Downloadable Content
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 09:13 pm
Lol true dudes. Funny bro. Not even a youtube channel. Link me you're album. I don't wanna be a rapper. Like **** that ****. I just do this **** for fun. I dont take this **** serious like you guys.
Im just a kid in college who likes rap music and know enough about it to write some raps. Don't call me a wanna be hip hop faggot when you have 11 followers on soundcloud.
I am a rational person and understand being a rapper aint gonna happen for me or any of you guys on here. You people are way to ******* up tight. Chill. Im just trying to write some stuff on here. Not that serious like you guys making it.
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 09:15 pm
appreciate it maaan
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 09:16 pm
@Downloadable Content,
thanks for motivating me even more

and understand being a rapper aint gonna happen for me or any of you guys on here

we will see about that

trust me
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 09:16 pm
np homie

love you lmao
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 09:21 pm
@Downloadable Content,
ya know people like you gimme that drive TO become something

11 followers ? ahahhahahhah like a give ****

I hand out my cds to people, for no profit

I take it serious cause its my lifestyle

sure ya rational, that's cool, so are we

don't come on here talkin **** like your some big shot, when your jus some white nerd behind a computer screen prolly jackin it as we speak in ya dorm room

trueeee duuuuudes for sure mothafuckaaa Wink

but your still a hip hop faggot, with 0 people following your ass

**** you couldn't get your own shadow to follow you

being a rapper aint gonna happen for you because you don't got the drive us DUDES on here have

but hollla back at me SON

Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 09:27 pm
theres NOTHING, absolutely nothing anyone can do or say to stop the drive that I/we have for hip hop

**** the fame, im in it for respect and just bein known as a "dope rapper/mc" so to speak

so what that fag **** just said makes me want it even more

im even more hungry

"downloadable content" is a whack cat
he can suck my motherfuckin balls
while fiingerin his ass crack

Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 09:47 pm
@Downloadable Content,
God ******* dammit

1. "Fast shooter"
2. Considering you added words in it isn't a reversal ask prof how you do a reversal dumbass
3. LOL how the **** you get to college?
4. No matter how many lines a flat drawing like a parallelogram is one dimensional
5. LOL funny you talk about originality not even using your own lines I came off the dome for those
6. I find it funny you had no idea what multis were till I fucked you up with that scheme a couple verses ago then copied the same scheme and act like you know your ****

You don't fool me
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 09:50 pm
Ooooo ****

Lol how the **** you get to college? Ahahaha
0 Replies
Downloadable Content
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 10:16 pm
I'm surpised you stuck around fighting off a calorie fix,
and brought some gay generic bullshit to battle me with,
but actually bitch, the facts'll be this, reality hits, you happily spit, raggedy scripts from your nasal cavity which gives a vaginal pitch for your fagotty lisp,
with that said, explain what the **** your strategy is?
Cuz trust me I respect you're a gangster little guy,
Tell them how you feel inside
Just look into this killers lines and thank Jesus that you're still alive.
Like come on bro what the **** you talking bout? You ain't no elite fighter.
You wouldn't bust a spark on top a cheap lighter
You're not a deep writer, You're every weak biter I beat in a street cyhper
So **** you, you're vocab, you're sentences, and word play,
You got less presence/(presents) than that fat bitch precious on her birthday.
You not designed to write the street **** that gets you kinda hype
Cuz you just talking out you're ass. And guess where the **** you find his mic.
Downloadable Content
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 10:21 pm
This kid is my buddy and hes sucks ass and hes got more following than you will ever have. Shits sad that you think anyone would ever bump any of your **** when tons of people play the role better than you do. You're the "Look at me I'm such a thug that writes aggressive lyrics that don't mean ****". You're blinded to the truth.
Downloadable Content
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 10:30 pm
BTW like I said I'm not some ******* big shot rapper. Just a college kid who likes rap who just has fun rapping ****. Thats it. You guys get to fuckin butt hurt. Bambino You act like you're some respectable/Dope MC when I guarantee without a doubt if you put Holla on youtube you wouldn't not get good feedback. Just being real
0 Replies
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 10:42 pm
@Downloadable Content,
your spittin weak **** out ya mouth
whats this faggoty lisp you talk about?
i keep sayin the truth
but you keep hatin it
and i don't have to explain ****
speakin of presents
im poppin out of yours with a clinch fist on chirstmas
sayin IM a weak biter? bitch you're the one who bit swizz
you cant handle when im rippin this
you can say i gon be nothin
but im constipated, i don't give ****
a little bitch, im warnin you
i beat the **** outta YOU
and the idiots in ya dorm room
i was born rude, and according to you my mic is in my ass?
well i like that, cause i spit this doo doo
and i drop on you dude
got ya in a trance, doin voo doo
imma sick pig, you tastin the swine?
this is my last time im writin a verse and wastin my time
yeah ya heard the last one
i would say **** your vocab and and sentences and word play too
put you simply have none
and I DID stick around for a calorie fix
but theres nothing fresh in ya verse so im cookin YOU then
by the way, good luck gettin outta the body bag i just got done puttin you in
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 10:46 pm
@Downloadable Content,
its actually jokes brotha

and if you don't get the fact that its just jokes and you don't understand the tone of my voice in my tracks, then you're just close minded as **** and don't even have a remotely open mind

and im not gonna click on ya youtube link, if ya really want my mixtape

i can send ya one, and ya can keep hatin it, i love that, i love more motivation

so keeeeep it up

i think your gonna be the one butt hurt when you come to the realization your speakin out of your ass "bro"

people that understand hip hop know that what im sayin in my lyrics are jokes

and i make it pretty fuckin clear, don't understand that?

that's your fault not mine, and im not gonna worry about

i know the people that feel my ****, but i just happened to stumble over an ego stroking hater

Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 11:01 pm
oh yeah and BTW

i aint tryna to make anyone else happy

im doin what makes me happy, so i honestly give no fucks if ya think i wont get good feedback

0 Replies
Downloadable Content
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 11:32 pm
You know what its time you face the music
You're just a cocky as prick whos no ones hearing, Call it acoustic
Thinking you gone make it is just lame and stupid
Cuz you shoot **** no one loves, like anti-cupid
So why invest you're profits in something that dents you're pockets
You say you spit hot ****- I just call it hot air
I heard you're voice over a beat. There was nothing there
No lines or concepts coming out this wiggers jaw
Got me wondering what the **** you ever spit it for
Or do this **** at all, Don't even hit record
Get fucked with your mic stand while you swallow your mixing board
I know you're type I've dealt with this kind of prick before
Go get some Dutch's and stop at a ******* liquor store
I had you're soundcloud songs lined up
But I kept drifting off to watch fly's **** until my eyes shut
I mean you be spitting lines of a random variety, undeniably
Wrote in his diary and don't even apply to me.
You a joke to be hopefully no one called Christian Children's Fund yet,
You can help starving kids locally.

Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 11:36 pm
@Downloadable Content,
I just spent 10 seconds laughing at the stupidity in your verse

I'm sorry I normally don't treat other mcs like this

But you whack. And are not an mc

I don't jus do this for fun

Idiotic lyrics by the way ahahah
Downloadable Content
Reply Fri 18 Jan, 2013 11:52 pm
And I'm glad you do what makes you happy. ******* do you man. Don't act like you're some ******* real rapper in here though. Cuz in my opinion your just putting on a show and trying to be another one of those people who spits stupid aggressive **** in order to get attention. Call it a joke or w/e but thats just me. You have no real content. I just respect MCs who try to tell a story with meaning and I dont see you doing that. Just an opinion bro.
And I'm not claiming to be an MC. Just a kid rapping for fun. This **** aint that serious so calm the **** down. Also **** you for saying my lyrics are idiotic. ******* go hug your porcupines then bitch Cuz thats some intelligent ****.
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2013 12:06 am
@Downloadable Content,
Thaaanks homie Smile

I appreciate it.

Got my pourcipines. Oh and hay thanks for listening to the track

I appreciate that tooo. Have a good life brotha
0 Replies
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2013 12:12 am
@Downloadable Content,
Anddd I honestly don't need your respect
0 Replies
Downloadable Content
Reply Sat 19 Jan, 2013 02:49 am
Can you guys tell me how you feel about this **** I just wrote. Any critiques would be appreciated. Thanks,

Rappers rap about guns but weren't percieving the threat
Today the flaws are apparant, now the feelings regret
But that ain't a shared feeling with the people I've met.
Me calling guns a threat is enough to get him upset.
He say guns don't kill people. That gives me chills
They allow anyone to take lives of others at will
Are those the values we want to instill?
Having our kids growning up either kill or be killed.
As for the solution I'd say its transcendent,
Don't think Jesus is agreeing with that second amendment.
So its time for action there's no time for talk.
Before the next mother's kid gets traced in chalk.
Cause **** is serious, delirious how this day came about
Our guns or our Children, Which do we dare live without.
But the choice is unclear because of the logic of fear
Thinking that a gun is the only thing keeping peace around here
But take a look around here more people being shot every year
Its time to do something for the future, the choice is now clear
Because a life without guns is a life without fear.


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