Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 07:29 am
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 08:21 am
So...you're admiting that the "P" in P Unit stands for pussy? I'm just tryina make sure Im hearin you right.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 08:22 am
my rhymes change yes they do
coz im mixing it up and expressing wot i live thru
coz im the infomous
totaly couraguoes
2 words 2 save em
spitting words in every
so complex
that i see the set thru the eyes of a human
but only wen u look u feel em
coz thug u just dislex
ur rap is **** get off my chest
just coz i beat u down with 1 simple line
so fine
that the print is skript
so quick u dont feel it hit
but ur dead
and playa u aint got no cred
ur the n00b off the street
living in a cardboard box just big enuf for ur feet
and dude im just being discret
so piss me off and u will feel buck rise 2 my feet
interlatigal rhythem
wen u feel the rhyme ur with em
the sarcism
that it wot rap is 2day
ur just a delay
in my simple rhyme
u dont stop me just pull me bak
all i got 2 say
is ur rhymes sound like the thing
coming out my ass crack
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 08:53 am
This Flex on dis bitch you want hits? Im the dude wit'em
I got'em sick, its like I spit flu symptoms I
do business put my feelins aside I'd neva quit spitin an
Konflict still is the squad, look,
Niggas that steal I give props if you done it so
fuck you if you got it I want it
alotta dudes out here trin buy chains n' killin they budget
I got big heat Im willin ta bust it
n' my steel's still by the stomach, dawg
carry guns holster free, real as a
youngin seen things I wasnt 'spose ta see
I was baggin up n' I dont mean groceries n'
I lost alotta my girls that was close to me
thats why I clap at, any cat aproachin me
You get scared n' spray in the air so stop boastin B
What I'm supposed to stop n' say that you nice? I
get you robbed every day, for the rest of ya life, I
guess I like dem rappers from the south, but I'd get
they teeth snatched out for that platnum in they mouth
I'm bout ta get a V-12 Benz, the sea shell, CL wit the
spreewell rims, n' niggas been rattin alot lately but
dawg its still crackin, cuz
niggas been clappin at cops lately
thats why I stay wit my gun loaded
act dumb? n' ya hat's where the gun'll get unloaded
So GET focused...
I'm done, Im gon sit back n watch you niggas freestlye now..put some more effort in it **** -lol- use the spell check or somethin, damn...

Kliq Konflict..
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 12:05 pm
Yo grey hound this is to you....

Sorry taking long to reply I just took a nap//Make me fall asleep was your rap//Bitch just woke up and I'm pushing ya bac'//You think you can rap but you can't thats a fac'//So just your mouth acting all tuff//Bitch you know you going to fail when it gets ruff//Thats why your hoping I fail//Coz If I fail you be happy like a faggot in jail//Don't even ******* start a reply//Your rhymes are a waste of time no need for a reply//So loose reminds me of your mom//Bitch tic toc tic toc you betta get ready thats the sound of the bomb//Run to your tomb//Make it easier lay down inside your herse//Because we all know you can't lay a single ******* verse//**** I ain't done there//We all know you got 'their'//Back but not like you can really do ****//Listen to go agaisnt me isn't smart//But I can tell your a tart'//Only thing that will kill me// Is me// But you ain't me now are you//I've been thorugh more **** than you//You couldn't even try to meet the **** I have to do//So sit back shut up before I fvck you up//That ain't a threat thats a promise//This ain't just a rhyme it is a diss//Whats that you starting to piss//Thought you actually had something to try and diss me with//I'm a myth//A ******* wordsmith//Che che check this word wizardry//Causing alot of envy//Got agaisnt me every//One in here seems like they anti//I know flex got my back, but for yall that must be creepy//
0 Replies
a grave
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 02:32 pm
hey greyhound on page 35
you rapped about me like i wasnt fukin alive
wel here i am bitch you got somethin to say?!
cos if you fukin have say it my way
you stupid pathetic weak minded twat
dirty unrhymin faggot rash wanksplat
first you rap about me like you numba 1
then u hav th cheek 2 say u didnt meen it then u sed me nd psych bum!
jesus christ you write rhymes like a nursery child
playin in the sandpit goin wild
you wanna rap battle me give it here
and al make a fukin joke of you then we`l see whos queer
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 02:43 pm
agrav stop runnin you mouth//You a loudmouth//From the east and south//Its twisted call you out'//Now know there is a reason why I named myself twisted//Its coz im wicked//this **** I spitted//its sacred//Cozing hatred in the hundred//Anything you say wont effect me//Maybe im crazy//but your raps couldn't make a BABY cry so maybe//You should learn to rap before you start to talky//Because you soon gonna get shotty//
0 Replies
Da GEneral
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 04:40 pm
BuckJoe wrote:
my tone is toxic
u under pressure
greyhound was just hacthed
and he coodnt reach the measure
of my lyrical bursts
they fire out like a elephants cum spurts (haha)
oooooh **** i make my self laugh
thats i sign yous 2 easy for my raps
ill try 2 rap like u
hi my name is matt
i have a cat
he sits on a mat
then chases a bat
see easy thats the only things i get from you
instead of actually putting the words
from ur life in you
and spitting every thing u got 2 make it thru
one more day
one more day living this life
of hatness
and ppl stomping ur bitch ass
then onlt thing gets u thru
is a couple of cones of grass
see peeps i actually live thru my lines
and i still beat u even wen im fukn blind
and hav a guard dog called joe
im buck
but hu really gives a fuk
Man , listen listen

all yall niggaz suck ,man look at ya ryhmes
MOstly all yall niggaz is usin da same line.
bet yall got some tight beats, but i make la turn blue
My niggaz what streats yall runnin i heard yall got curfues
0 Replies
Da GEneral
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 04:49 pm
Twisted beast
Twisted beats , i heard you could flow,but lookin at ya rhymes.Man it look s like you a ho.All dem flows you spit , I heard last week .After anybody sees you flow its gon be hard fo dem speak
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 05:45 pm
da GEneral huh damn you sound more like kernal sanders
this chicken bout to get torn up wit some lyrical slander
what you sayin is bogus i hope you know this and you sound blander
than an old lady on a voice box so just stop
ya not hot so why would you think you are
im suprised you made it this far
but i understand its not your fault your still not up to par
its messed up how this white guy can eat you
your probably shitin your pants im eager to meet you
just so i can have another chance cuz its so easy to beat you
give up, what im tryin to imply
go ahead kill yourself over this see if you can fly
hang yourself or jump from atop a buildin
but the fall is unnecesary cuz it'll be the bullets that kilt em
but damn whats up you cant write more than 4 lines
you need some material?i can ghost write for you some times
think about it cuz you seriously need some assistance
and dont come back talkin stupid cuz i handle business
i dont procrastinate im better than you no debate
yall skills cant even relate guess losin is part of ya fate
its so easy to beat you i just cant stop writin
and when im done ill have the whole net recitin
my lyrics like "damn look how he left that boy"
better not stick it out cuz i leave ya chest flat boy
forget this i aint wastin no more material im serious
anybody steppin to me better be fuckin delerious
0 Replies
momma g
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 06:54 pm
you rappas just ain't be knowin you tryn to battle but alls you be showin is you just can't be throwin yo lyrics around **** are you even sound is that 2 peice brain of yours still around damn i just be's jokin though had to let yall see how my lyrics flow no need to get angry yo holla back if ya good g's Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 09:17 pm
fuk general that rhyme u took from me was last week
your a low life cat who is piss weak
im lethal
your raps are only getting you a part
in the village people
my rhymes echoe
thru ya mind
so sublime
that ur ears ache
the hole earth starts 2 quake
wen my rhyme hits able 2 know
you shood be able 2 know
that buck joe
just flipped ur ass and told u were 2 go
think logic
think straight before you mess with top gear
coz im a 14 yr old hu cant stear
imma head first collision
ur lines so whack
how can u call ur self rhythem
ur totaly beggining
ur beging for a beating
one lift of my finger
and you be eating mu dust
imma bad boi
u a dirrty peice of crust
off ya daddys dick
imma real thug whos 2 damn equipt
for any of u bitch niggaz
im 1st a real winner
even this sloppy rhyme from me
make u a sinner
for ur bitch lame excuse
of what you call a line
i just put you in place
its bout fukn time
0 Replies
Da GEneral
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 10:58 pm
my niggaz yall sound corney as hell .lol damn
Buck joe,shut the fuk up.H-town nigga,with the flows ta mess you up,
My nigga u talk like you got s a title. ...... Wha title u got.
come to my hood ,with dem ryhmes best believe you'll get shot.my nigga lern ya place or should be told tha gul dat s got somin to say ,my ryhmes gonna put yo mouth on hold.

so all yall stand up
ima smoke me a bomb and light yall the **** up
0 Replies
Da GEneral
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 11:16 pm
paradox .let me battle yo b**tch as
paradox , HOw dare ya dumb ass come at me like dat . YOu betta ask Buck hoe what happen.lol

Watch this yall.
paradox, haha i can tell you sweat
i see dat twinkle in ya eye dat you shiveren frm feet.
paradox ,you dont know my game.
so think about it ........how did i mess buck ho up ,and all i did was spit flame.

4 real do.Buck joe is the only nigga on my level.
so parardick take yo and ya corny as ryhmes somewhere. the only reason i didnt cap on ya corny ass was cause u cant ryhme .
1 punk
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Da GEneral
Reply Sat 8 Jan, 2005 11:36 pm
mama g come on now
buck ho and paradox look at dem men.
Ima have you on dat bible.And if gods line is busy you might have to 2-way em.

i know i didnt wright that muck but yall suck
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 12:14 am
who tha fuk u think u r runnin yo mouth like that!
think bout wot u writing b4 u starting to chat!
fair point, paradox & buck joe DO suck badly
but u'd still probs let em suck on yo dik gladly

now i just thought that id get this off ma chest
cos i dnt cant do with no more weight, specially with the size of my breasts
now u can only tell another fuker that his rhymes are shite
if urs are better **** that throws a better fight
but dude, u really need to know
ur chattin's crap, its really fuckin low

now c'mon hit me back with ur nursery rhymes
cos we all hear **** like urs all the fukin time
now just wotch urself, cos ur gunna get chested
& beware bitch cos im double d breasted

general, last words, your lyrical ability's shat
i herd better chats from an aristocrat
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 12:25 am
general stop running ur mouth ****
u cant even rhyme
u had 2 say muck
just so u cood get 1 line
stop waisting all our fukn time
weve had enough of you talkin the ****
man u suck harder
than a 2 yr old with a lolli pop stick
fuk wit
ur nothing but a doll
i throw u round all day with my lyrical
i hav control
ova u fukn lil cat general
i bet ur the dam federals
you a lil snitch
ur the 1 every body stomps on lil bitch
concentrate on what im saying
your a lil ****
quite playing
and u aint got no hood
the only hood u got is ya mums moot
see u get it now no body likes u
take the exit
bitch beleive
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 12:26 am
some 1 better than me plz stand up and tell this mutha fukn **** general 2 shut the fuk up
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 05:42 am
I'd spray Greyhound wit a-pound, make
him lay down, I thought Grey was
straight at first, he lookin gay now
I frown when clowns come thinkin they
wearin the crown, swear they hard til
they **** get thumped around n' then
them niggas leave town, I came to this
forum for P Unit, to ride'em I
called it the
"T Movement", Twizted had me do it
Sorry niggas, but its just business
So fuck, Buck Joe too, nigga
no hard feelins
You really expected Flex to come
back with sexual healin's?
I'm still stealin niggas
got gats strapped to the ceilin, n' niggas
kneelin when they step to me cuz
they know I hold they future in
my palm, of what they rep could be
so catch feelins? You'll be wet
catchin the steal wit weapons
directed, at ya chest, neck and
ya grill so deal...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Jan, 2005 05:47 am
Da General you new n'
since Im fair, I'll give you a clue
Dont rhyme bout bein best n'
Flex wont even come after you
Did that cat steal rhymes? Naw you
could tell it was Da GEnerals, cuz
even little Buck Joe was killin you
the only nigga on ya level? You
must be on level one, cuz
Buck Joe couldnt revel if he
signed wit the devil son
You both bitches, talkin
**** n' chewin bubble gum
Yall asked for it I
smash forums niggas you spun.
You've been outdone...now
grab ya neon thongs n' run
"Yo why you do that Flex?!"
Bitch cuz its fun...
0 Replies

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