lost your virginity tonite!
I'm one of kris's homeboys!
go play with yo Tomy toys!
listen buck,
I'm captain hook
you peter pan!
Your sweatin u need a fan!
fuk it i got 1 from yo gran!
she looks similar to yo mam!
At least down below she does!
shaven haven all prickly with Fuz!
Fuk you man i live in a caravan!
i'm a pikey
so **** if u don't like me!
At least i admit **** i am cos i'm not ashamed!
I'm a Greyhound taken in and detained!
I was born and bred in russia!
at least i aint got thrush eh?
fuk it man although i was born a pikey and ready live!
I got a whole lot of that **** what i can give!
So fuk it i'm goin!
go bend over n keep yo ass showin
so the gay boys u lost your virginity to can just keep blowin!
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 07:45 am
hey hey! nice one greyhound
you took that bitch right down to the ground
his rap...man you washed it
you broke it up pissed on it and squashed it
and am about to do the same
i`l wank on his rap and make him feel ashamed
in fact i`d better not wank on his ****
because his virginity is gone and so is his spit
like i sed before nhes got a dick with no fuel
whilst me and psych greyhound and kris all hang like mules!
oh wel got to and have some fun
ive got an appointent with your mom at one
the next one i have is at two (appointment)
with your nana i`d better bring the ointment!
so i can rub her back with pure desire
next to her open warm fire
then we can suck,shag and ****
so eat this rap you asswipe BUCK!
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 07:46 am
hey hey! nice one greyhound
you took that bitch right down to the ground
his rap...man you washed it
you broke it up pissed on it and squashed it
and am about to do the same
i`l wank on his rap and make him feel ashamed
in fact i`d better not wank on his ****
because his virginity is gone and so is his spit
like i sed before nhes got a dick with no fuel
whilst me and psych greyhound and kris all hang like mules!
oh wel got to and have some fun
ive got an appointent with your mom at one
the next one i have is at two (appointment)
with your nana i`d better bring the ointment!
so i can rub her back with pure desire
next to her open warm fire
then we can suck,shag and ****
so eat this rap you asswipe BUCK!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 10:12 am
hey Puss -unit

I dont think you should run your mouth.

Last post that Puss-unit wrote was Bull-s-h-i-t
Any anyother post p-unit writes is Bull-**** 2
I told you ,,, you little f-u-c-k-in Monkey... Not to
F-u-c-k with me. But your like f-u-c-kin Roaches. You Wannna go to motha-F-u-c-kin War then so Be It. Cuase im gonna Rip P-Unit. Be F-U-C-KIN READY YOU FA-GG-ET A-S-S B-I-T-C-HS.
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 03:08 pm
did anyone get what this guy just writ
cos i didnt hear a word he spit
it was all just **** ass lines and jabber
in fact it wasnt spit it was all slaver!
ive never endersttod anything youv wrote
so write something new bitch and also i quote
that if you write somethin so pathetic agen
that your rappin career wil com to an end
this isnt my best rap i know that
its just to let u know that your a faggotrash Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 05:08 pm
Whats a matter a grave why no reply....

Now don't think I wont remeber//I am a never cooling ember//Forever for this board I will be a member// **** going back and forth on simply dissin//Can beat you while I'm pissin//You couldn't protect your life//When you grow up you be a housewife//We all know how big of a low life// you are and that you will never have a nightlife//Just sliced your gut with a knife//Didn't I did it hurt?//Blood splattered all of my shirt//Blood splattered all over your skirt//Im an expert// Looking on tv we find a mother ******* Amber alert//Never will I convert//While reading this your probly thinking about running your mouth and about to blurt//But know that you couldn't hurt a house fly//So mother ****** why?// why must you lie?//Why are you bi?//Know that when I die//I will have no ally//I will have stabbed all you bitches in the eye//There is no hope//You will not be able to cope// Nope nope//that aint it dog//I'm just at a jog//You trying to step up to this you going to get bit by this watchdog//shiat you diverted my attention//See what happens//You ran your mouth and got a detention//I can feel the tention//look at the attraction//Know that imma rip you till you learn to talk only what you can back up so ready... action//
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 05:24 pm
da genral or what eva, I keystyle you on msn, [email protected] or aim killa4ever4life... you aint got **** bitch
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 05:28 pm
They dont want it live...-lol- they dont want it live..
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 06:49 pm
lol you right flex
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 08:35 pm
ok flex here u go,
step back b4 i make u confusey
no1 undertands 1 word u say
u just chukin words up like there no more day
imma bomb this up like it veitnam
flex u a kid im a real man
hav u eva had a hot gun on ya waste
and blood on yya shoes
coz sum nigga sed the wrong thing 2 u
u aint bin thru wot i bin thru
12 shots locked and loaded ready for you
man 1 shot is not enuf
u atleast need an uzi 2 move me
1 shot u in ur toe i bet u feel woozy
u get ur style from eminem movies
but im still rollin
with complete control
ready 4 ne nigga
that wonts 2 take my role
ill fight
till the dust sets
imma fight u flex till this beef ends
man darn right u spread STD
ur penis so ugly
it hurts for u 2 pee
clean that **** up
ud probly drink 10 mans cum in a cup
ur the guy hu we robbed n stole
wen ppl see us they stop drop n roll
my words are like knives 2 ur brain
wen ur here my speech ur ears go insane
i need be detained
coz if i keep droppin bombs
U.S.A. be pushed outa there game
im the new comer
but ur scared 2 stand up
man ur scared just 2 raise a finger up
now im outtie thats that
right bak with one more of ya lame ass
non rhyming
bitch ass bull **** of a rhyme
coz man im here 2 hit ya bak
im 1st in line
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 08:37 pm
†°°°Kris°°°† says:
stay at home when ur mum want u to wash!
ur an orphan i live my life posh!
i could have never guessed i'm called kris!
I'm havin a piss on you so try not to diss
I havent got a problem with you not that i care!
i just like to see it when u choke n stare!
callin ur self an Emcee
U can't say **** against me!
you don't know me!
so why don't ya blow me!
You aint eva gonna be a homie!
So you may
as well say "Pick me up n throw me"
Faggit you can't do this **** live
Your bunkin out ur wantin to skive!
I know where you get your lines from!
itvs.org it's under goodle rap battle crap ur a girl at her prom!
Ur a transexual
i'm hetrisexual
It's this **** whats a complication!
I rap better than u n da nation!
Your out of date
your a maggit used as a fishes bait!
Just you wait!
I'm never late!
I'll get you tomorrow
When you lift your head whats full of sorrow
I can see yo fear!
I no that cos u just shed a tear!

<b>Josh says:
Lmfao bitch you want some of this tsk tsk</b>

†°°°Kris°°°† says:
i got all i need brotha,
I no tht cos i shagged yo motha!
†°°°Kris°°°† says:
the reason why u pissed me off is cos i complimented u n u threw it in me face!

<b>Josh says:
Its sad when you don't know when ya beat
Its sad when you have try to catch me off gaurd and cheat
Well here let me show you how its done, grab a seat</b>

†°°°Kris°°°† says:
I got my seat!
IT's your arse i'm ready to delete!

<b>Josh says:
Yo listen kris don't you try to battle me
It took you like ten minutes to type that rhyme to me
Your not all smart are you, your obsence
Man Its absurd
That you think you can spit it makes my world become blurrd
You question I answered
Your head I lowered
Its me you have angered
But you cant beat me, your chances are shattered
Now don't think your good
Because your still in your sainthood
I even think you can get beat by a peice of wood
so once you hit manhood
come talk to me maybe then you can spit
But for right now you should submit
Coz your outwitted, Unfit
The worlds I want to say couldnt transmit
So just admit
I got you beat</b>

†°°°Kris°°°† says:
Rite i got 1 fo your arse

Yo Mr Gymnastic,
your fake your made of plastic
Your goin solo or maybe Ecoustic
your **** lower your sound level i just reduced it!
Man i added you on msn it's me u neva recognize
Because your thick as **** i aint even in disguise!
U don't know what this is all about
you have to raise your voice n **** n shout!
do this on the site i'd have so many people!
They'd be scared of me realisin i'm lethal!
**** it where all Equal
i'm just evil
Now Josh i don't give a **** what you say!
I complimented u n u threw it away!
i'm goin
IT's nice to be knowin
Maybe 1 day we can be friends!
When u get your arse of defends!

<b>Josh says:
Man look at that **** your not even in my class
Don't even try bringing that to my ass
Coming onto my turf, if I was you I wouldn't trespass
You ******* Jackass
I don;t care if you complement me in MASS
Just listen to your rhymes they sound like blueGRASS
So here this is for you its a PASS
Its for you to get kicked in your ASS
Just like you did
Us being friends god forbid
Your just a kid
Maybe when you learn to back up what you say and get rid
Of what you think are good rhymes
What ever you bid, I'll outbid
Man look at this, you a waste of times

(His took six minutes, mine took three, =/)</b>

†°°°Kris°°°† says:
I just got Drinkin,
It got ma mind thinkin
IT's your mum's knickers i left stinkin!
your so shocked u even stopped blinkin
The look on your face is a funny expression!
Not the third mother ****** where on the second session
U got my attention full of aggression
you want me to demonstrate!
I'll hand u it on a plate!
I'm goin
Cos u can't keep the flow flowin
Make up ya mind
cos you fallin behind!
I'm making you blind!
U can't even write on the dotten line!
oudda ere dude!
Don't do anotha cos ur just bein rude!

<b>Josh says:
Man you need to make your rhymes tight
Maybe then you'll be able to win a fight
Maybe then you'll be a Knight
Maybe then you'lll be allright
But **** it , ignite
This fistfight
I'm out of your SIGHT
Go ahead and say Later
Reply Don't bother

The following message could not be delivered to all recipients:
Man you need to make your rhymes tight
Maybe then you'll be ab..
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 12:03 am
imma slash back with a gash
giv u a thrash
my religeon is kill
wen u see me u get a thrill
the hipnotics of my rhymes
shiver u all the way up ur spine
step by step i unleash my more
imma sinner with a killin instinct
gangsta 2 the core
im givin more
timing is all
wen u hear my flow
its all good 2 go
buck is my name
the feeling ov my joe sends u insane
i kane
wen u get hit my my roar
imma nigga fullstop
me and my krew are thugs galore
u wont more?
coz im spitting like theres no more
the game is wot i live for
live ir or die
ill deal u wiv my deadliest supply
i wont deny you of stepping up
but once this round ova
u be begging 2 give up
0 Replies
kris thomas
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 01:46 am
Reason I took so long twisted is the following:

1) i for friends on msn you havent!

2) i speak to me friends when i wrote that **** to you.

3) 3 mins longer while havin a conversation with friends n i still beat you

4) that last rap you didnt even do to me on msn so don't make 1 up.

5) Face itr i beat you!

6) I'm gettin a rap tongetha best 1 n e 1 will hear for ages so look out.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 02:44 pm

a-grave............ where you talking to me?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 06:26 pm
in general da general is the worst i ever heard
what, did i get to you, gettin mad but still spittin absurd
i got you sayin **** that dont even make sense
you see the twinkle in my eye? but never seen me you must be dense
this battle **** aint for you its just too intense
im playin the field while i got you facin the fence
and you dont wanna fuckk around i grip steel like a magnet
and i like my guns like my cars fully loaded and automatic
messin wit paradox chump ya better learn how to float
cuz its like you under water how you aint got no breath of hope
ya know they say that words dont hurt one bit
but i talk wit my hands one hit and drop quick
and once again why you only spittin a few lines
bring ya best bitch cuz i done dropped you a few times
and your right, buck joe is only one on your level but im not
i went to the ******* roof swear to god i aint hot
speakin otherwise better go talk to some other guys
cuz when you lose to a white guy wouldnt want it to be a suprise
damn i aint even gettin serious yet and you still cant stop me
retire now save yourself the hastle get a new hobby
hang up your keyboard better yet put it in the trash
cuz everthing you touch is more shitty than whats comin out ya ass
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Jan, 2005 06:28 pm
Ouch god damn thats nice para!
0 Replies

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