P-unit Special-J
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 05:37 pm
twisted reallyi dont care nigga cuz we dont need u i dont even really know you all the other members p - unit live like 10 min away we anet losin nothin and nigga you anet movin ahead man cuz ur not that good and ur cocky you flatter urself to mcuh peace dawg if wanna be that way its cool u were only in p-unit for a day and if u still wanna rap then u can get beat
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 06:09 pm
Nigga do I hafta remind you that I beat you down//I tore you down, and all around//You didn't stand a chance, confused what a bitch//Wanna even start with this you got no chance//have your knees shaking in once glance//you dont need me I see//Out of the group when I was in I was the beauty//you need me badly//cocky I don't think so negro//I just know what im worth//Its twisted at the rebirth//With your verses you need a hearse//In this game im the doctor and you da nurse//The more and more you go on you get worse//It was straight up love//Untill I seen what was above//That was a hard shove//But don't worry I'll get over and above//give me a glove// I'll take you out with one hand ight//Go ahead you allready told me you love to take other peoples verses so heres mine go rewrite//You aint got **** and thats downright // Your insight in this moonlight//See we were supose to unite/// But you changed it , you killed the love between us//I felt the coldness, in your words its endless//You mother ****** turned me heartless// Soon you'll be gutless//bringing a knife to this gun fight is twisted//But I have waited// You can't aim anyway , so your haunted//At a rapid rate, I rated//your came up and shielded, but now that shield has rusted//and bitch you busted//
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P-unit Special-J
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 06:23 pm
AlmostHeros41: boy u wana rap, you just scared, they call you the adolesent cuz you got no pubicak hairs,

PUnitSpecialJ: hahahaha
PUnitSpecialJ: ok
PUnitSpecialJ: u wanna go there
PUnitSpecialJ: arlight lets rap i can delay bitch now what you gonna say
PUnitSpecialJ: so rap nigga
PUnitSpecialJ: man hurry up i still got a party u know

AlmostHeros41: c- money in this place, bitch u wanna battle me thats like
billy chrystal up against scar face, runin this race like you think you gotta a chance, think you tough? theres chcolate pudding in your pants, and runnin down your leg, you tap a dick like a I tap a keg

PUnitSpecialJ: man you anet no tony your just a foney i am queben man but i am half white so you can call me rubben so you say i like that dick man wtf is this your sick and i like dessert and i like my girl and we flirt and **** i like to look at urs and i like her in a clear shirt and man why u already makin a comeback man ur like a talban from iraqi

AlmostHeros41: My rhymes are hot like the playboy bunny, who told you you could **** with c-dog mo money, why you laughin death is funny?, i own you, ****, i own your crew to, i hit the bitches, man ya dady blew you, speakin o gettin head, ive got your mom sellin pussy like milk and bread

PUnitSpecialJ: man your like the play bunny well you must be in the fagget section where all there noses are runny man and i fuckked you women like birds to the bees that make hunny and i like bread stop righting after what i said man i should just up dose my pill and start speed because this anet going no where and man your cheating this isnt fair but man you have no skill you dont care

AlmostHeros41: i guess likeing the bunny is a crime// but thats alright, cause your **** dont rhyme// atleast i be the one gettin some pussy// this rhyme is over, **** it, face it,ill run your ass down with my land rover

PUnitSpecialJ: man you wont get no pussy man you cus your a three year old wussy and it a crime liking the bunny when your face looks like your suckin lime and run me over like a rover man to actually have a chance you will need a 4 leaf clover

AlmostHeros41: fuckin maggot dissin the bunny// your rhymes suck, but there wicked funny// watch you defend yourself// it aint workin// but heres some advice you better stop jerkin// off to that goy porn// man your rhymes make you sound like you were imbred born

PUnitSpecialJ: i anet dissen the bunny and hell yah i jerk myself it makes my day sunny and i am and i look at lesbian porn man see that gay line is now torn man that must be the horn you redneck should go back to pickin corn

AlmostHeros41: ****, dog, your make no sense//you writtin like it happend// that shits past tense// you just go on like you know what your sayin// sorry to tell you but your better off playin// with yourself// because man, i killd you// give up rappin// find somethn new to do

PUnitSpecialJ: owwwwwww tense that brings so much suspense yah i still like playin man cuz the jeez keeps rollin and the milk farm keeps payin and you took a kill owwwwww ahhhhhhh that rhyme wasssssss sooooo ill man you beter wait till i am drop my bombmas you be runnin for a hole like sadammas my rhymes are faster then the dalilammas

PUnitSpecialJ: give up i will crush u so eazy cus ur ass is so weezy
AlmostHeros41: yo, we make up words now?// foshizzle my nizzle// i own you

Previous message was not received by AlmostHeros41 because of error: User AlmostHeros41 is not available.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 06:58 pm
i dont care a bout your new crew you betterr get ust to be dies in rell life cuz that is what battling some one is all a bout d issing pll iv alredey got 3 records and perform all the time i get dist all the time sux it up boy
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P-unit Special-J
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 07:27 pm
sb how am i suppose to know that you perform send me a pic of ur cd at PUniYSpecialJ on aim and also man you all take this so personal heres a rap

i really dont get yall, you all get so serious
you all get so furious
take a sec realease you anger
man cuz you all rap like this is the cliff hanger
we dont try to make it so cold
man rappens just the gangsta bible you like to hold
i dont set here thinkin how i am going to crush
man yah nigga i am lover my hearts like mush
so you can call me a queer
but with all this haten the end is near
man i dont want to offend you
man rappens not a issue that you attend to
this is a rap sent to you
so just when you all pull of a gig
man just have a good time with it its a sig
and also to you all make your own stuff dont rig

and twisted if you quit are crew and you dont care then why do you keep rappen about and why quit man but i just beat a grave and pysch and his crew man you dont know what your messin peace

pa pa pa p-unit and also man this isnt tight cuz all you do is diss us now so try to diss everyone or no one
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 07:43 pm
p unit special j
u went from writin nothin to writin too much, wot can a say
a couldn't even b arsed to read it, it was a whole page!
how long did that ************ take to spray
mind ya at least u still aint just writin ****
sayin hi to ur m8s and that, askin them how its bin
a mean in the world of rap battlin thats a cardinal sin
1st a sed write summit
now a need u to write less
jesus godamit
aint u getin yasel into a mess
at 1 point ya own homie told ya to quit and stop talkin nonsense
well a wouldn't go that far
a wanna here more from ya, no essays tho, bla bla bla
give me some bk
give me anythin bk infact
any1 have a go at me a dnt care, a need some competition in ma life
throw some abuse in ma direction, the names psych!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 07:50 pm
Who says I didn't care, you needa get better, why I give you guys tips on what to do, rfom what I see from you, you should just really sit abck and go to big time boards and see what you should be at sicne you think your the best
0 Replies
P-unit Special-J
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 08:35 pm
man psych i didnt go to far i only tell the truth man i won in the rap battle and i didnt lie i did what id did its done nice try man i wont lie you got skill but man its over tomrrow is another day
0 Replies
P-unit Special-J
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 08:43 pm
i am seroius though man what i say doesnt mean i dis like you i really dont know you all that well
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Dec, 2004 08:53 pm
aye yo P-unit dya hav a p-unit website dawg?
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a grave
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 05:58 am
omg is this a chatroom or a place 4 rap and flow
i swear more abuse has been heard on the trisha show
it might as well be a msn convo
hi,hows u,sorry got to go
you could at least try to make a rap
instead of makin conversations yak yak yak
since p-units come on this place
all weve had is those emoticon faces
am not dissin you P
am just sayin write a rap worth our eyes to see
your probably a good rapper we just dont know it
because you never even bother to show it
write somethin thats gud and quick
somethin that wil stick
in our minds and make us think of your quality
now think of you as poor and whitty
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 08:18 am
ok you wanna play this game a-grave
well tell ya mum she needs to shave
she looked like a fukin beaver
so i raped her and just left her to rot
you say u want summat to stick in you head
well pass me a gun and i'll shoot u in your head
u fukin inbread
im sure this will stick in ya head
give you a ******* migrane
dont fuk with me this is my game
and why u fukin with P
is it coz u got HIV
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 08:56 am
y aint no one reply
i spit it like it is i never lie
u cant compete with my comprehension
i say it real it seem like its 3-dimension
you raps are old
they have a ******* pension
0 Replies
P-unit Special-J
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 10:14 am
man its funny when i finally i anet so tense
you take some of your old raps and ammense
man well rappen about like you is a sixth sense
man you tryin to get on my back on this accasion
you fuckin cacuasion
man now you tryin to start a invasion
but your objective was a failure
man quit rappen be a salior
so hows you mom doin
man cuz after i took all her money she was left like a ruin
man i am like the rappen zorro
you will never know what i will drop tomorrow
man so just quit rappen and leave in sorrow
man you just like alittle kity
and bitch i dont need pity
from a person who has a dick thats ity bity
man now we in a rush
and now we are going to crush
and before i go thanks mush

pa pa pa p-unit
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Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 11:10 am
this is gonna be ma last verse
and i aint gonna show no mercey
you cant cope with these words
there like swords
you punks need to get a life
get a girl get wife
instead your on this site
spitting this shite
when i first came on i woz being polite
until P-Unit started diss
but i just left it until he started taking the piss
and P i dont want your muthafukin thanks
coz me n D.Ogg are the baddest fukin mancs
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 11:19 am
The time has come that I serve and you observe
You wanna challenge competition, you lack the nerve
I'm your destruction and come prior to ya, you gotta accept
And I be makin cash money, you a demo cassette
With a killer-like motive and a four-wheel drive
Keep you punks lined up, everyone will survive
I know you steal from other rappers like a rat on the hunt
Therefore your rhyme is just ? ? ? , so yo, don't front
D.Odogg n mush the undisputed power house on the scene
Representin 5th ward, not hollis, queens
But if you know we're from the country, crushin kamikazie
You ain't on my mission, break out, see I advise you
Break fool and terrorize everything in sight
And never scared to book em when you get uptight
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 11:24 am
D.Odogg, the rhyme performer performin a rhyme
I'm like the sun, muthafucka, now watch me shine
Spread light across the land, cause I'm the man
The original party rocker of an uptown jam
You know my style will never fade, you punks get slayed
I'm intendin to rock, there's money to be made
The undisputed rap pro keepin you on the go
Purchase, go buy a ticket to see my show
Because I made a lot of cash, we took you fast
But now you're jockin the dogg and I don't need your dumb ass
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 01:26 pm
you jus a stupid ass mr. bean
this is where the black guy gets shot in this movie scene
you dont wanna battle me
im the baddest white ass MC
im fifteen years old, yeah thats right
o did i foret to mension im also white
you've had 1 good rhyme
but now its my time,
its my time to shine
this is where the curtains close
so im gonna kick it to 1 ov my neroes

(no offense)

much respect
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 01:55 pm
im gonna break this off wiv summin a lil simple
coz my rhymes dawg thr gettin abit mental
lemme tell u a lil summin about me
i wanna learn, **** i wanna go university
but u see these rhymes come to me when im class
thts wen i hav to tell the teacher to kiss my ass
u say ur sum bad ass nigga
well lets see whos bad wen I pull the trigga
you wont be so tough wen i put a gun 2 ur head
coz u n i know tht any second your gonna be dead
aye cuz be careful goin down the street
coz thrs always a bitch who wants to put u under concrete
so this raps gonna end soon
so peace out u bent ass spoon
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Jan, 2005 03:57 pm
ok white boy coming through
expression on your face like you aint gotta clue
im gonna make sure i rule this site
and guess what nigga im white
gonna make history like rapper delight
i keep seeing the same old ****
P-unit always on the page no doubt
but P you aint got nothing to rap about
what the **** have you ever done
actually what rap battle have you ever won
nobody likes you, you might aswell go
and dress up as a tranny and go on the jerry springer show
your songs belong in a panto
i get more insulted watching the tom and jerry show

so if you like the way i rap come and have a proper battle
i'll bring my warriors you bring your cattle
i'll mentally destroy you and take my pain out on you at the same time
what you gonna call the cops
my lyrics are like bombs but it aint no crime
ive had enough of beating pussy's
who dont give there all
so **** it i'll make them feel 2 foot tall
punk,did your mother bake you
coz im gonna make it sure i break you
go back to school learn a new trick
coz wot you got now is just ******* pathetic
0 Replies

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