Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 07:16 am
Oh **** your right? Wtf?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 09:30 am
Why would prof beat the **** out of me in person? Unless he wants to go to jail again, he wouldn't put a beat down on someone who's 13, not even out of 7th grade. He'd go to jail for 2-5 years! That'll give him plenty of time to write raps...
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 10:39 am
Exactly that's the point HE DOESN'T GIVE A **** he spent a half hour trying to get an address from a random guy online who was talking shut just so he could beat him up he's done similar things to **** talkers on here don't question a person you don't know
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 10:58 am
blah blah blah blah blah

wrathe - im miles over ya head , and whitey is trying to tell u reality , i give a **** if your thirteen , ur loose with your lip an will be treated as such , u think I magically couldnt pull u off the street , tie you up and wet towel ur face ,pump u full of meds and leave you unconcious and bleeding in some ditch .... REALITY CHECK u wouldnt even be able to describe to the popo my face or name after ... u wanna threaten me with police ....

SUCK MY DICK BITCH saying i never taught you **** or explained **** to you ugggghhh deerrrrrrrr , u r a retard

azzkeeka- u get raped everytime on this site - learn ya ******* role

and if your from canada then we can obviously meet and see how quick u tuck tail ... lil bitch ass dick rider

claiming I never taught you **** - ur actually that stupid , u take the trickle down info from my ballsack u pussy

PS theres always room to grow , just not here were your minds are stagnant ... ive said this b4 ... and considering I can guaruntee I have the most raps written across the neverending rap battle forums , and you never post up anymore lol quit stunting

whitey - quote unquote u tried to do a lil aesop on that 1

muthafucka aesop is a great artist -so ur saying ur trying to do his style
but dont have the same skill level , and honestly I live in canada and can flip styles but still have my own , ur the excuse king

bambi - A- ive bin to the states and i know more about it then you guys take the time to know AGENDA 21 and all that shiit

I als0 have lots of boys in the states , moving back to canada cause the states is getting so whack so keep chirping

and B- do u remember how good you thought u were on this site when u first came on it ??? and how I SCHOOLED YOU ???

C- do you see what is actually being said , u can say ur not doing ems style , but i can point out everytime you do it still , even when trying not to ,dont get me wrong bambs , u have great recordings and the productions make ur flow sound great cause there just like eminem it radiates in ur flow

DARKNOVA - u have bin wanting to do that since i had read my flip verse on tiny and I remember distinctly the time you said u were going to try to do that to!!!!

u want reality - im about to ******* SLAP YOU

i've coddled you for too long , its time for you to think for yourselves , and get off the mob mentality

if you dont get the clue THERES NOT ENOUGH COMPETITION , most the **** people here say is RECYCLED

like me dont like me , I DONT GIVE A ****

im so honest about **** your feelings are getting hurt , boohoo grow some skin and fight back ...

if it was'nt true to any degree you'd sluff it off , like it never happened

the fact that its under ur skin , means uv had these thoughts and are to afraid to face um

ta da

honestly think for yourselves ... can u contribute something to the world , not just rape it by reusing fake **** ????

ps- if you didnt understand why i wont post here anymore , then u need to check ya ego , u should know i always have a stack of fresh writtens , i have entire songs recorded I will not release

bambi as for you dude - I have stated b4 an i know youve heard me say this

anyones got an issue , then put up a track - i'll go toe to toe track versus track , freestyle, written , in person ... dont act like i havent offered !!!

u all realize that its pretty bad when I have to explain to you how u got beat in ur verses and the double entendres , its like jay z trying to explain to wocka flocka how to write a rap song

its all charlie brown to you guys- wa wa wa wa wah

as per usual - go eat another rappers rhymebook an see how sweet the fruit of there labours taste !!!!

Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 11:12 am

for those who still know what that means

whens the last time something you wrote represented that???

I've never bin in it for money , cause I already could have taken a bunch

I make beats for free

and give lessons for free

i've had people attempt to pay me and i give them back there money

I know what im in it for ... do you ???
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 12:23 pm
true true..

i got a question though.. nad this isnt meant to be cocky

how good were you at the age 16? are you telling me you didnt have someone elses style at that age?

cause you're in your mid twenties and have been in the game waaay longer than any of us. YOU'VE HAD TIME TO CREATE YOUR OWN STYLE man

and as of right now, im trying my best to think of an original style, and writing about **** i see and what happens around me

but before you go and say all of us are biting styles, think of what you were at a young age, and what you were when you first started getting the grip on writing/freestyling.

of course you have your own style, you've had so many years to develop one

thats my word. i know what im capable of. i know what i can do. but for you to be in your twenties tellin us then we need to develop our own style at a young age isnt a bad thing but it takes time.

and to be quite honest right now. ill tell you the ONLY good lyrcists that have recently bin writing on here. prof, whitey, drew, ills and me.

and im not letting my 'ego' get in the way, i can control my ego, i own up to **** and admit when im wrong

but think prof, you've taken the time to create your style, and ill admit the track you sent me on facebook, it was awesome because i couldnt compare you to another artist because it was just profesor

just hear me out homie
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 12:26 pm
they tell me take life at a full stride
but that it makes me up TIGHT
puttin up a fight, but WHY?
are we okay? are we alright?
are we gonna make it? are we gon die?
who knows these answers?
maybe these pastors?
maybe we rappers are just rappers
why do they judge us?
is it easy to bust nuts?
is it easy for um to **** wit us? (build up)
is it cause they way we dress?
is because the way we act?
do they think we maniacs?
do they think these hatred acts, get to us?
its rediculous, cause we just
pick you fuckas up, slam ya in the dust
and keep stumpin on ya skulls
till ya spittin blood up (end build up)
its fucked up
cussin it up as a young buck
walkin around like tough stuff
not in no rush i can take the time
long as keep the grind
keep spittin and not wastin lines
these motherfuckers need to taste the rhymes that i pocess
im not here to save the game but **** im not impressed
till the shotty hits the chest (build up)
till im outta fuckin breath
that'll be the death of my game
but im definatley on top of it
lotta rappers dont even know how to spit
they jusst rap and brag about the cocky ****
i get so pissed, i could mosh a bitch
and who knows, where we go after life
maybe ill end up in H E dbl hockey sticks
but that nonsense, i spit fluent like nas did (end build up)
callin me a wanabee em, im a stan, i've lossed it
HA, there was a line, and you definatley crossed it
just cause im from la crosse wisconsin
i cant be an mc? that simply sickening (build up)
but i dont let it get to me
cause i could blow half you half ass rappers outta the h2o if ya step to me
its definatley, on cause ya crampin my stylin like ya dressin me
im the whole pharmacy and yeah i got the medicine dude
because i could be sick with, syphilous everything under the sun bitch
and STILL could spit better than you, and its on now
and you goin down, you just rain pourin down
fallin from cloud nine and you still high
as 20 fuckin kites in the night sky
thats the only way you sound fly behind a mic (end build up)
nah **** that half you swag fags sound like sped losers
jumpin around lookin like meth users
and im itchin to get at ya, you little bitches are gassed up
in all honesty, imma keep chasin this dream to be an mc cause thats what i wanna be
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 12:39 pm
Inspiration my friend not biting I know I'm not Aesop I did a song to his beat and tried to get into a deeper hidden meaning like he does
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 12:56 pm
bambs - ur not gonna like my answer but yes I did have my own style at 15 to be honest , i came out the gates that way

u want proof go look at my earlier scripts on neverending rap battle and furthermore , I also have stuff on spontaneous poems , which is my actual original style that is unmatched

im original

funny thing is with you , I only used you as an example , i actually wasnt chastising you

the whole age thing is void to me , because in all honesty I was battling an rapping with people that were in there 30s when i was 15-16 and still outdoing them

freestyles and in writtens

yes ive improved but i always have had a great foundation

there is certain u can get better at with practice and theres other skills we are just blessed with

words, knowledge and recognizing patterns has always bin among my strong suits

your strong suits are flow, recognizing what the masses want and beats

I never hated on your beats

I have never said u cant flow

I have never said ur good at working a crowd

this is where we seperate , I know how to work the crowd , and i choose to not just attempt to make people happy an laugh , but also feel and think ,and open there eyes to other possibilities , in hopes they will develop the ability themselves and pass along the "knowledge"

its like this to me - i have a friend who gets lots a sluts and has a couple kids and keeps doing the same thing , but the sex is meaningless there is no connection

I have had a woman in my life which i truely adore and built a relationship with and gave her amazing orgasms , an did research how to make her feel amazing cause i cared so much , and honestly love to make her smile as much as i enjoyed having sex, and being the shoulder she could cry on

in lamens, you can **** a thousand girls but you'll never feel anything near the same pleasure as truely loving someone ...

quality over quantity

my friend is hollow inside an tries to drink away his sorrows , I still love the woman of my dreams , however im not dating her anymore , instead of being a lump of sad ,I truely enjoy every thought i have of her , even when its sadness because it means I truely do love her

Real Recognizes Real- and out of anyone ,bambs I know u know that !!!
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 01:01 pm
whitey - I understand inspiration - ive worked with the same beat before it literally is one of my favorite songs

but you don't realize that aesop has so much meaning in his words, and i mean that in the sense he does multi meaning phrases ... an purposely goes out of his way to not sound like anyone , so that when you try to do something like someone who is trying to himself be abstract

then your not respecting what he's doing ur emulating , flattering as that may be , the point is missed on you

and PS - aesop and el-p make music that u cant hear everything that is being played unless ur on drugs .... and im actually dead pan serious ,,, so though u may feel u have the jist of what is being said the full point is not clear to you ...

and i mean this in a sincere fashion nick
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 01:11 pm
and yea - I crossed the line jesus christ , i think youve lost ur mind , im an asshole but your on some holy **** ... ur not stan ur a fan holding obie's dick
cause you dont stand for **** or too **** , u biiiitch .... dogg who u think ur ******* with ? pucker lips and suck some piss, toilet flushed pucker fish ,u have no drive need to change ya tran an quit tucking dick in ur fuckin clit .ive had enough a this succubus

why do i dumb it down , cause none of you will take the time to research the words I could use ...

drew may- cause he writes with a dictionary

0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 01:18 pm
and homie as a tip you'll keep chasing your dream because "its not what you wannabe" its what you are !!!

0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 01:24 pm
I have never said u are not good at working a crowd*

i wrote this all pretty quick , dont misinterpret the spelling error's
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 02:19 pm
I know that I've read up on that actually and I have listened to daylight at least 100+ times and am still trying to grasp the full meaning of all the words
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 02:36 pm
But in the end in not trying to bite styles because nobody can truly mimick every persona of a persons style I have my own style ill admit its inspired by pieces of many artists but I don't mimick one persons style
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 02:36 pm
nick come to calgary do some hallucigens and you'll get it first time through

may nott be able to explain it but you'll get it Wink
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 02:36 pm
Yes this is true but i got the idea first tri ninth grade and joined here third tri dude uve gotta understand we all dont just all of a sudden have it uv been rappin for years same with all yall ive been rappin since may 2011 learned about rap 2010 december uve been rappin for alot longer i mean **** dawg id be on tiny in a heart beat if i new wat time im on even at school but u guys arent i really want to be good at this i want help im trying as ******* hard as i can i finally learned to free sum what i get on this site everyday even when grounded my computer or not i dont always post and i cant even tell difrence between styles i just go with wat cums to my head and i mean yes i can tell between like wayne and tech but cant tell wat style im using plus everyting we do EVERYTHING is takin no matter wat u think uve made its been done already thats just the way it is **** everyting ive said has prolly been done before and one more thing im going to grow i was hoping it was going to be wit u and mbk but u made it pretty damn clear u dont care for any of us **** id fight u in person and i no ud kill me i dont just sit back even when challenged by u or any one else i write but just dont post i go back and revise but any way if i cant even trust mbk my home a way from home then **** peace out to all **** it
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 02:58 pm
Bitten lines from stephan hawkins vs albert einstien
0 Replies
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 03:00 pm
Oh dawg thats fuckin great gettin the fuckin shaft again
Reply Mon 17 Dec, 2012 03:10 pm
And one more thing i ******* want this i hack my dads computer and brokin in to his office to get on tiny i also took my moms fone and downloaded the app to get on i record my peices of **** songs with my wii blaring music off of utube out my tv and a shitty laptop mic i bought a $40 camera to make that cypher video u wanted i fuckin want this i just cant fuckin understand how u dont want us

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