oh darky talkin about fighting.....i laugh cause your a wussy
i'll make you exit the world the same way you came in....your moms pussy
so dark...your melting...i'm rock soild..i'm made to be
funny how your whole verse doesnt relate to me
my message i wanted to give to you was delayed you see
you see dark i dont like you
cause you want to be like drew
you and wrathe are both faggots
layin in the same mattress
i'll leave your dead bodies...get eatin by maggots
knock you out with a god made hook
time to take something out of your playbook
your parents are disappointed...your a complete failure
kill your dad....bend your mom over and nail her
**** you and the after life
i'm goin after mic
because i'm ******* better
crazy enough to say **** THE PROFESSOR
your parents got a letter....nova was killed in action
they smiled and laughed haha you wanted a sad reaction
but take time to flip this verse...take a relaxin
so when something good hits you...jump back in
no dis respect to prof
explain:: this **** is long take you time i explai every damn line
oh darky talkin about fighting.....i laugh cause your a wussy
i remember a day on tinychat me prof whitey and dark were talkin about fighting....and dark was talkin about some kid in school and he jacked him..i laughed because it was a lie...so i think??
i'll make you exit the world the same way you came in....your moms pussy
you know how it goes....birth...make him leave...same way he came in
so dark...your melting...i'm rock soild..i'm made to be
your melting....your running out of ideas..your stopping
i'm rock soild....i can go on for another 1000 pages
funny how your whole verse doesnt relate to me
**** about my father made no sense at all...and basically your calling yourself a queer and a lame, that first bar second line....because your beating me...so you think
my message i wanted to give to you was delayed you see
i wanted to battle you a long time ago...because..i dont know...i just didnt like the fact that you think you got better..i mean you might have..but i dont really see it...
you see dark i dont like you
cause you want to be like drew
my own thing here.....nothing really
you and wrathe are both faggots
layin on the same mattress
i'll leave your dead bodies...get eatin by maggots
i dont like wrath so i tried to include him..so this was the best way i could bring him up...you two being gay in the bed....on the same mattress...sleeping together...leave your dead bodies...i'll kill you and leave you there to rot...eatin by maggots.....i watch to much ****..i know what i'm talkin about
knock you out with a god made hook
time to take something out of your playbook
knock him out with the hand of god...powerful...kill him....take something out of you own playbook...is described in the next bar...him always talkin about fuckin someone in the ass or stickin something up someones ass..so i fliped it on him
your parents are disappointed...your a complete failure
when he said he'll put me to the test.....his parents are disappointed because he failed my test..get it.....hes a complete failure...get it
kill your dad....bend your mom over and nail her
this is his own playbook...plain and simple...I FUCKED YOUR MOM IN THE ASS
**** you and the after life
i'm goin after mic
long ago he wanted to start a rap group and i PM'ed him and said it should be called the afterlife...and he agreed when he said he cracked the afterlife...thats were i said you know what i dont care **** you and the AFTERLIFE...i'm goin after MIC...MICHAEL...aka prof.....i said i'm goin after him because he is like a rap god..and hes #1 on this planet...maybe #2 lol because my man whitey.
because i'm ******* better
crazy enough to say **** THE PROFESSOR
basically i'm saying **** the other rappers i know i'm better..and i said **** the professor because hes on top...nothing against you prof i love you homie lol
your parents got a letter....nova was killed in action
they smiled and laughed haha you wanted a sad reaction
but take time to flip this verse...take a relaxin
so when something good hits you...jump back in
back to the disappointed line...his parents dont care if hes dead..KILLED IN ACTION...getting into a war with me,,,sad reaction...when hes traped on the earth when he died...he thought his parents would be sad.....take a relaxin....think of some ****...breath..inhale, exhale.... calm down alittle...jump back in....i read a post he put quoting the 8 mile line yo yo dude cashed his check and bought one hoho..so i decided to REFERENCE it.....you know when eminem was batting lotto and said dont come back intill something dope hits you...that where the idea of my last line came from.....dont write back to me...intill something crazy hits you mind...
lmao i explain everything